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Fulbright 2011-2012


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I found out a while back that my status changed from alternate to grantee for Romania. Can someone update the spreadsheet or provide the link for the spreadsheet so i can update it. Last time I checked I do not believe I saw any other Romanian ETAs. I was sent a manilla envelope dated May 6 with the good news! Thanks

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Does anyone know how much oversight is associated with a fulbright grant to do research overseas? That is, will there be anyone checking up on us to make sure that we actually do the project we originally applied to do? Will they terminate us for switching project topics and/or cities? Also, does anyone know if we will really get busted by IIE if we decide to do a little bit of paid work on the side? Thanks!

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Does anyone know how much oversight is associated with a fulbright grant to do research overseas? That is, will there be anyone checking up on us to make sure that we actually do the project we originally applied to do? Will they terminate us for switching project topics and/or cities? Also, does anyone know if we will really get busted by IIE if we decide to do a little bit of paid work on the side? Thanks!

They do check up on you. Also, what you are proposing is called defrauding the federal government, a prosecutable offense.

But hey, if you like to live life on the edge, that is your choice to make. I can almost guarantee you that IIE people follow this forum, though.

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Does anyone know how much oversight is associated with a fulbright grant to do research overseas? That is, will there be anyone checking up on us to make sure that we actually do the project we originally applied to do? Will they terminate us for switching project topics and/or cities? Also, does anyone know if we will really get busted by IIE if we decide to do a little bit of paid work on the side? Thanks!

As far as oversight, it think it varies by country, but from what I hear from friends who have had a Fulbright in the past, they check in with you very little and the responsibility is on you to get your research done and stay on track. I think it's sort of expected that you change your project some once you get there, as you learn more about the subject and new opportunities open up. They probably expect you to at least stay on topic though. And for paid work...that's definitely a no no. If they find you are getting income from some form of employment, I'm sure they will deduct it from your award, and possibly worse.

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For accuracy's sake, could someone please update the spreadsheet? LaPelirojita's Korean entry should now read Alternate turned Accepted. I want to give some hope to next year's Korea alternates. Thanks!

Ach! Yes, I'll update yours right now! I have a backlog of who knows how many email from May. But I'm currently taking my qualifying exams, and this is my "break" for today ... I'll try to update the spreadsheet as a whole before the end of the month though! I leave for Germany in about 44 days! Thanks for letting me know!

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Does anyone know how much oversight is associated with a fulbright grant to do research overseas? That is, will there be anyone checking up on us to make sure that we actually do the project we originally applied to do? Will they terminate us for switching project topics and/or cities? Also, does anyone know if we will really get busted by IIE if we decide to do a little bit of paid work on the side? Thanks!

JohnDoe, as a former fulbrighter let me just say first, it is one of the best experiences ever! Oversight varies depending on the country but I would say it is limited oversight over all. The program admin in that country is there to help and support you, not watch over every little thing you do. The most important thing they care about is your safety.

With regards to switching your project, it is definitely not considered defrauding the government. Most fulbrighters end up changing their project to some degree because you will not know exactly what research is feasible until you get to the country. IIE wants to make sure you are making a positive contribution to the country your visiting. Remember, the whole purpose of Fulbright is to enhance mutual understanding between countries.

I have never heard of anyone getting caught for doing work on the side but I also did not know anyone who did that either. Obviously I would advise against it.

If you have questions pm me.

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Does anyone know what are the guidelines for using buddy passes? I have a buddy pass with Delta and really wanna use it to buy a ticket from Atlanta to Shanghai. This would be in accordance with using a "U.S.‐flag air carrier service to the farthest interchange point on a usually traveled route" as mentioned by the Fly America guidelines. I tried searching for info and even emailed the program directors but haven't come up with anything yet. Any help would be appreciated!

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Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum! I was a Turkey ETA finalist and got the dreaded "alternate" email just a few weeks ago. I read through a lot of your posts and definitely went through the same anticipation turned intense frustration as you all. Congratulations to everyone who got the grant, and well, everyone that made it this far and succeeded in being so patient!

I have decided to take the "alternate" decision as a rejection, just because I need to move on and find an alternative job/fellowship/opportunity for the coming year. But I do want to know what the chances are of being promoted. Does anybody know how many alternates there are for the Turkey ETA? The Fulbright's "Competition Statistics" webpage says that 50 total grants were awarded, but I am curious as to whether there is some sort of standard ratio between alternates and grant recipients. Or perhaps a standard number for any country. Basically I am hoping that there aren't too many alternates, but since Turkey did receive a lot more applicants than, say, Kosovo, I am not so sure. I am not holding onto any hope at this point, but I would definitely like to hear back from anybody who might have received information from Rachel Holskin, or even someone who went through this last year. Thank you and best of luck to everyone!

Edited by kekbatter
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Hi - I'm a new ETA to Malaysia. I spoke with Jonathan now weeks ago and he said I would receive a very "time sensitive" email from the State Department about booking my trip for pre-departure orientation. I still have not received anything and am starting to get worried since the date is fast approaching. Has anyone heard anything or know of someone to contact? Thanks!

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Hi - I'm a new ETA to Malaysia. I spoke with Jonathan now weeks ago and he said I would receive a very "time sensitive" email from the State Department about booking my trip for pre-departure orientation. I still have not received anything and am starting to get worried since the date is fast approaching. Has anyone heard anything or know of someone to contact? Thanks!

This website gives the email address of who I'd suggest to contact. I'd also email Jonathan Akeley back as well and tell him you never received anything.


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Attention all alternates! The cancelled FY2011 Fulbright-Hays is being saved by the Mellon Foundation!


This most likely means that at least a handful of Fulbrighters will give up their grants for the new "IIE Graduate Fellowships for International Study", meaning more opportunities for alternates. Glimmer of hope for us all.

best of luck to everyone.

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Attention all alternates! The cancelled FY2011 Fulbright-Hays is being saved by the Mellon Foundation!


This most likely means that at least a handful of Fulbrighters will give up their grants for the new "IIE Graduate Fellowships for International Study", meaning more opportunities for alternates. Glimmer of hope for us all.

best of luck to everyone.

The Mellon endowed FH with 3.1 M, in partial replacement of FH's original 5.8 M grant. It might not do much for Fulbright IIE Programs, but it would be awesome if more grants were made available to the Alternates! :) I'm convinced that the Alternate limbo is the most nerve wreaking thing ever.

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Does anyone know how much oversight is associated with a fulbright grant to do research overseas? That is, will there be anyone checking up on us to make sure that we actually do the project we originally applied to do? Will they terminate us for switching project topics and/or cities? Also, does anyone know if we will really get busted by IIE if we decide to do a little bit of paid work on the side? Thanks!

Dude. What are you thinking?! Don't abuse this grant by not following the rules. Fulbright Hays was targeted for cancellation because of concerns like this. If you can't follow the grant rules, don't take the grant. It affects everyone if it looks like we are abusing federal funds. If you want a vacation to your country, use your own money.

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Dude. What are you thinking?! Don't abuse this grant by not following the rules. Fulbright Hays was targeted for cancellation because of concerns like this. If you can't follow the grant rules, don't take the grant. It affects everyone if it looks like we are abusing federal funds. If you want a vacation to your country, use your own money.

Thank you!

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What up what up, Turkey alternates? Anybody heard anything? No? Anyone else somewhere between going crazy and completely giving up hope? Yes? I'm more towards the latter, but don't want to shift my focus to finding something else yet because that sucks. Looking for some commiseration and/or news up in here.

Yours in forced good humor,


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What up what up, Turkey alternates? Anybody heard anything? No? Anyone else somewhere between going crazy and completely giving up hope? Yes? I'm more towards the latter, but don't want to shift my focus to finding something else yet because that sucks. Looking for some commiseration and/or news up in here.

Yours in forced good humor,


I haven't heard anything. :(

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Turkey Alternates update:

Alright, nerds. I emailed Rachel to see what up, and she said the Fulbright Commission is in the process of finalizing placements and will make decisions about promotions (she notes, "if any") in the next week. She also said notification of any potential promotions will be by email, so good news! Unfamiliar phone calls no longer need elicit palpitations .

She didn't say this explicitly, but from the hard copy letter and reading between the lines of her email I don't think we will hear anything from them again unless it's an email saying we're promoted. I know this is actually to cover their bases in case somebody drops out in September or something so they can hypothetically still have imaginary alternates to turn to, but I like to think they're just really uncomfortable with goodbyes.

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Alright guys, I'm telling my boss today. Fingers crossed that this goes well!!

I have a good feeling! You will feel so awesome once you have shared it with the world. I totally can relate--I'm wishing you the same positive supportive reaction I received from my employer! Take a deep breath knowing what you have in store is so awesome...and tell us the details.;)

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phew! i did it! All went well, he even said I'll have a place at the company when I come back! feels so good to stop living in secret!!


I told my boss yesterday and had the same reaction. She said that she hoped they would have an even better position for me when I returned, which was totally unexpected. I was glad that all of my neurotic worrying was unneeded.

I'm sure it is such a relief to be able to tell others your exciting news without your work situation hanging over your head!

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Hey everyone!

I've got a blog talking about my experience with the Fulbright process, and outlining some of the steps. If you have any friends who are thinking of applying and want a first-hand story or advice, please refer them there! Or, alternatively, if you want to follow some of my adventures in New Zealand, check it out!

My blog

Congrats to everyone who applied. I think even just applying takes a lot of guts.

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Has anyone started applying for their visa yet? I'm looking at the requirements for mine and already so confused - we required to have housing already in place for the entire time I'm there in order to get the visa, but I'm sooo not comfortable signing a contract on an apartment sight un-seen, roommates un-met (plus I'm moving cities after 6 months, so finding housing for April of 2012 seems so ridiculous!).

What are you guys up against??

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