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Fall 2021 MS Data Science/ Analytics/ CSw/ML - Profile Eval + School Suggestions

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(Please consider scrolling to the bottom for some of my concerns. I suffer from anxiety and I know I'm needlessly stressed, but any pointers are immensely helpful.)

Student Type: International Asian (Brown) Female

Undergrad: Small university known in academic circles

Major: Computer Science (might complete my math minor next sem)

GPA: 3.91/4.0 (Major GPA 3.94/4)

Relevant Courses:  Calc 1, Multivariable Calculus (2&3 combined), Linear Algebra, Probability & Stats, Intro to ML, Advanced ML, independent study (somewhat of a research project, basically assisting a professor) focused on ML. A's in all except calc 1. I'll be completing a Capstone Project in privacy-preserving ML and an intensive math course on data science in the fall and a stat inference course in the Spring. A's in all other CS/math courses except for 2 systems courses.

GRE: Taking it next month, hoping for a 166+ in Q, 160+ V


The independent study project I assisted on would have resulted in a paper but COVID delayed things terribly. I'm going to continue some work on it if possible over the next few months maybe send it to a conference. If I contribute to the literature during the capstone project I get to convert it into a thesis the sem after that, hopefully get it published (though I doubt that as of now)

Work Experience/ Projects:

  • 3 coursework projects using deep learning (are coursework projects given any emphasis?)
  • Data viz/ analysis intern briefly at a GIS lab
  • Data analysis intern in the marketing division of an investment firm/bank
  • Couldn't intern this summer so personally working on mini-projects to integrate prescriptive analytics/ operations research concepts into the DS pipeline (do personal projects matter? I know they help for jobs but not sure about masters)

Not too relevant but also: TA for 2 semesters (maybe 3), interned at a consulting firm and was in charge for all the data collection/ scraping for a project with basic analysis using Excel

Letters of Recommendation: 2 (hopefully) strong who I've known well and worked with extensively (one of them was a professor at a top 5 CS school in the US), 1 moderate-strong who will write good things but I haven't worked with them as much

Possible programs: MS Data Science; MS Analytics (only those with freedom to take computation-heavy courses); MS CS with a concentration/ specialization in ML (course/project based not research based, or professional programs) (I think I should crosspost this in CS?)

Possible (REACH) schools I may apply to (not all): UPenn (MSE DS), CMU (MCDS), Northeastern (MSDS); professional masters in CS with ML track programs perhaps at UIUC, UW Madison, UCI, UToronto (MScAC), Cornell MEng; Georgia Tech (MS Analytics)

Concerns: I know I have good stats and can get my foot in the door but I'm worried because I don't have significant work experience which seems to be important for some DS/ Analytics/ professional MS programs. Though I do have experience with DS related stuff (I decided early I wanted to get into it), I don't have "proper" research experience/ papers either, which seems to be a hurdle for traditional MS programs, even if course-based. I don't know what to emphasize besides some coursework projects and some limited experience outside school. I am confused where I have a better chance - DS/Analytics or CS, which is why programs with a good mix like Penn or CMU are super appealing.

Need suggestions for: Finding good safety/ moderate range options, either for professional/course-based MSCS with ML, or MSDS with computation heavy courses/ freedom to take electives. There are plenty of good analytics options but given that I have studied CS and even ML, paying $5k+ to take intro courses isn't too appealing (one exception is the GaTech course that has business courses alongside a computational track). For example, UW MSDS and Columbia MSDS have lots of stuff I've already studied. On contacting Northwestern's MSiA program they said they may or may not waive the Intro to Python/Java requirement, which is ridiculous. Freedom to take electives would be great. I am open to Canada as well, though I'm not sure yet.

Also - I am somewhat concerned with brand names because I may move elsewhere after the STEM OPT visa, though it isn't a top priority. If you know about programs in the UC system that fit and are within reach, those might give me the best brand/quality/buck ratio, besides GaTech, though I would prefer being in California.

I am interested in getting into the industry but I'm not restricting myself to just tech, retail/marketing/consulting with good DS departments would be fun too, so some business courses are also welcome though not a dealbreaker. Freedom to take electives from Industrial Eng/OR/MS would be nice.

Edited by colourcodedcandy
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First of all, you don't have to be anxious or stressed out. I read your post. You seem to be concerned about a lot of things. I am not able to answer many of your very technical questions. But trust me there is no need to be worried about any of these things. Try to relax and enjoy your senior year! Do not let the pressure get to you. Have a social life, have fun, and talk to your friends (especially when you feel low or are stressed out).

Here is another fact that may soothe you: most students applying to masters or phd programs in statistics don't have nearly as much experience as you do. You have done great work and should be proud of your achievements! Master programs are often less selective than PhD programs. Your profile has far exceeded requirements of many programs out there. I'm sure that you will get into some of the places on your list. 

Finally, good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

@DanielWarlock Thank you for the kind words and assurance. I think the stress is worse because of poor opportunities in my home country and the uncertainty around US visas (and of course, Covid). But it was helpful to hear this from someone else, thank you for reading through.

Edited by colourcodedcandy
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