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Coronavirus and academic job hiring for 20-21


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On 4/20/2020 at 3:51 PM, joshw4288 said:

Lot of hiring freezes, reneging of offers/contracts, furloughs, salary reductions, and I've heard of at least one SLAC closing up shop. 


If you aren't worried and thinking about non-academic alternatives, you should be. 


Hello, thank you for posting this link. 

I think I already replied to an earlier post that had the same link to state that it is not entirely accurate. 

For example, it shows that some universities sent out emails and cancelled positions, but I certainly did not get such as email from those schools, and in fact, when I contacted the university, they said the buildings are literally closed and they would have an update for me once they re-opened. 

Another university shows that an interview was cancelled, but again, I was interviewed by the very same university, virtually!

Another university just posted a brand new job this week!

And yet another! 

I applied to both. 

So, once again, I would have to take that list with a grain of salt...

I think it may be better to actually look at the individual university websites and see if new jobs have been posted, and if they are, then apply away!! 


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On 4/20/2020 at 7:13 PM, purplepepper said:

I think we are now all aware of that google doc, and have been bombarded in facebook feeds and otherwise with news of hiring freezes and furloughs. It would be nice if the thread can at least stay positive (any success in the market or ideas on how to move past it?) instead of being another forum for alarmism and fear mongering--there are just too many of those, no matter how "right" it might be. 

Hello, and thank you for this post.

I agree 100% that we should at least stay positive. 

To answer your questions, success in the market and ideas to move past the crisis can be achieved as follows: 1) waiting it out, which means we are essentially in a waiting game; and 2) continue to publish in the mean time, so that the chances of landing an interview are adequate.  

Anyone have any other thoughts and suggestions? 

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On 4/30/2020 at 4:03 AM, PthenT said:

Let it be heard, I remain positive for the future of academic AND other careers, even if it does take a bit of time to get back to normal (hopefully even better - but that's a push)

Hello and thank you for this post. 

I commend you for remaining positive in these uncertain times, as difficult as it may be. 

I had a discussion with someone and we both agree that when things start to normalize, and it looks like they will normalize soon as social distancing measures are being lifted slowly...there will be a temporary surge of jobs either re-posted or newly posted.  

I am beginning to see that already happening. This week, several new jobs were posted in my field in which I applied to two that seemed to be a really good fit!!

In the next month or so, I am anticipating another interview God-willing, perhaps virtually if I have all my cards properly aligned. 

Don't give up and hang in there...we can do this!!

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Hello, I just wanted to provide an update: 

Despite the glaring website notice that "XXX university has implemented a hiring freeze", I was contacted yesterday for a virtual campus visit that consists of research/teaching demonstration and additional interview. 

I am confused about this contradiction, but still super excited, and praying that it goes well!!


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On 5/9/2020 at 10:36 AM, Faith786 said:

Hello, I just wanted to provide an update: 

Despite the glaring website notice that "XXX university has implemented a hiring freeze", I was contacted yesterday for a virtual campus visit that consists of research/teaching demonstration and additional interview. 

I am confused about this contradiction, but still super excited, and praying that it goes well!!


That's wonderful news! Congrats and good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Update: Folks, the virtual campus visit was awesome. I literally have never had faculty joking and laughing with me during interviews, and saying things like bring it on; so it was super pleasant. They gave a lot of positive hints. They also said that they will submit their recommendation next week to management but said they have no control over the process after management has it, and asked me to please be patient. I am anticipating an offer in two to six weeks and will keep you posted about how it goes...the last campus visit that I had in Pennsylvania back in March was also awesome but unfortunately I learned the university management had cancelled the position due to Covid19, so the offer never materialized.  I am on Cloud 9 at the moment and haven't been able to sleep for the past few days from my excitement!!! I really wish you all the best for successful and happy interview experiences, too!! ?

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