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Fulbright 2011-2012


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I am one of the Russia applicants still waiting for my announcement letter and checking the spreadsheet every day to see how many people have already gotten theirs.

As an aside, it seems that a majority of forum users, thus, people who have added their information to the spreadsheet, were awarded the Fulbright. Perhaps there is a connection, between the resourcefulness/obsessiveness of the forum users and our likelihood of receiving the grant.

Just a suggestion.... =)

Edited by Tanyusha
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I'm expecting my letter to come to a permanent address in Utah and still haven't received anything. Good luck.

Has anyone on the west coast heard back from Russia yet?? I'm in Los Angeles and haven't heard anything!

Edited by Tanyusha
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I am one of the Russia applicants still waiting for my announcement letter and checking the spreadsheet every day to see how many people have already gotten theirs.

As an aside, it seems that a majority of forum users, thus, people who have added their information to the spreadsheet, were awarded the Fulbright. Perhaps there is a connection, between the resourcefulness/obsessiveness of the forum users and our likelihood of receiving the grant.

Just a suggestion.... =)

It's probably because people are more likely to report acceptances than rejections.

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No, I haven't contacted Cara (Cara Doble is the contact for Central/South Asia). I was going to wait until the end of the week since last year's candidates did not find out until April 15th. I will let you know after I contact her whether I heard back from her. If either of you want to contact her before then, let me know if you hear anything.

I am not familiar with the language. I had the opportunity to go to Sri Lanka a few years ago and picked up a Sinhala phrase book, but I can't say that has been helping me a great deal....

Oh ok. Well that sounds promising. Just let us know what you hear back. I'll stop panicking until the end of the week :)

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For any other applicants to South Pacific countries (Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu, etc...), I just heard from Jonathan Akeley. He said that notifications for the South Pacific are usually pretty late, and the earliest we'll hear is late April. A couple more weeks of waiting!

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For all you Morocco applicants out there, I received the following email from Jermaine Jones when I asked him if it would be a problem if I'm abroad mid-May-mid-June in regards to receiving my grant notification:

I really hope that I’ll have the results for Morocco finalized such that you receive your notification letter well in advance of your departure for Germany, thus rendering this concern moot

I'm taking that as a good sign that we'll be finding out sooner than that.

Ahhh thank you so much for sharing! That gets me excited (but I won't let myself get too excited...). I'm hoping "well in advance" means by the very end of April or first week of May. I don't think I'm setting myself up for too much disappointment with those expectations, though. Hopefully.

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I'm expecting my letter to come to a permanent address in Utah and still haven't received anything. Good luck.

Tanyusha: Are you at the U of U? I'm a student in the U of U. If you're from the same university (in the same area), we should meet up!

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Ha! He gave that same line to the Vietnam applicants. Probably automated/he probably does not know.

Also, just so all you other Taiwan kids know, I heard back from Jonathan Akeley but he wasn't particularly informative. He gave me the standard line:

"It's not possible to predict exactly when the final results will become available, but in the past notification letters for Taiwan have usually gone out in mid to late April."

So I guess what we can take from that is that they haven't been sent out yet. So we have at least a few more days before we receive anything.

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Why don't they e-mail out the decisions? This waiting for the mail is making me mentally deranged. I slept during the day just so time would go by faster.

I can totally relate... I was doing that when I was expecting to receive notifications at the beginning of April. Then last week I went out of town for a week. I need more ways to make time pass faster now! Ahhh, I wish I had graduated this spring and not in December!

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Yeah. I definitely had my fingers crossed for this week. Sad day. : (

That freakin stinks...I was convinced that they were coming this week. Last year they found out 04/16 so I guess we are going to be later this year. womp womp

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Hey everyone, whenever you email the spreadsheet email your information, be sure to include all of the relevant stuff--like what address it was sent to (current or permanent), the notification date, the postmark date, the notification method, etc. Also, if you want any other information on the spreadsheet (e.g., email address), please be sure to make a note of this, otherwise it will not be listed.

Thanks! Congratulations to all those who have found out already, and good luck to those who haven't!

Thanks for everyone for providing positive support for this spreadsheet that is ever evolving. Also, thanks to jg33 for helping me out with the spreadsheet and answering emails! Again, please email fulbright2011.2012@gmail.com with the relevant information you'd like to edit and if you are adding information, please include all columns of data (i.e. name, country, address, postmark, notification date, etc) .

Also, EVERYONE can VIEW the sheet now: https://spreadsheets...uthkey=CNHpkd4P

But not everyone can EDIT it. Bwhahaha. Just kidding. I wish I had found that option a LONG time ago. Thanks guys.

Edited by crimsonengineer87
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So I was thinking...dangerous I know.

I think that the IIE should hire these passionate driven individuals to make the Fulbright acceptance process more fluid and transparent. But then I started to think, maybe they do this on purpose. No one will complain about the amount of time notification takes because the award is so prestigious. Regardless, I think that the Fulbright Commission should look into hiring some of us to facilitate transparency. Thoughts? Of course it is contingent on the fact our government is still working and paying employees.

I vote Crimsonengineer87 as the first hire!

Woo hoo! I'd take the job. I dunno how I'd reply to emails. I'd probably copy and paste replies too. Haha. No, I think I'd do my best to let finalist know. Also, I would sneak around forums looking at what people were saying! Now that I mention it, I wonder if some people at IIE are reading our posts. If so, they must know how frustrated, excited, sad, confused, and so many more emotions we are with them. blink.gif

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Hey everyone, long time lurker, first time poster.

It seems like no sinophiles are on here freaking out, so I thought I would be the first to officially do that. Anyone have ideas as to when China decisions will post? Last year it looks like the envelopes all arrived between 4/18 and 4/20. I keep checking my mail hoping this year they'll come sooner.

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I found the white envelope waiting for me in my mailbox this evening. I have been designated as an alternate for Sweden.

Here's to enduring the wait and hoping that a full grant will come through!

I also am an alternate for Sweden. Crossing my fingers for both of us :)

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Any Spain ETA people get their placement information yet?

I just got accepted to the Spain ETA and haven't heard anything about placements. Do you think that they email or mail them out? Also, when do they tell us the time line that we need to be in the country so that we can start looking for a plane ticket.

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I also am an alternate for Sweden. Crossing my fingers for both of us :)

I just got accepted to the Spain ETA and haven't heard anything about placements. Do you think that they email or mail them out? Also, when do they tell us the time line that we need to be in the country so that we can start looking for a plane ticket.

Don't forget to email fulbright2011.2012@gmail.com so we can add your info on the spreadsheet! Thanks!

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Any Spain ETA people get their placement information yet?

Nope, but I just found out today I was accepted! I applied to be in secondary schools, so I'll be in Madrid or Cantabria. I'm excited to find out, at any rate! I think we all have to attend an orientation in Madrid around September 15th? Actually, I don't remember where I got that date. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement

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I was in your shoes! I have insurance (not sure if you do) which made things easier. I discovered the website ZocDoc, where I was able to find an appointment for later this week and book it OVER THE INTERNET! This is the future, and it is magical.

I also live in NYC, which meant there were a gazillion doctors to choose from, so not sure what luck you'd have in your part of the US-- but it's worth a try at least!

Thanks for this! but apparently Zocdoc doesn't exist in Oregon yet :(

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Thanks for letting us know. Did you get a CLEA? Do you have any idea about how much mandarin experience the people who received the award had?

I did not get a CLEA. I was an alternate. The people in my group that received the CLEA all had strong language backgrounds; however, they weren't necessarily the applicants with the most language experience. A few of the current ETAs that majored in Chinese did not receive the grant.

The CLEA award is a nice way to get free language training and you get the opportunity to live in Taipei for a few months before the rest of the group arrives. At the same time, even without the award there are options for language development. You just have to decide how much time and money you're willing to invest.

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Woo hoo! I'd take the job. I dunno how I'd reply to emails. I'd probably copy and paste replies too. Haha. No, I think I'd do my best to let finalist know. Also, I would sneak around forums looking at what people were saying! Now that I mention it, I wonder if some people at IIE are reading our posts. If so, they must know how frustrated, excited, sad, confused, and so many more emotions we are with them. blink.gif

Oh I'm sure they do... when the IIE people google their names this forum is bound to pop up. Probably #1 on google lol.

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