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James Franco got into Yale's PhD program??

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If his short story writing is any indication, I don't think I'd want to see his SOP:


I particularly like this line: "The building is beige, but the shadows make it shadow-color." Ah yes, shadow-color. So... grey?

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Somehow I doubt we'd be competing with Mr. Franco for a tenure-track position a few years out. But I suppose if the acting thing doesn't work out for him, he'd have teaching to fall back on...

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Ok first-- is he funded? Because that would really piss me off.

Second... can I audit is first year comp class? That would be interesting...

I somehow doubt that he would be teaching a comp course. Can you imagine how many freshmen girls would be killing each other to get into it?

Second--I am almost positive that he does not have to pay. Fame also brings press, and I know (although a slightly different circumstance)the year after Prince William entered St. Andrew's their application numbers jumped like 300%. I am sure someone out there will want to go to Yale because he is going there.

Whoever posted the fiction piece by him--thank you, that made my day. I am a little miffed that some of my friends already think getting an English PhD is a piece of cake. Now that they let Franco in, it just affirms their skewed belief. Oh James Franco, you are rendering my career choice ridiculous in the eyes of non-lit majors.

Edited by w2010
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I somehow doubt that he would be teaching a comp course. Can you imagine how many freshmen girls would be killing each other to get into it?

Second--I am almost positive that he does not have to pay. Fame also brings press, and I know (although a slightly different circumstance)the year after Prince William entered St. Andrew's their application numbers jumped like 300%. I am sure someone out there will want to go to Yale because he is going there.

Whoever posted the fiction piece by him--thank you, that made my day. I am a little miffed that some of my friends already think getting an English PhD is a piece of cake. Now that they let Franco in, it just affirms their skewed belief. Oh James Franco, you are rendering my career choice ridiculous in the eyes of non-lit majors.

True, it may spike for undergrad. I, however, will be reconsidering Yale next year. I am now not so sure they should be on this list. Although I'm sure I would feel differently about it if he attended Yale before he got famous (i.e. Duchovny, who is actually a highly intelligent human being, and got most of his schooling in his pre-Hollywood era).

I get fame and power opening doors for undergrad (see George W.), but for a PhD program?? I mean, REALLY Yale. I'm SO disappointed.

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This might be incredibly naive, but I can't imagine Yale accepting James Franco just because he is James Franco. UCLA or USC maybe, but Yale? Come on. Imagine the AdCom meeting: "OMG OMG I want to be on his thesis committee!" "I LOVED him in Tristan and Isolde!" "Well, I wrote a paper about the construction, deconstruction, and subversion of queer/religious binaries in Milk..."

I can imagine, though, that life must be pretty awesome for people with enough money to hire private tutors for the GRE and GRE Lit, professional editors for their writing sample, etc etc. Oh, the infinite benefits of being wealthy... :-P

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well... just because he's famous, doesn't mean he's not qualified. (just to be clear, i'm not a fan — have never actually watched anything with him in it besides a 30 rock episode) just think we should give him (and yale) the benefit of the doubt.

i certainly don't envy him the level of scrutiny and skepticism he'll be getting if he actually attends. : )

in any case, a very interesting career choice for a young, famous actor..

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Well - maybe his critical writing is better than his fiction. I mean, he got into the English program, not the MFA program in Creative Writing...

For MY part, I wonder if he's going to concentrate on medieval, or 20th century studies? lolol

It is discouraging, though. If he really WANTS to change course and do something besides acting, that's great, more power to him. I'm sure he'd make a fascinating and poised lecturer/ professor. But if I am still seeing him in big-budget films in a decade or so, I'll be sad for the folks who didn't get that slot to achieve their dreams.

I think I'll just imagine he's had enough of the acting gig and really WANTS to immerse himself in medieval romance tradition, Celtic literature, and the origins of the Tristan legend. :)

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Well - maybe his critical writing is better than his fiction. I mean, he got into the English program, not the MFA program in Creative Writing...

For MY part, I wonder if he's going to concentrate on medieval, or 20th century studies? lolol

It is discouraging, though. If he really WANTS to change course and do something besides acting, that's great, more power to him. I'm sure he'd make a fascinating and poised lecturer/ professor. But if I am still seeing him in big-budget films in a decade or so, I'll be sad for the folks who didn't get that slot to achieve their dreams.

I think I'll just imagine he's had enough of the acting gig and really WANTS to immerse himself in medieval romance tradition, Celtic literature, and the origins of the Tristan legend. :)

I don't know about that.

He's currently enrolled in two MFA programs (at the same time) - and from some candid shots - sleeping through both. He's also planning to enroll in two programs at the same time for his PhD.

Only a "star" can do that at Yale and get away with it. Us regular folk aren't even allowed to keep a separate part-time job in addition to our fellowship. And I can bet you a lot of money I don't have that we won't see him teaching anywhere, or writing scholarly papers, or presenting at conferences.

Even the Yale Daily News is mocking the entire thing.

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I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I got rejected all around and have to apply again next year so I'm annoyed at someone who may or may not have gotten in based on his ability to bring publicity (though we don't know about that). On the other hand, I want to be supportive of anyone who chooses to pursue an intellectual life, especially people that we don't normally think of as doing that. But again, I read that he just sends his assistant to classes for him, so what's the point?

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I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I got rejected all around and have to apply again next year so I'm annoyed at someone who may or may not have gotten in based on his ability to bring publicity (though we don't know about that). On the other hand, I want to be supportive of anyone who chooses to pursue an intellectual life, especially people that we don't normally think of as doing that. But again, I read that he just sends his assistant to classes for him, so what's the point?

I'm all for pursuing an intellectual life. But if that was truly the case, he would dedicate himself to ONE program, take a hiatus from movies, and really devote himself to the whole kit and caboodle. On the other hand, when his publicist is claiming that he'll be pursuing an additional degree at another school, while still making movies, it means that the whole thing is a load of bull. That's one whole spot this year that a SERIOUS scholar could have gotten, not one that generates "I love you" catcalls during the Master's Tea.

And if he sends his assistant to classes as claimed - ugh. Bad enough if he's in class and asleep. An assistant - ugh ugh ugh. And if his fiction is anything to go by, I'm sorry, but that's not exactly what I would think as Yale material. Personally it stings worse since I loved Yale's English program and really really wanted to go there. Now I'm not so sure. If a program that I REALLY looked up to will degrade its scholarship to accept a movie star with no serious scholarly investment, what's the point in going there?

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Franco CV

MFA Creative Writing -- new descriptive abilities: shadowed beige building = shadow-colored building

MFA Film Studies -- starred in many movies


I think his application would get lost in the 700+ Yale received, fame or no. So, I figure he didn't even do the official application like the rest of those who applied (I didn't btw, just disillusioned by what pop fame gets you even in academia). You can tell me he was more qualified or a "better fit" than everyone else who applied, but I won't believe you--excuse me while I take a bit of a nap.

The literary journal I work for may or may not have gotten a terrible fiction short story from Corey Haim, but his story certainly isn't in our next issue.

Edited by Bumblebee9
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Somebody mentioned he's doing two PhDs - is he pursuing them both at the same institution? Isn't it against academic policy (not to mention all-but-impossible logistically) to pursue two PhDs simultaneously at two different institutions?

And ultimately, if he is getting funding, he CAN'T be pursuing two PhDs at two different institutions, so if that's the case and anyone finds out, raise a stink. Funding is contingent on the university's exclusive right to your brain during the course of your studies - conflict of interests, and so forth. That's why people with fellowships aren't supposed to hold down jobs; in some cases (not all, but some), if it is a particularly prestigious fellowship, and you have a job aside from that, they can revoke it and send you packing.

And he's sending his ASSISTANT to classes for him? WTF? What is the point of the degree, then? And aside from that, how does he expect anyone to take him seriously as an academic? It's his assistant everyone's going to consider the scholar, right? lol

I would love to think he really means it. I'm going to keep on deluding myself that no university would take him just because he's James Franco, and why on earth Yale of all places would so do - unless he donated an endowment or something - is beyond me: after all, Yale is the Alma Mater of some of the single most famous and influential people in history. He's a good actor, but certainly not on the top ten of all time list, or at least not yet.

I'm with y'all - I'd LOVE to see his application and SOP.:P

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If his short story writing is any indication, I don't think I'd want to see his SOP:


I particularly like this line: "The building is beige, but the shadows make it shadow-color." Ah yes, shadow-color. So... grey?

Bwahahaha. My existence has just been rejustified (and I'm not talkin' about margins).

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