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Fulbright 2011-2012


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I've given up freaking out about when the letter's going to come. Last year's applicants for my country received notification 3/10-15... but this year, nothing yet, and IIE said hopefully we'll know within the month. My advice to everyone: try not to freak out too much about last year's spreadsheet... seems like most notifications this year vary from last year's...

I'll start freaking out again if I don't receive anything in a month... (yeah, easier said than done, hahaha).

I wonder if some of this delay has to do with the budget for next fiscal year not being approved by Congress. I mean the State Department's budget still needs to be approved, along with other departments. Similar conversations are happening in the NSF and NDSEG forums about this. And it may/may not be the case. But in terms of the April 15th deadline, remember that federal budgets/appropriations/grants/fellowships don't coincide with academic requirements. The gov't can do whatever they want (i.e. what's happening now). I know it's unfortunate that certain plans may not exactly work out, but just be patient and work with what you've got. Also, keep your options open to the best extent possible!

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I wonder if some of this delay has to do with the budget for next fiscal year not being approved by Congress. I mean the State Department's budget still needs to be approved, along with other departments. Similar conversations are happening in the NSF and NDSEG forums about this. And it may/may not be the case. But in terms of the April 15th deadline, remember that federal budgets/appropriations/grants/fellowships don't coincide with academic requirements. The gov't can do whatever they want (i.e. what's happening now). I know it's unfortunate that certain plans may not exactly work out, but just be patient and work with what you've got. Also, keep your options open to the best extent possible!

I've been having the same exact worries!! I didn't even want to put it in writing because the idea is so frustrating

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Haven't received word yet, but I am really hoping to hear soon enough. Are you on the spreadsheet? I thought I was the only Bosnia ETA applicant. Glad to hear that I'm not the only one.

Any word on whether Bosnia ETAs have heard back yet?

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For those concerned about the possibility that Fulbright funding be cut, there is a petition on the Fulbright website: http://www.capwiz.co...lertid=27703501

The link doesn't look like a Fulbright link, but I promise it is! When you go the page, it has the Fulbright banner on the top, some information on the proposed budget cuts, and then a form letter that you can sign or edit.

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Sad to say that I received an "alternate" letter in the mail yesterday. I see that you and I live in the same state, so I don't know why you didn't receive anything yesterday.

Can anyone tell me how often an alternate receives the grant? Why are people named alternates anyway? I mean, what specifically makes someone an alternate? What is it that the receipients have that the alternates don't have?

Sorry to hear you're an alternate, but, if last year's statistics are any consolation, it looks like a very large number of alternates ended up receiving the grant. I just checked my mail, and it looks like I'll be heading to Indonesia next year. Good luck to everyone who has yet to hear back!

Edited by Bluedevil
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The link doesn't look like a Fulbright link, but I promise it is! When you go the page, it has the Fulbright banner on the top, some information on the proposed budget cuts, and then a form letter that you can sign or edit.

Thank you so much for that link! i'm sending this to everyone I know

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Hi all,

I had created a row and column on the spreadsheet about a week ago so I could fill in my information, and last night I did - I received a Full research grant to Sweden (letter date 3/25, arrived 3/28) - and this morning I checked again and my information had been deleted from the spreadsheet. Just updating to let other Sweden Full applicants know.

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Anyone from Norway hear today?! They sent "some of them" out on Friday so maybe someone will get it today? I don't think mine was sent out Friday, becasue from New York to Miami should have arrived today.. sigh :( the wait continues! Rachel also said she does not know when the next batch will be sent out for Norway.. not sure what the delay is, if some are decided, why aren't the others? very weird, and this whole process seems to be very delayed based on how it went the past two years!

Good luck to everyone! And Congrats to all who have recieved notification these past two days!

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I sent an email to the IIE for East Asia and the Pacific last week and have still not heard back from him. I don't know if I should take this as a good or bad sign? Do you think I should try getting in touch with him over the phone?

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Sorry to hear you're an alternate, but, if last year's statistics are any consolation, it looks like a very large number of alternates ended up receiving the grant. I just checked my mail, and it looks like I'll be heading to Indonesia next year. Good luck to everyone who has yet to hear back!

I don't understand. How come you did not hear by email?

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Sorry to hear you're an alternate, but, if last year's statistics are any consolation, it looks like a very large number of alternates ended up receiving the grant. I just checked my mail, and it looks like I'll be heading to Indonesia next year. Good luck to everyone who has yet to hear back!

Big congrats! I'm also an Indonesia ETA applicant, but I'm currently living in Germany so I'm thinking it might take a little longer for whatever letter to get here :/ Was the letter sent by IIE from New York or from Indonesia? Just basic snail mail? Thanks!

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How long would you all wait to hear if you have been removed from the alternate list? I mean, if someone has to make plans to do something else, how long should they wait on whether or not they will receive a grant? What would you all do about that? I'm just curious...

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How long would you all wait to hear if you have been removed from the alternate list? I mean, if someone has to make plans to do something else, how long should they wait on whether or not they will receive a grant? What would you all do about that? I'm just curious...

That's a good question. From what I've read, some alternates don't find out until June. That is a really tough decision. I guess I would have a plan B and go with that until you hear back from Fulbright. That's a long time to wait though. What a predicament, I'm sorry!!

I didn't get anything in the mail today; hopefully something will come tomorrow. I'm in Maryland. This waiting is absolutely painful!!!!!

Edited by roland4102
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Anyone from Norway hear today?! They sent "some of them" out on Friday so maybe someone will get it today? I don't think mine was sent out Friday, becasue from New York to Miami should have arrived today.. sigh :( the wait continues! Rachel also said she does not know when the next batch will be sent out for Norway.. not sure what the delay is, if some are decided, why aren't the others? very weird, and this whole process seems to be very delayed based on how it went the past two years!

Good luck to everyone! And Congrats to all who have recieved notification these past two days!

Got an email from the Norway office and a big envelope from the IIE people in NYC saying I was accepted to Norway! Both came today. Some people definitely already have been notified, hope more hear soon!

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Got an email from the Norway office and a big envelope from the IIE people in NYC saying I was accepted to Norway! Both came today. Some people definitely already have been notified, hope more hear soon!

Congrats to you and everyone that has heard! Now schedule your physical exam!

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Got an email from the Norway office and a big envelope from the IIE people in NYC saying I was accepted to Norway! Both came today. Some people definitely already have been notified, hope more hear soon!

Wow, Congrats!! I guess I did not get one then, since I did not get any e-mail :( Congrats to you though!

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How long would you all wait to hear if you have been removed from the alternate list? I mean, if someone has to make plans to do something else, how long should they wait on whether or not they will receive a grant? What would you all do about that? I'm just curious...

I was an alternate for the JET program... and they let me hang for a whole year. It was horrible. I don't think the Fulbright program is like that - I think that they have shorter wait times (relatively). Cheer up though, I thought I read somewhere that there is a 40% chanceof upgrade, and they might even send you to a different country.

As fas as being an alternate goes, from what i understand, it means you are good, great in fact, but there are some people out there whose applications appealed more to the committee - however, just because these people are chosen doesn't mean they will accept. The committee wants to have some qualified backup candidates who are eager to go. That's where the alternates come in. It's a hard place to be - on the one hand you want to move on and figure out what's next, on the other hand that nagging voice in the back of your mind says what if... Best advice I can give has already been said. put fulbright out of your mind. pretend that you didn't get it and move on. figure out the next best thing. and then if fulbright does come through, it will either be a pleasant surprise or no big deal cause you've lined up something better.

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Does anyone who applied for an ETA in Spain know how the placements are distributed between Madrid, Valencia and Cantabria? Everyone on the spreadsheet last year got placed in Madrid and the program statistics only show the percentages accepted for the Madrid program. I was just wondering how that whole placement process worked while I waited on the actual notification to come in mail!

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Got an email from the Norway office and a big envelope from the IIE people in NYC saying I was accepted to Norway! Both came today. Some people definitely already have been notified, hope more hear soon!

You should, by the way, add yourself to the spreadsheet! That way others can see as well in case they are not following the thread! Weird that Norway is sending out emails this year, they did not either of the past two years!

Congrats again!

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That's a good question. From what I've read, some alternates don't find out until June. That is a really tough decision. I guess I would have a plan B and go with that until you hear back from Fulbright. That's a long time to wait though. What a predicament, I'm sorry!!

I didn't get anything in the mail today; hopefully something will come tomorrow. I'm in Maryland. This waiting is absolutely painful!!!!!

I spoke to an alum from my school who had a full grant to Poland, and she said she'd been an alternate, then offered a place sometime in September when additional funding came through. She did her Fulbright over a decade ago, though, so I have no idea if something like that would still happen.

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The link doesn't look like a Fulbright link, but I promise it is! When you go the page, it has the Fulbright banner on the top, some information on the proposed budget cuts, and then a form letter that you can sign or edit.

It says the action alert is no longer available?

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WHERE IS MY *#$^%*# LETTER?!?!

I'm a finalist for the German ETA... Didn't they receive notice by 3/22 last year? I think I might have a heart attack before I even get my stupid letter. Anyone heard anything yet?

I'm also a finalist ETA for Germany (new here, hi!) and haven't heard anything. Just e-mailed Cara today and she said:



IIE/Fulbright does not have a timeline we can provide, as we are currently in the waiting phase: 1) country decisions 2) Fulbright Scholarship Board (FSB) approval on all recommended applications and 3) ECA (State Department) approvals on budgets.

IIE/Fulbright cannot send out any notification information until we have all three of these in our office, and I am not able to predict when exactly this will happen.

At this time, we truly appreciate your patience.

Thank you,


Pooping myself. Let's hope we find out soon!


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