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Fulbright 2011-2012


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yes, but I fully support this behavior. haha. is it just my phone or did that other italy person erase his info?

I don't see anything for Italy. Whomever is on the East coast will have the advantage though. I am in Southern Cali so I'll be last.

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From a fellow neurotic South Africa applicant--thank you for sending the email :)

My pleasure! I feel bad emailing him (I sent him an email last Monday too), but as Loli said, they have to know something. Do they get an email from the SA committee and then make the mailer? I would've thought (hoped) to at least have a timeline...

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I see...sorry I thought you were a fellow Norway applicant! Good luck on your application to Italy!

I have been dying to check my mail since I saw your post this morning and I just got home and saw the letter. I am an alternate as well. Ugh. I emailed Rachel to ask what number I am on the list because that will definitely effect my upcoming plans for the summer. I am guessing she won't respond?

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I have been dying to check my mail since I saw your post this morning and I just got home and saw the letter. I am an alternate as well. Ugh. I emailed Rachel to ask what number I am on the list because that will definitely effect my upcoming plans for the summer. I am guessing she won't respond?

Ok, I must have accidentally replied to the wrong post. Sorry! This was supposed to be in response to Norway2011.

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Has anyone heard anything from Jonathan Akeley or is he avoiding all of the phone calls and emails from finalists? It's starting to get frustrating that other people seem to be able to get in touch with their program managers and we can't...

I sent him an email several weeks ago asking about Australia, and he said applications are typically sent out mid-April, but that there is no definitive time as to when they will be sent out this year. The spreadsheet from last year said the people for Australia had found out by this time, but I'm starting to wonder if that was an error in the spreadsheet...

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Are people still not able to access the spreadsheet w/o entering their Gmail? If so, here's the link w/o having to do that:


You can still request to have it shared with your personal email ... but I wasn't sure why I was getting so many requests ...

Congrats on everyone who has heard! Now schedule those physical exams!

Edited by crimsonengineer87
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I have been dying to check my mail since I saw your post this morning and I just got home and saw the letter. I am an alternate as well. Ugh. I emailed Rachel to ask what number I am on the list because that will definitely effect my upcoming plans for the summer. I am guessing she won't respond?

I'm in the same situation. I don't know if I will contact my program manager yet to ask. Do they just expect people to sit around all day for months and let other things pass them by?

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Ok, I must have accidentally replied to the wrong post. Sorry! This was supposed to be in response to Norway2011.

Hi Karl Johan! Looks like we are in the same boat! Alternates... well at least we did not get flat out no's but I am a little worried that there are 3 alternates on this thread.... The chances of 3 principal grant offers being turned down does not seem too high, not to be a pessimist. I also emailed Rachel asking about which alternate I am, and she did not answer, and I am guessing she will not either, which I think is a little unfortunate as the number I am in line will have a large impact on what I decide to do for next year...

Sigh! Let me know if you hear anything! I would at least like to know HOW MANY alternates there are.. if there are three alone on this thread we can assume there, there are probably a couple more... hmmm.

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Has anyone heard anything from Jonathan Akeley or is he avoiding all of the phone calls and emails from finalists? It's starting to get frustrating that other people seem to be able to get in touch with their program managers and we can't...

*sigh* I've been lurking around this forum since about December, but I didn't feel compelled to post until now. I e-mailed Jonathan once I found out I was a finalist for an ETA in Taiwan to inquire as to whether or not I would be informed of the receipt of my transcript... no response. Later, I called to try to get in touch with him, but I was just directed to his e-mail again. I got a response when I had to change my address, but it was very short and general (along the lines of, "Got your information.").

I do feel that he has been less helpful than the other regional advisors based upon the reports from fellow posters on the board. Maybe it's something that can be addressed by those who end up being accepted within the Asian region.

I know there's at least one other Taiwan applicant on the board... how are you holding up? Notifications were received on March 18 last year, so I've sort of given up on any hope of relying on that as an indicator. I'm sure it varies every year for each country depending upon sepcific circumstances... but I know we were all hoping it would be the same as last year.

Good luck to everyone.

Edited by 黑兔子
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Hi all,

I just emailed Cara Doble to ask about when Central Asia should find out (in my case Tajikistan). I just found out about an hour ago I was accepted into Teach for America's 2011 Corps, so I need to make a decision soon! Hopefully, I will hear back soon, and I will let you all know what she says. Congrats to all of you for getting this far along in the process. Hang in there! :)

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JP-89, where in Jersey are you from? I'm at Rutgers-New Brunswick and I just got my acceptance letter today too! Congratulations!!

I'm also from Rutgers-NB! I was in the Chinese and Russian departments, but I graduated a semester early. Congrats to you too!

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Hi all,

I just emailed Cara Doble to ask about when Central Asia should find out (in my case Tajikistan). I just found out about an hour ago I was accepted into Teach for America's 2011 Corps, so I need to make a decision soon! Hopefully, I will hear back soon, and I will let you all know what she says. Congrats to all of you for getting this far along in the process. Hang in there! :)

Thanks for this, please let us know!

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Has anyone heard anything from Jonathan Akeley or is he avoiding all of the phone calls and emails from finalists? It's starting to get frustrating that other people seem to be able to get in touch with their program managers and we can't...

I have also tried calling and emailing him twice over the last two weeks. Nothing still. It's annoying.

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*sigh* I've been lurking around this forum since about December, but I didn't feel compelled to post until now. I e-mailed Jonathan once I found out I was a finalist for an ETA in Taiwan to inquire as to whether or not I would be informed of the receipt of my transcript... no response. Later, I called to try to get in touch with him, but I was just directed to his e-mail again. I got a response when I had to change my address, but it was very short and general (along the lines of, "Got your information.").

I do feel that he has been less helpful than the other regional advisors based upon the reports from fellow posters on the board. Maybe it's something that can be addressed by those who end up being accepted within the Asian region.

I know there's at least one other Taiwan applicant on the board... how are you holding up? Notifications were received on March 18 last year, so I've sort of given up on any hope of relying on that as an indicator. I'm sure it varies every year for each country depending upon sepcific circumstances... but I know we were all hoping it would be the same as last year.

Good luck to everyone.

Hello fellow Taiwan lurker! I saw your post and decided it was time for me to add something to the discussion.

I'm not sure about the time last year being March 18th--it looks to me on the spreadsheet that it was around April 18th last year. One thing that gives me hope is it looks like a lot of the countries in the East Asia region got back to the students on a similar timescale (as in within a couple of days of each other). I'm hoping since some of the Korea ETA folks are hearing right now, this may bode well for us hearing in the next couple days.

Regardless, I have gotten through to Jonathan--I wanted to check and see what I could find out so I could tell my PI when I was going to know if I'd be leaving the country in the summer. Jon emailed back (this morning) saying that there was no way of knowing when the Taiwan letters would go out but offered me that they typically go out around mid-April.

I hope this helps, good luck staying in a low stress conformation and I hope I see you in Taiwan!

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I just got my Korea ETA acceptance letter!!! I'm in NJ and it was postmarked April 1st so everyone else should be getting letters soon! Keep in touch fellow Korea Fulbrighters!


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I am another Taiwan-er! And yes, based on last year's results, we should be getting our letters around April 18.

Hello fellow Taiwan lurker! I saw your post and decided it was time for me to add something to the discussion.

I'm not sure about the time last year being March 18th--it looks to me on the spreadsheet that it was around April 18th last year. One thing that gives me hope is it looks like a lot of the countries in the East Asia region got back to the students on a similar timescale (as in within a couple of days of each other). I'm hoping since some of the Korea ETA folks are hearing right now, this may bode well for us hearing in the next couple days.

Regardless, I have gotten through to Jonathan--I wanted to check and see what I could find out so I could tell my PI when I was going to know if I'd be leaving the country in the summer. Jon emailed back (this morning) saying that there was no way of knowing when the Taiwan letters would go out but offered me that they typically go out around mid-April.

I hope this helps, good luck staying in a low stress conformation and I hope I see you in Taiwan!

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Hello fellow Taiwan lurker! I saw your post and decided it was time for me to add something to the discussion.

I'm not sure about the time last year being March 18th--it looks to me on the spreadsheet that it was around April 18th last year. One thing that gives me hope is it looks like a lot of the countries in the East Asia region got back to the students on a similar timescale (as in within a couple of days of each other). I'm hoping since some of the Korea ETA folks are hearing right now, this may bode well for us hearing in the next couple days.

Regardless, I have gotten through to Jonathan--I wanted to check and see what I could find out so I could tell my PI when I was going to know if I'd be leaving the country in the summer. Jon emailed back (this morning) saying that there was no way of knowing when the Taiwan letters would go out but offered me that they typically go out around mid-April.

I hope this helps, good luck staying in a low stress conformation and I hope I see you in Taiwan!

Ah, and here I was freaking out... I'm glad to find out that I misread last year's spreadsheet. :)

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