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Fulbright 2011-2012


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Anyone wanna write J Akeley for an update on Malaysia? Afraid I've long since used up my 3 questions.

This isn't very helpful, but it's a bit of information: I called yesterday and his assistant said that Malaysia hasn't sent him the names, so he's just waiting on those. Unspecific as usual =/

If y'all get Malaysia, what do y'all plan on doing this summer and fall? That's the biggest deterrent for me right now (next to how late they notify us).

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Has anybody heard from Turkey? My advisor called a couple days ago and said letters had been sent out, but nothing in the mail yesterday or today. I just want to know already!

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What type of grant are you waiting for? I applied for an ETA. I don't know if they mail acceptances for those grants at the same time (I don't think they did last year). Regardless, I'm dying to know and don't feel that I can bug Rachel anymore.

Has anybody heard from Turkey? My advisor called a couple days ago and said letters had been sent out, but nothing in the mail yesterday or today. I just want to know already!

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Hey I got the news from my University that I got a full grant to Singapore! The letter got lost in the mail, but hopefully they are sending me another one. Any other people going to Singapore?

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Would be cool to make connections with others from SE Asia, so maybe we can do some traveling and stay with fulbriters and host other traveling Fulbrighters too! Is there a FB page for SE Asia Fulbrighters?

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Would be cool to make connections with others from SE Asia, so maybe we can do some traveling and stay with fulbriters and host other traveling Fulbrighters too! Is there a FB page for SE Asia Fulbrighters?

I second this! We should create a general Gradcafe Fulbright Group so we can coordinate stuff! Thus far I've only seen (and am apart of) a Fulbright group for folks in Europe!

The group is located here, by the way. Come on down!

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I'm also waiting for turkey eta news. I emailed rachel this afternoon so will let you know if I hear anything...last time I emailed her was about 3 weeks ago and she said anything before the end of april was doubtful, so I don't know...

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So, about 2 minutes after writing that I got the letter sent from rachel to (I assume) all of the turkey eta candidates, which says that they hope to have things out by the end of may. Awesome.

Also, she mentions that they expect to award 60 etas...I thought they were anticipating more than that, like 75. Am I remembering wrong, or have they revised things down?

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Has anybody heard from Turkey? My advisor called a couple days ago and said letters had been sent out, but nothing in the mail yesterday or today. I just want to know already!

Hello, I just got my letter today about receiving a full grant to Turkey. It was mailed out April 29th (Friday). My Fulbright advisor got the list of who was accepted before I even got my letter.

Waiting was pretty difficult! Hang in there.

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Ha I had just written her too. I think they said there would only be 50 ETAs this year. So 60 is good news! I wish we knew how many finalists there are.

So, about 2 minutes after writing that I got the letter sent from rachel to (I assume) all of the turkey eta candidates, which says that they hope to have things out by the end of may. Awesome.

Also, she mentions that they expect to award 60 etas...I thought they were anticipating more than that, like 75. Am I remembering wrong, or have they revised things down?

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This isn't very helpful, but it's a bit of information: I called yesterday and his assistant said that Malaysia hasn't sent him the names, so he's just waiting on those. Unspecific as usual =/

If y'all get Malaysia, what do y'all plan on doing this summer and fall? That's the biggest deterrent for me right now (next to how late they notify us).

This is prol the most informative thing we've heard yet. Least we know the slow up is in Malaysia and not, say, Hillary Clinton vacillating over how many grants to fund or some shit.

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Would be cool to make connections with others from SE Asia, so maybe we can do some traveling and stay with fulbriters and host other traveling Fulbrighters too! Is there a FB page for SE Asia Fulbrighters?

I am down for this. I am wondering how limited my travel to other countries with be though. Fulbright said the program gives you 2 weeks in between semesters, however I really wanted to do weekend trips. I guess I will figure it out once I get over there. A group should definitely be made for SE Asia though. Who wants to volunteer to make it?

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Hey All,

Finally got my notification after stressing out for the better part of a year. Full grant to Japan. I was getting a bit worried because everyone seemed to get their notifications much earlier in the week....but I am in Japan and it was "golden week." I am stoked to say the least, but I have to admit that it was a bit anti-climatic. I know that sounds crappy coming from someone who actually got a grant...and I feel crappy typing it. I guess I expected fireworks to shoot out of the envelope. Instead I got letter that said congrats, now go pee in a cup. Good luck to everyone still waiting for results. For those that didn't/don't make it this year, try again next year. That's what I did and it seems to have worked.

Here's my info for the spreadsheet.

name: ModJpn

country: Japan (not Jordan as listed in spreadsheet)

region: East Asia & Pacific

grant: Full

interview: N

status: Accepted

address: Current/overseas (even though I said I would be moving by March 1st)

notification: 5/6/2012

postmark: 4/26/2012

method: Large white airmail envelope

academic status: Grad

research area: Modern History

area: Nagoya

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Yup it was originally only 50 spots so the more the merrier!

Ha I had just written her too. I think they said there would only be 50 ETAs this year. So 60 is good news! I wish we knew how many finalists there are.

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What is the actual name of the group? My browser keeps saying there´s an error when I click the link. Thanks :)

I second this! We should create a general Gradcafe Fulbright Group so we can coordinate stuff! Thus far I've only seen (and am apart of) a Fulbright group for folks in Europe!

The group is located here, by the way. Come on down!

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Any other Turkey ETA finalists finding it incredibly inconvenient that we won't know for another month? All my back-up options need to know in mid to late May about my decision, but it doesn't seem like Turkey will know anything until the start of June... So I'd be betting everything on getting the Fulbright, which is risky. My school's advisor is pushing for me to wait so I'm leaning towards that, but it's still tough/SO FRUSTRATING!

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What is the actual name of the group? My browser keeps saying there´s an error when I click the link. Thanks :)

Traveling Fulbright Fellows: Europe 2011-2012

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I'm going to try to take as little as possible. Basic toiletries, a couple pairs of clothes, a good supply of my usual vitamins/supplements, a few books, and my laptop (probably). There's no reason to bring too many things. As far as formality goes, it depends on the country, but keep in mind that most countries require more formal dress in educational settings than you might be used to. I know this is true in much of SE Asia where students often wear uniforms. I expect to be wearing a nice shirt, slacks, and a tie every day as an ETA in Thailand. However, if you don't have all the formal clothes yet, I would NOT recommend running out and buying them before you leave--you should be able to get very nice clothes in your host country for a fraction of the price you'd pay in the States (for instance, I've been offered tailored suits in Bangkok for 60-80US$, with a few extra shirts thrown in). For women in particular, this will also ensure that dress clothes fit with local norms as clothes showing shoulders, chest, legs, etc. may or may not be acceptable, depending on the culture.

From my experience, it may sound silly, but take deodorant if you have a preference. That's the one thing I always make sure I have. Some Asian countries still aren't in the habit of using it so it can be hard to find - and at times, it's name brands you may not have heard of. At least that happens to me when I go to Taiwan. Good luck!

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Hey all,

I've received an ETA to Germany, but have still not heard from anyone where exactly i will be. Is anyone else in this situation?

Hey there,

I think they're starting to notify people now about locations. A friend of mine just found out she was placed in Bayern. I also found out that I was placed in Hessen. It was my third choice :angry:, but oh well! Excited!

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Hey All,

Finally got my notification after stressing out for the better part of a year. Full grant to Japan. I was getting a bit worried because everyone seemed to get their notifications much earlier in the week....but I am in Japan and it was "golden week." I am stoked to say the least, but I have to admit that it was a bit anti-climatic. I know that sounds crappy coming from someone who actually got a grant...and I feel crappy typing it. I guess I expected fireworks to shoot out of the envelope. Instead I got letter that said congrats, now go pee in a cup. Good luck to everyone still waiting for results. For those that didn't/don't make it this year, try again next year. That's what I did and it seems to have worked.

Here's my info for the spreadsheet.

name: ModJpn

country: Japan (not Jordan as listed in spreadsheet)

region: East Asia & Pacific

grant: Full

interview: N

status: Accepted

address: Current/overseas (even though I said I would be moving by March 1st)

notification: 5/6/2012

postmark: 4/26/2012

method: Large white airmail envelope

academic status: Grad

research area: Modern History

area: Nagoya

Disregard previous post. It seems that a portion (with stipend info, etc) of the award notification went to my permanent address while the medical certificate went to the current address. Now there are fireworks.


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I've seen some chatter on here about making a Facebook page for SE Asia, and I have a suggestion. Everyone (not just SE Asian Fulbrighters) should register at couchsurfing.com. It has really great resources for groups within particular countries, planning out future trips, finding people in your area, etc. I would say that if we start a group, it should be there simply because it's much more travel-oriented. For my fellow Taiwaners, I would recommend tealit.com and forumosa.com for resources concerning language exchange partners, Chinese tutors, local attractions, where to find what, cultural excursions, etc.

Just my two cents. Let me know what you think.

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