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Fulbright 2011-2012


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The email from Mr. Akeley says "Notification letters are sent to the Current Addresses, so if yours is up to date then there shouldn't be any delays."

Best of luck :)

I don't even remember what address did I put for my current or permanent one? lol :unsure:

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hi tweety. i also applied for india but haven't heard yet. did your classmate apply for a full grant or an ETA?

So is it the current or permanent mailing address? I applied to Korea ETA Program and so far one of my classmates who applied to India was rejected :(

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hi tweety. i also applied for india but haven't heard yet. did your classmate apply for a full grant or an ETA?

She applied to ETA but we are located in Atlanta. She told me she received the letter by mail since last week Wednesday, I think.

What did you apply for?

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Hi All -- I'm currently waiting to hear back about a Full Research Grant to Spain.

Does anyone know how long we have to get a VISA for our host country (if we are selected). Just thinking ahead in case everything works out. Im trying to wait patiently like the rest of the gang.



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HI All -- One more question. I'm currently traveling overseas. I currently have my address listed as my US address back home. Should I change it to my international address (would they ship internationally). I'm worried that if I do get good news, it will take forever to arrive to me (by that point, the clock will be ticking for the three-week limit -- I just don't want it to take three weeks to arrive). I know I'll need to complete the medical forms. If it arrives at home (and they wont email copies of the forms), I can have my family send it to me (might take some time too). Urgh - lots of details, huh?

Thanks for any advice or help.

best, JOhn

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HI All -- One more question. I'm currently traveling overseas. I currently have my address listed as my US address back home. Should I change it to my international address (would they ship internationally). I'm worried that if I do get good news, it will take forever to arrive to me (by that point, the clock will be ticking for the three-week limit -- I just don't want it to take three weeks to arrive). I know I'll need to complete the medical forms. If it arrives at home (and they wont email copies of the forms), I can have my family send it to me (might take some time too). Urgh - lots of details, huh?

Thanks for any advice or help.

best, JOhn

I'm living in Germany now and have my current address listed as my one here. I updated it with them about a month ago with no mention of it being a problem to ship internationally. I would suggest changing your current address to your international one - that way (even though it will take longer for notification) you won't have to go through the extra waiting of having your family ship everything to you. I would think, also, that you could email the regional representative at IIE once you know they've already started sending out letters and request to know your status so you don't miss any deadlines. Good luck!

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I applied for a full grant so I guess they aren't getting sent out at the same time. Good luck with Korea!!

She applied to ETA but we are located in Atlanta. She told me she received the letter by mail since last week Wednesday, I think.

What did you apply for?

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Yeah! I applied ETA to the DR. I hadn't posted because it seemed like there weren't other applicants to the region on this board! No word yet...

I applied for a full grant to the DR! maybe we could end up there together :) I haven't heard anything either, but will post as soon as I do. Good luck!!!! (also, have you tried contacting the central american/caribbean person for info on when we can expect to hear?)

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Yes, would love to hear from the other Norway applicants on the spreadsheet! Do you think they sent out all the emails today or there is still a chance we could get something in the upcoming days...? Ahh the uncertainty is killing me!

I haven't heard yet either...though I applied for an ETA to Norway, not a full grant. But like you, the email thing is freaking me out...I hope we all hear soon!

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I'm living in Germany now and have my current address listed as my one here. I updated it with them about a month ago with no mention of it being a problem to ship internationally. I would suggest changing your current address to your international one - that way (even though it will take longer for notification) you won't have to go through the extra waiting of having your family ship everything to you. I would think, also, that you could email the regional representative at IIE once you know they've already started sending out letters and request to know your status so you don't miss any deadlines. Good luck!

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Hi Hmsoer,

Thanks for your reply! I'll go ahead and update my address to my German one.

I emailed Rachel Holskin -- is she also the regional IIE rep you referenced?

Are you also applying to a Euro country? ETA or Research Grant?

Just curious, what part of Germany are you in? I'm in Berlin. Thanks!

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Anyone applying for Spain email Rachel this week yet? The old Spain Fulbright site (http://old.fulbright.es/book/view/95) said that the decision will be made before April 1st....

I have been chomping at the bit to email her about Spain but I figured I would wait until just after the first to start the nagging- then they'll be officially late and I'll feel more entitled to ask...

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To those who applied for the CLEA:

Did you get confirmation from the fulbright people after you sent in the forms they requested? I got nada response from them and that makes me anxious, but I also don't want to seem needy by writing back and asking them to confirm... (this applies to people applying to MENA I guess)


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Hi Hmsoer,

Thanks for your reply! I'll go ahead and update my address to my German one.

I emailed Rachel Holskin -- is she also the regional IIE rep you referenced?

Are you also applying to a Euro country? ETA or Research Grant?

Just curious, what part of Germany are you in? I'm in Berlin. Thanks!

haha small world - I'm in Berlin too! it's nice to know someone else will be depending on the mercy of Deutsche Post...

I'm actually applying to the Indonesia ETA. It seems people in the US received letters yesterday, so hopefully I won't have to wait too long for whatever letter to get to Germany. I figure if I don't get anything by next week I'll email the regional rep for Asia to see if he can tell me my status.

Good luck to you! At least we finally have some schön weather for our wait!

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I applied for a full grant to the DR! maybe we could end up there together :) I haven't heard anything either, but will post as soon as I do. Good luck!!!! (also, have you tried contacting the central american/caribbean person for info on when we can expect to hear?)

I will keep all fingers and toes crossed for us both!!...and, of course, post as soon as I hear anything. Not sure how notifications will vary between ETA and Full, it seems like a lot more Full Fullbrights are hearing before ETAs?

I havn't emailed anyone yet...I was trying to be patient, but it's sure getting difficult....

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Emailed Rachel today regarding announcements for Russia applicants and received the following response. Another 1-2 weeks before they are mailed out.

We’re just finalizing all of the pieces necessary in order to move forward and issue official FSB notifications. Although not a promise, my guess is that we’ll be mailing these out within the next 1-2 weeks.

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Does anyone know how much your GPA is weighted in the final selection?

That is a good question, I was actually wondering the same! I was hoping it would be a fair amount, since that is one of my strongest attributes, GPA & Language skill, but I get a feeling it does not really matter as much as I hoped! Not too sure though it is hard to say as they do not really mention it.

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Big congrats! I'm also an Indonesia ETA applicant, but I'm currently living in Germany so I'm thinking it might take a little longer for whatever letter to get here :/ Was the letter sent by IIE from New York or from Indonesia? Just basic snail mail? Thanks!

It looks like it got sent from NY, basic snail mail. There's another person who received notification while living in Germany on the spreadsheet, and it seems like there's about a 3 day delay as compared to applicants living in the US. Hope that helps.

Skyfire--I noticed you seem to know a lot about JET. I'm currently a finalist for JET and just received an offer for an ETA grant. Which would you choose if you had to pick between the two? There are a lot of pluses and minuses for each opportunity, and it would be great to have another opinion from someone who knows a lot about both.

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Has anyone else had problems with IIE not receiving official transcripts? I had one sent off in late January, and received an e-mail yesterday notifying me that IIE didn't have one on file. Not sure how catastrophic this is or how transcripts are used, but I haven't heard anything regarding acceptance/rejection, though others have already received their notifications (regarding Sweden, in this particular case).

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That is a good question, I was actually wondering the same! I was hoping it would be a fair amount, since that is one of my strongest attributes, GPA & Language skill, but I get a feeling it does not really matter as much as I hoped! Not too sure though it is hard to say as they do not really mention it.

I also agree. It'd be interesting to know how they actually take everything. Because as was mentioned, some applicants have a campus committee evaluation, while others don't. I was quite surprised to get the Fulbright simply because I thought that my research was too technical. It seems that almost 3/4 of the people who receive Fulbrights are in the social sciences/humanities/liberal arts, rather than engineering and science. So I was really worried about the "committee" understanding what I wanted to do and write it in terms that an educated person could understand, but still conveyed meaning. Does that make sense?

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