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Summer plans before staring school

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I haven't thought of any summer plans yet, aside from working up 'till a week before I leave to grad school. My boss tells me I need to get a replacement too. :(

But I think I'll just continue driving around this lovely community I'm living in right now. I'll be carless in grad school, so I'll definitely be driving my car as much as I can!

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I will be working working working until maybe 3 weeks before school starts. trying to save some money for school. Then i will be moving, packing, and stressing to move two states away. I Have never been out of state for school and never been more than 2 cities away from my family so I am freaking out a little and also having to leave my bf of 5 years behind is not helping one bit. I think I might just try to spend tons of time with them and enjoy my summer before school starts. maybe get a leg up and start reading the books for my class. no vacation because I am trying to save money.

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i'm going to a particular country in latin america for two months of this summer and i am hoping to work with a scholar from the country in hu's organization. i'm hoping to advance my spanish-speaking skills as well as get more familiar with the region and the subject matter that the organization is focused on. i hope to integrate as much as i can from my time and experience there into whatever projects i end up committing to in my phd program. i'm really excited to be going!

i don't have an epic move (i made my epic move at the end of last summer from the midwest to nyc) so i will just have to settle back into my apartment when i get back from latin america.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quitting work in 2 weeks and then taking 2 summer classes until early July. After that I'll have about 6 weeks until I have to move for grad school, during this time I'll visit my parents, go to Maine for a weekend with my husband, and be a housewife for the first time in my life.:P

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So June is turning out to be a scary month! During the first two weeks of the month, I'll be finishing two online classes -- Statistics and Business Applications of Calculus -- and also starting a month-long course in Econometrics (ends June 30). Gazoinks! blink.gif

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I plan to work at the restaurant until July or August, and start looking for apartments in my new city about a month before I quit. The money situation makes me nervous: I have to be able to pay rent and student loans for whatever time is left between getting my job and getting that first stipend check. I'm thinking about doing an emergency deferment for at least one or two months in order to bridge the gap.

Other plans include finishing fun reading, being outside, playing Red Dead Redemption, exercising more and starting the reading for next year. I'll be signing up for a class winter term that involves reading Clarissa, which is one of the longest novels in the English language. Need to get a head start!

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I am moving into my new place at the end of this month after I graduate, I can't wait to have a whole house to myself and not have to deal with my awful roommates anymore. I plan on getting a small dog and hanging out at the beach every day, catching up on my reading and hanging out with my new cohort. It will be a very relaxing summer and I'm looking forward to it.

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