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when to take prerequsities, low gpa

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Hello! I am a Usask Psych grad who is applying to SLP programs. I originally wanted to pursue a career in counselling psychology, so I am missing prerequisites for many programs in Canada. I have applied to McGill and Dalhousie so far and I am missing linguistics courses for these universities. I was wondering if it matters whether I take them in the winter or fall? It would be nice to not have to pay for these courses and put int he work if I am not sure if I will get in. However, I have heard that universities like to see your prerequisites when reviewing your application so it may be an advantage.

For reference, I have a 3.7 GPA and I got around the 90th percentile on the GRE. Are there any other schools you would reccomend applying to, considering my GPA is on the low side? I also wrote an honours thesis, I have lots of volunteer experience as well as work experience with the elderly, children with autism and in a non-profit setting.

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I know U of A specifically said they prefer candidates to have completed pre-reqs, but one in progress in the Winter is usually fine. And I think you'd be a good shot for U of A :) Did you already take the CASPer test? You need that for both McGill and U of A.


Also, I'd love to hear your tips on the GRE!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/4/2020 at 7:45 AM, Marciiiiiiiiiiiii said:

Hello! I am a Usask Psych grad who is applying to SLP programs. I originally wanted to pursue a career in counselling psychology, so I am missing prerequisites for many programs in Canada. I have applied to McGill and Dalhousie so far and I am missing linguistics courses for these universities. I was wondering if it matters whether I take them in the winter or fall? It would be nice to not have to pay for these courses and put int he work if I am not sure if I will get in. However, I have heard that universities like to see your prerequisites when reviewing your application so it may be an advantage.

For reference, I have a 3.7 GPA and I got around the 90th percentile on the GRE. Are there any other schools you would reccomend applying to, considering my GPA is on the low side? I also wrote an honours thesis, I have lots of volunteer experience as well as work experience with the elderly, children with autism and in a non-profit setting.

Hi there! I'm currently an SLP student at McGill! I didn't take my Statistics requirement until my very last term (so the winter term of my application year). I was still accepted, but from off of the waitlist, so there is a possibility that they didn't consider my application until my requirements were finished. However, they will definitely still consider your application even if you haven't yet fulfilled all the requirements at the time of your application! I would inquire with them just in case, but that was my situation! :) 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/4/2020 at 5:45 AM, Marciiiiiiiiiiiii said:

Hello! I am a Usask Psych grad who is applying to SLP programs. I originally wanted to pursue a career in counselling psychology, so I am missing prerequisites for many programs in Canada. I have applied to McGill and Dalhousie so far and I am missing linguistics courses for these universities. I was wondering if it matters whether I take them in the winter or fall? It would be nice to not have to pay for these courses and put int he work if I am not sure if I will get in. However, I have heard that universities like to see your prerequisites when reviewing your application so it may be an advantage.

For reference, I have a 3.7 GPA and I got around the 90th percentile on the GRE. Are there any other schools you would reccomend applying to, considering my GPA is on the low side? I also wrote an honours thesis, I have lots of volunteer experience as well as work experience with the elderly, children with autism and in a non-profit setting.

Hi! When I applied, I had several courses that I hadn't started yet at the time of my application but was able to note when I would have them done by. I was still accepted, I just had to send proof later on before the start of the program that they were completed. However, I know a few people currently in my program with me that did not have their pre-requisite courses completed before their application, and they got rejected the first time. So in other words, you could probably take them later, but its best to take them earlier to increase your chances. I think it is definitely an advantage. It also depends on the school you are applying to (I applied to U of A so can only speak to my own experience). 

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