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Fulbright 2011-2012


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South Africa Applicants,

Not to come off as a hyperactive, anxious wreck ("join the club", right?), I received this reply from Francinah Magoro. Her email is on the contact page underneath the description of ETA/Full .... I emailed her the same day as Jermaine Jones:

You will receive notification from Washington. Things are a little slower this year due to budget constraints.


Fryguy: What did you ask her? It still seems a bit on the cryptic side lol.

Edited by Loli
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You can see the stats they just released there. 2010/2011 12 grants, 2011/2012 10 grants! Kind of stinks they have less grants, I think I am just going to accept my offer at LSE and move on, I can't take the risk of turning down the offer from LSE, going to school in Norway and not getting the Fulbright in the end, and going to a much less prestigious school on top of it. We will see, some big decisions coming up soon.

I am not going to hold my breathe, there are 3 alternates on this thread and since they won't tell me, for all I know I am #3, which means basically I will never get it, I really wish they would just tell you which alternate # you are! Kind of silly.

Did you have other plans in case the Fulbright did not go through?? Hope you're taking it okay!

I still don't understand why they won't tell people this information. Is there a serious reason to withhold it?

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I just saw the mail truck drive by. Considered stopping him and begging him to tell me if there's any mail for me. Decided that wasn't the best idea I've ever had, and am now staring out the window at my mailbox, waiting for him to deliver my mail....

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Any Australia people out there? Jonathan Akeley also told me that letters tend to go out in mid-April, but letters were mailed out last year on April 1. What's with the disparity?

I applied to Australia as well and Akeley told me the same thing (about two weeks ago). I was wondering about the discrepancy as well... I'm pretty sure the spreadsheet from last year might be wrong because all of the people that listed a date found out on the same date, which seems unlikely. Then, other people listed no date at all.

I've just been trying to convince myself that the notifications won't arrive till mid-April, so I can stop thinking about this so much, but it isn't working very well, haha.

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So, Cara got back to me and said they still don't know. Hopefully TFA gives me an extension. Looks like Central Asia may take awhile...Here is her email:

I know how frustrating this part of the process is, believe me! Unfortunately, we are at the stage in the game where we need to ask for a magnitude of patience.

Upon receipt of the Country Selections, we wait on confirmation from the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB), which must approve all applications. At the same time, we must also receive final confirmation on budgets from the State Department, which in the end decides the ultimate number of grants we can offer for each country.

As you can see, it is a process involving several levels and due to this, we are unable to predict when exactly this will happen, but we do hope it will be soon. At that point, official notifications will be mailed out.

Thanks, and let me know if any other questions arise in the meantime,


Hi all,

I just emailed Cara Doble to ask about when Central Asia should find out (in my case Tajikistan). I just found out about an hour ago I was accepted into Teach for America's 2011 Corps, so I need to make a decision soon! Hopefully, I will hear back soon, and I will let you all know what she says. Congrats to all of you for getting this far along in the process. Hang in there! :)

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Thanks Rlvaltm. I think everyone usually gets notified about the same time but, from reading these posts, it looks like Norway sent some out and not others. I really hope that doesn't happen with Macedonia. I think Macedonia usually has many fewer applicants than Norway so I wouldn't imagine them splitting up notification for us. I applied for the full grant. Best of luck to all of us applying for Macedonia.

Another Macedonia ETA finalist, checking in. I've been lurking this thread since October, but I can't resist posting any longer, especially because Plan B and C decisions are starting to loom. And now that we know the letters should be coming in the next two weeks... oh, the anticipation! And thanks a ton, Pou Einai, for finding out the notification time frame. Good luck to the Macedonia people, and to everyone else who's still waiting, too!

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Thanks for letting us know. Her email seems pretty generic and it seems like the Fulbright people are avoiding giving any sort of definitive date in case the process is delayed. However it wouldn't surprise me if Central Asia applicants are among the last to find out.

So, Cara got back to me and said they still don't know. Hopefully TFA gives me an extension. Looks like Central Asia may take awhile...Here is her email:

I know how frustrating this part of the process is, believe me! Unfortunately, we are at the stage in the game where we need to ask for a magnitude of patience.

Upon receipt of the Country Selections, we wait on confirmation from the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB), which must approve all applications. At the same time, we must also receive final confirmation on budgets from the State Department, which in the end decides the ultimate number of grants we can offer for each country.

As you can see, it is a process involving several levels and due to this, we are unable to predict when exactly this will happen, but we do hope it will be soon. At that point, official notifications will be mailed out.

Thanks, and let me know if any other questions arise in the meantime,


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So it has finally sunk in that I am an alternate... I am pretty disappointed but I cannot say I am surprised, as everyone who is s finalist is very deserving of receiving the grant, I was hoping the fact that I practiced for 2 years to become fluent in Norwegian would give me some competitive advantage, but apparently not :)

I have decided to just put it in the back of my mind and treat it as a rejection basically, since I have to start making plans for next Fall and cannot sit around and wait MORE to hear if I got it or not, especially since I do not even know which alternate I am! So time to make some other plans and if I do end up getting it, well that will be a nice little surprise!

Hope all the other Norway applicants who found out today are handing it okay and deciding what their next moves are.. We should all feel proud for making it this far, anyway!

Hang in there to all you alternates out there! :)

I got my letter yesterday too...and I'm in the same boat, alternate! It feels like a rejection, and at this point I just need to move on (though if I'm offered a grant I'll take it!)

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Thanks for letting us know. Her email seems pretty generic and it seems like the Fulbright people are avoiding giving any sort of definitive date in case the process is delayed. However it wouldn't surprise me if Central Asia applicants are among the last to find out.

I emailed John as well about two weeks ago and I got the "mid-April" response as well. I'm a finalist to Mongolia; not technically Central Asia but it seems that it's just a generic answer.

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Why are all the India finalists so quiet? I am also wondering why one applicant was informed that he/she was accepted long before the rest of us?

i'm here! i'm surprised that there aren't more india people chatting here, since india is giving away 50 grants so there are potentially 100 finalists. the person who got accepted was an ETA, and last year, the full grant people found out about 10 days after the ETAs were notified.

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Just received my letter for a Korea ETA!

To others who have heard back already -- when/how do we receive letters/information about accepting the award? For now, is the only thing we can do to do the medical checkups?

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I applied for Cambodia too and, so far, nothing at all.

Yeah, the last I heard from anyone was in January that I was a finalist for a full/research grant. Then I sent my transcripts off and got no confirmation that they got there. So now I'm just waiting and waiting...

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Hey onthewindowsill! I'm in Boston and still didn't get a letter today? Did you hear back?

Hey Elizabeth89!

The mail still isn't here! Yesterday I got it around 5:30pm so we'll see. I'm in Western Mass so I don't know how much of a difference that makes. I'm a little closer to NYC, I think, so we'll see what happens! I'm about to go sit by my mailbox with a beer to accost the mailman...

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Just received my letter for a Korea ETA!

To others who have heard back already -- when/how do we receive letters/information about accepting the award? For now, is the only thing we can do to do the medical checkups?

Congrats! Where did the letter come from? Where do you live? I'm really hoping I get my letter in the mail tomorrow.


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