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Fulbright 2011-2012


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Any Swiss main candidates out there who did not apply to a university? I will be working in a lab while there and will be affiliated with a research institute. I was confused about my notification letter that says they are confirming my admissions at my chosen university, since I didn't apply to any schools. I'm hoping there won't be any problems since I've stated in my application that I'll be working at a lab, but I was wondering if there is anyone in a similar boat? Thanks and good luck to all those still anxiously checking the mailbox.

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I totally agree, I mean Norway for example by the 23rd of March all the people on the spreadsheet had heard, and now here we are the 22nd this year and they have not even sent out the letters yet.. UGH!! :(

I have been on pins and needles since March 17th since I saw that was when the letters were sent out last year. I wonder if the lag this year is because they were busy hosting the ski championships? Regardless, I wish since the letters are coming later this year they would send it electronically.....

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I have been on pins and needles since March 17th since I saw that was when the letters were sent out last year. I wonder if the lag this year is because they were busy hosting the ski championships? Regardless, I wish since the letters are coming later this year they would send it electronically.....

I know! Me too, hopefully this week....

Where will you be and what school will you be going to? I have to have my study contract sent back to BI Norwegian School of Management by April 14th and I can't do that until I know if I got Fulbright or not.. soo... Totally wishing it would have been March 17th this year, too!

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Any Swiss main candidates out there who did not apply to a university? I will be working in a lab while there and will be affiliated with a research institute. I was confused about my notification letter that says they are confirming my admissions at my chosen university, since I didn't apply to any schools. I'm hoping there won't be any problems since I've stated in my application that I'll be working at a lab, but I was wondering if there is anyone in a similar boat? Thanks and good luck to all those still anxiously checking the mailbox.

Hi biograd. I'm a Swiss candidate who did not apply to a university program. I have not yet been contacted regarding a final decision on my application. I did not get an email yesterday. If you're curious about the email I would suggest contacting Rachel. Let me know what she says. Good luck!

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Hi everyone,

I just joined and recently learned that I was selected an as alternate candidate for the ETA to Romaina. Has anyone applied here? Also does anyone have any stats about still receiving an award, and when you will find out?

My campus advisor told me that 40% of alternates eventually get placed, but you can get moved to another country...so I am hoping that I learn of an update by June so I can plan accordingly!


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Last year's spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets...Ow6bHdhYA#gid=0

This year's spreadsheet (remember to update + don't mess with the columns and rows ... ): http://spreadsheets1...=CNHpkd4P#gid=8

Reposting the two spreadsheets^^.

In response to your question, you can check last year's spreadsheet and it'll say whether they were an alternate then offered an award. I think there are stats on that in one of the tabs!

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Hi everyone,

I just joined and recently learned that I was selected an as alternate candidate for the ETA to Romaina. Has anyone applied here? Also does anyone have any stats about still receiving an award, and when you will find out?

My campus advisor told me that 40% of alternates eventually get placed, but you can get moved to another country...so I am hoping that I learn of an update by June so I can plan accordingly!


My campus advisor said the same thing - most of the alternates from our school have been placed in other countries, so your chances still look really good! However, they all seem to have been contacted in the summer, once school has already ended. Which makes logistics a bit rushed! But good luck and congratulations on an alternate position!

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Hi biograd. I'm a Swiss candidate who did not apply to a university program. I have not yet been contacted regarding a final decision on my application. I did not get an email yesterday. If you're curious about the email I would suggest contacting Rachel. Let me know what she says. Good luck!

Hi Genevafulbright. Thanks for the response! I figured that a number of people don't go through university programs. I hope you hear good news soon!

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I don't want to add to anyone's trepidation, but I received my final notification via email last year. Of course, this was for Egypt, and notifications didn't come out until late June... so sending word via email might be something IIE only does in extreme cases.

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Re: someone else scoring the at-large applications, I don't know! That's an interesting question. I'm not sure whether the scoring applies to the entire app or just the interview.

Our campus Fulbright advisor told us that at-large and enrolled applicants have the same chance of success, i.e. there isn't a penalty for applying at large. So my impression (assumption?) was that the interview was just another way for the committees to get to know you, and the ultimate decision would be a combination of your project's feasibility, applicability, and depth; your personal statement and demonstration of fitness for the program and the mission of the Fulbright; and all of those other factors we have read about on the Fulbright website or just can't know about. It's so hard to say from this side of the process. All we have after a certain point is speculation...

I guess what I was sort of asking in my first post was does what you choose as the extracurricular activities matter? I applied for an ETA only program, so I guess the "project" you refer to in your post would be more like extracurricular activities based on personal interests and community service (at least this is what the country information said), since for the country I chose, ETA's are not allowed to do formal research projects because of visa restrictions.

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I guess what I was sort of asking in my first post was does what you choose as the extracurricular activities matter? I applied for an ETA only program, so I guess the "project" you refer to in your post would be more like extracurricular activities based on personal interests and community service (at least this is what the country information said), since for the country I chose, ETA's are not allowed to do formal research projects because of visa restrictions.

I have a friend currently doing the ETA program in Austria whose extracurricular project basically amounted to improving his sight-singing, so, although this obviously just one person, it doesn't seem like the project has to be super formal or well thought out.

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Thanks for the update - I applied for a full grant to Russia and am also anxious to hear. Please post again as you hear news of your awards!

To the other person applying for the ETA in Russia -- I emailed Oksana, and she told me that she has already sent out her recommendations to NY, so we should know soon...

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I think I speak for most of us when I say...


So tired of waiting...

And to make things worse, today I received an email from my fulbright advisor's office entitled "Fulbright Status." Heart pounding, I opened the email only to see a request to let them know when I found out. Ugh.

Edited by Bluedevil
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Congrats to everyone who has gotten accepted, and my sincerest apologies to those that have been denied!

That being said, East Asia & Pacific Region, c'mon!!! We're DYING here! Lol.

In other news, dearest forum followers, here's my big shot (!) at pursuing my dreams should this Fulbright opportunity crumble to pieces. That link is to my video application for "Project Borneo 3D" - an unbelievably exciting opportunity in West Borneo with the man that initially inspired my Fulbright project, Dr. Willie Smits. The project will restore 120,000 hectares of badly-degraded rainforest ecosystems, build permanent sanctuaries for scores of critically endangered orangutans, and help the local communities build a sustainable economy in the process. To make matters VERY interesting, the project is being filmed and turned into a full-length, 3D documentary by National Geographic Entertainment! They are holding a *contest* to find 10 project leaders. Unfortunately, the film aspect of the project is drawing in a lot of folks that are largely interested in getting on screen. I, on the other hand, have dedicated my entire life to the cause of rainforest protection and orangutan conservation.

If you're so inclined, would you mind taking a second to watch my video? The more views my video gets between now and April 10th, the more likely I am to be selected! Thanks so much everybody. If I am lucky enough to get both the Fulbright and this project, this opportunity would be immensely beneficial to my knowledge-base and ability to help the impoverished communities I will be working with near Gunung Palung National Park in Indonesia. Thanks either way guys and gals, and best of luck to you those still waiting to hear back! B)

Edited by borneoguy
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I think I speak for most of us when I say...


So tired of waiting...

And to make things worse, today I received an email from my fulbright advisor's office entitled "Fulbright Status." Heart pounding, I opened the email only to see a request to let them know when I found out. Ugh.

Ughhhhh! I know, feeling your pain over here. The other day I flipped out because I had a package from the State Department and it was... my new passport. Oh, how the mail fools us.

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Congrats to everyone who has gotten accepted, and my sincerest apologies to those that have been denied!

That being said, East Asia & Pacific Region, c'mon!!! We're DYING here! Lol.

In other news, dearest forum followers, here's my big shot (!) at pursuing my dreams should this Fulbright opportunity crumble to pieces. That link is to my video application for "Project Borneo 3D" - an unbelievably exciting opportunity in West Borneo with the man that initially inspired my Fulbright project, Dr. Willie Smits. The project will restore 120,000 hectares of badly-degraded rainforest ecosystems, build permanent sanctuaries for scores of critically endangered orangutans, and help the local communities build a sustainable economy in the process. To make matters VERY interesting, the project is being filmed and turned into a full-length, 3D documentary by National Geographic Entertainment! They are holding a *contest* to find 10 project leaders. Unfortunately, the film aspect of the project is drawing in a lot of folks that are largely interested in getting on screen. I, on the other hand, have dedicated my entire life to the cause of rainforest protection and orangutan conservation.

If you're so inclined, would you mind taking a second to watch my video? The more views my video gets between now and April 10th, the more likely I am to be selected! Thanks so much everybody. If I am lucky enough to get both the Fulbright and this project, this opportunity would be immensely beneficial to my knowledge-base and ability to help the impoverished communities I will be working with near Gunung Palung National Park in Indonesia. Thanks either way guys and gals, and best of luck to you those still waiting to hear back! B)

That was really good! GIS is a really important tool and I'm glad you hammered on that. Do you use ArcGIS? I also enjoyed the three monitors you had in your office or wherever! I also liked the orangutan around your neck! When I get a chance to log-on and stuff, I'll vote three times! Good work!

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Congrats to everyone who has gotten accepted, and my sincerest apologies to those that have been denied!

That being said, East Asia & Pacific Region, c'mon!!! We're DYING here! Lol.

In other news, dearest forum followers, here's my big shot (!) at pursuing my dreams should this Fulbright opportunity crumble to pieces. That link is to my video application for "Project Borneo 3D" - an unbelievably exciting opportunity in West Borneo with the man that initially inspired my Fulbright project, Dr. Willie Smits. The project will restore 120,000 hectares of badly-degraded rainforest ecosystems, build permanent sanctuaries for scores of critically endangered orangutans, and help the local communities build a sustainable economy in the process. To make matters VERY interesting, the project is being filmed and turned into a full-length, 3D documentary by National Geographic Entertainment! They are holding a *contest* to find 10 project leaders. Unfortunately, the film aspect of the project is drawing in a lot of folks that are largely interested in getting on screen. I, on the other hand, have dedicated my entire life to the cause of rainforest protection and orangutan conservation.

If you're so inclined, would you mind taking a second to watch my video? The more views my video gets between now and April 10th, the more likely I am to be selected! Thanks so much everybody. If I am lucky enough to get both the Fulbright and this project, this opportunity would be immensely beneficial to my knowledge-base and ability to help the impoverished communities I will be working with near Gunung Palung National Park in Indonesia. Thanks either way guys and gals, and best of luck to you those still waiting to hear back! B)

I also applied to Indonesia, but for an ETA. I wish East Asia would start notifying soon!

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Congrats to everyone who has gotten accepted, and my sincerest apologies to those that have been denied!

That being said, East Asia & Pacific Region, c'mon!!! We're DYING here! Lol.

In other news, dearest forum followers, here's my big shot (!) at pursuing my dreams should this Fulbright opportunity crumble to pieces. That link is to my video application for "Project Borneo 3D" - an unbelievably exciting opportunity in West Borneo with the man that initially inspired my Fulbright project, Dr. Willie Smits. The project will restore 120,000 hectares of badly-degraded rainforest ecosystems, build permanent sanctuaries for scores of critically endangered orangutans, and help the local communities build a sustainable economy in the process. To make matters VERY interesting, the project is being filmed and turned into a full-length, 3D documentary by National Geographic Entertainment! They are holding a *contest* to find 10 project leaders. Unfortunately, the film aspect of the project is drawing in a lot of folks that are largely interested in getting on screen. I, on the other hand, have dedicated my entire life to the cause of rainforest protection and orangutan conservation.

If you're so inclined, would you mind taking a second to watch my video? The more views my video gets between now and April 10th, the more likely I am to be selected! Thanks so much everybody. If I am lucky enough to get both the Fulbright and this project, this opportunity would be immensely beneficial to my knowledge-base and ability to help the impoverished communities I will be working with near Gunung Palung National Park in Indonesia. Thanks either way guys and gals, and best of luck to you those still waiting to hear back! B)

Voted! Thrice! Great job! Rooting for you!

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At the top of the spreadsheet it says someone from Korea heard today. Is this true, or is someone messing with the sheet again or did things get reordered again by mistake?


It looks like someone accidentally put their information in my spot. I HAVE NOT heard from Fulbright yet... so I erased all the info.

I tried to post something about this a couple minutes ago but I guess it didn't go through? I apologize if another post related to this pops up.

So if you did hear today, might want to go back and double check the spreadsheet to make sure everything is in the right place.

Sorry for the confusion, believe me, I wish it were true.

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That was really good! GIS is a really important tool and I'm glad you hammered on that. Do you use ArcGIS? I also enjoyed the three monitors you had in your office or wherever! I also liked the orangutan around your neck! When I get a chance to log-on and stuff, I'll vote three times! Good work!

Thanks a lot! That'd be awesome if you could vote! I'm actually surprised people figured out how to vote (and three times no less, which is the limit). Many people have found it fairly confusing. I suppose I should recognize I'm dealing with an inherently intelligent demographic in this forum B) In any case, you guys/gals rock!! Thanks again.

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Voted! Thrice! Great job! Rooting for you!

Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it! :) I'm literally competing with supermodels (but seriously, there's a supermodel in there)...so every last vote I can get counts! Hopefully my knowledge and dedication to the cause counts for something - we'll see! I find out May 1st!

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I also applied to Indonesia, but for an ETA. I wish East Asia would start notifying soon!

Rooting for you! I'm not too familiar with the ETA process but I understand ETA grantees do some sort of work in the community outside of teaching? What are you planning to do? I'd be interested to hear about it!

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