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Which universities do I apply to? (Low grades in undergraduate degree)


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Hi everyone, hope you all are well.
I'm in a sort of precarious situation. I want to apply for MS in CS but I'm not sure which universities I should apply to. 
Here's the deal: I'm from India and I did my double major undergraduate (from a top tier uni FWIW) in mathematics and electronics and scored a 6.95/10. 
My grades in electronics courses are pathetic but math courses are fine. After working for two years in the industry, I want to get into a university that will help me get into a research program eventually possibly using my pure maths experience. Thankfully my GRE is alright q: 170, v: 160, awa: 4. And sadly no research experience other than an exploratory pure maths undergrad thesis. 
I have already thought of the following unis: Stony Brook, Rutgers, UM Amherst, NYU, UF, U of Virginia, NCSU and UT Dallas. Except UTD and possibly UF, you can see that all are sort of ambitious universities. If you have personal experience with any college, or any suggestions please write it down, it will be really helpful!

The deadlines are fast approaching and any help is very appreciated! 

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