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At a quick glance I didn't see anything recent on this topic - I've asked 3 people to write me LORs, one from outside the CSD department and two from within. The recommender from outside the department submitted her LOR in October, but the other two have yet to submit their LORs. My first deadline is coming up on December 15th with CSDCAS and it's a blue deadline, meaning (I think) that at least two LORs must be submitted by the deadline - currently I haven't got that. How can I politely remind my recommenders that I need their letters? This is the only school I'm applying to with CSDCAS, and it's by far the most expensive application-wise, and I really don't want to give them $200+ if I'm going to be disqualified due to my LORs not being in on time. Advice? I want to believe the two CSD professors know how it goes, but I'm a bit concerned. And I'm out of school (and the country) so I can't exactly stop into office hours - email is my only form of communication.

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Hi! If I were in your psosition, I would not be shy to ask the writers about their letters and remng them of the deadline. To be polite, I would say the deadline is dec 15 and if they think they can do it by then... And I would tell them I really want to apply to that specific school and would be disqualified without the letters. This is a busy time for so many people, end of semsters ad all, so just bring back the letters to the top of your prfessors priority! Also ask them if they need any more. Make their life easier by offerng any help needed to come up with the letters... Internet links, where they have to send it, etc... Don't be shy! This is your future!

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i'm sure that my professors potentially saw through this excuse, but when i had to remind one of my recommenders i basically wrote something along the lines of asking if they had received all the email requests because another of my letter writers had lost some of the emails to their spam filter, and then gently adding 'i believe X's deadline is on the 15th so let me know if you haven't received that one and i can resend it.'

if they did see through it, they replied very promptly and politely to assure me they were writing the letter and they had just been very busy from end of term stuff, so i don't think they took any offense either way! but i don't think there is anything wrong with being more explicit as long as it's done politely as Marie80 suggests  :) 

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I was just looking for advice on this subject because I am in the exact same position! I've been so nervous about asking again, but I know I need to. Thank you for the encouragement!

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Just in case anyone's struggling with this, I did in fact email one of the professors, who kindly thanked me for the reminder and reassured me that she'll make the deadline. Don't be afraid to check in with your recommenders!

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