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Fulbright 2011-2012


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Hey, just saw this, congratulations!! I'm the other Swedish Full recipient accepted on 3/28. What field of research are you in?

Thanks =D, congrats to you too! My field is neuroscience, and my project's looking at some neural correlates of obesity and how a therapeutic might be developed to combat them. How about yourself?

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Hello! I've just received my letter indicating that I've been awarded a Fulbright grant to South Korea (full grant). So I'm quite excited!

I'm curious to know if there are any others on this forum that are also going to be conducting research in Korea. Looking forward to meeting everyone soon...

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It seems like M.E. applicants generally hear last, maybe May (if we're lucky!). I think that it might be a long wait with all the unrest in the region. I emailed Jermaine Jones awhile ago, and he said they were working to figure out what to do with the people who were currently in the countries before they were going to figure out about this year's pool of applicants. You'll notice that the M.E. applicants are pretty quiet on the forum right now--we've resigned ourselves to the fact that we probably won't hear for awhile. :\

What country did you apply to?

I notice on the google.doc that none of the Middle East applicants have been notified yet. Anyone know when we can expect decisions (particularly for ETAs)?

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Hey I applied to Canada and saw that someone heard back a week ago. I have been trying to get info to see if it was email notification or mailed and have gotten nothing. I called up Jody Dudderar but got the usual run of the mill answer, just wondering if anyone has any info or if anyone else applied to Canada.

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You'll notice that the M.E. applicants are pretty quiet on the forum right now--we've resigned ourselves to the fact that we probably won't hear for awhile. :\

This made me LOL. I believe I was the very last Fulbright Finalist to hear for the entire GradCafe community last year (June 28--- the day before orientation). I am not planning on hearing anything before May 1 this year... but I still find myself lurking in this forum nearly daily. :)

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You'll notice that the M.E. applicants are pretty quiet on the forum right now--we've resigned ourselves to the fact that we probably won't hear for awhile. :\

This made me LOL. I believe I was the very last Fulbright Finalist to hear for the entire GradCafe community last year (June 28--- the day before orientation). I am not planning on hearing anything before May 1 this year... but I still find myself lurking in this forum nearly daily. :)

Yep.. same here fellow M.E.'er friends! I know we won't find out until May at the earliest but I must read that darn spreadsheet 50 times a day. It's good distraction from writing my thesis.

At least for Egypt, the good news is that this year's Fulbrighters have resumed their grants and the U.S. embassy/consulate is 100% back to normal operations, so I feel like that must mean FB 2011-12 must be back on, right? (In my last email with Jermaine, when current FBers were still suspended, he indicated doubt as to whether the program would go on next year). If only they could find someone to sign off on the research clearance...

Best of luck to those of you who applied to countries where the situation is still so tumultuous. If nothing else, we will all become very good at waiting after this. I am trying to restrict myself to harassing J.J. only once every 4 weeks, so I get to email him again April 15. I'll let you all know what he says. I predict his response will be : "there's no way of knowing...you might hear in the next several weeks..."

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Oh, I'm lurking too...I check it several times a day in hopes that someone will have heard from Jermaine Jones. No luck so far. PS-If someone hears any news from him, please post! :D

This made me LOL. I believe I was the very last Fulbright Finalist to hear for the entire GradCafe community last year (June 28--- the day before orientation). I am not planning on hearing anything before May 1 this year... but I still find myself lurking in this forum nearly daily. :)

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From the spreadsheet, it looks like an applicant to Honduras received notification of her/his acceptance today.

Does anyone know if this marks the beginning of Central American & Caribbean notifications? I remember someone mentioning that Cara Wolinsky provided mid to late April as a recent estimate for when the letters would be mailed....yet, this would suggest that they are already notifying applicants.

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I can't make any guarantees but Cara told me last Monday (March 28) that it would be 2-3 weeks.

From the spreadsheet, it looks like an applicant to Honduras received notification of her/his acceptance today.

Does anyone know if this marks the beginning of Central American & Caribbean notifications? I remember someone mentioning that Cara Wolinsky provided mid to late April as a recent estimate for when the letters would be mailed....yet, this would suggest that they are already notifying applicants.

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I received the Medical Report Form (four pages!) with my initial large manila envelope and then received a smaller envelope with further pre-departure information for Germany. But for my medical screening, I just had a routine physical exam, but had to have a TB test and blood work/urine test. The latter was the only annoying part b/c you need to do a fasting blood test to get cholesterol or whatever. So yeah. Make sure you bring the form that says "for physicians" and explain to the nurse and doctor what you need from them. Otherwise, your doctor may not provide the correct information!

Thanks for posting the above so people can plan accordingly!

did the "further pre-departure information" smaller envelope come separately in the mail?

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Glad other Central America ppl noticed that. I was like, wait what??? Let's hope this does mark the start, because I'm still waiting. I emailed Cara yesterday, regarding affiliation stuff, and also happened to plug in the Q? about notification dates (just had too tongue.gif, since I've never dared email till today). No reply yet. But I will let you all know what she says when I get her response.

From the spreadsheet, it looks like an applicant to Honduras received notification of her/his acceptance today.

Does anyone know if this marks the beginning of Central American & Caribbean notifications? I remember someone mentioning that Cara Wolinsky provided mid to late April as a recent estimate for when the letters would be mailed....yet, this would suggest that they are already notifying applicants.

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... Did you remove yourself from the spreadsheet??? Because if not, someone is messing with the spreadsheet and that's just plain wrong.

Anyways, double check.


I can't make any guarantees but Cara told me last Monday (March 28) that it would be 2-3 weeks.

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Congrats! It's about time German ETAs heard! It's much later than last year. I also find it odd that the full grants heard back very early and then there was that weird lull. So I'm thinking all German applicants (full or ETA) should be finding out soon ... I don't remember if there were still a few full grants waiting to hear back ...

Did you get a placement for where you'll be doing your ETA? I forget, but which states did you 'request'?

You know, I haven't even looked at the acceptance letter, actually. My family had to read it out to me. From what I understand, however, I have not yet been placed.

My top three choices were Berlin, Hamburg and Hessen (hoping to be placed near Frankfurt).

I'd think the ETAs are on a different budget than research folks, but I am likely wrong.

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Hi everyone! I'm new here and am also watching the mail every day. Any word on central asia? I'm a finalist for Tajikistan. Thanks! Good-luck to you all!

Hi Mobgof, I saw on the spreadsheet that your community outreach program was going to be a theatre program for girls. If we are both accepted to Tajikistan, we should talk, since I am also involved in theatre & dance & Tajikistan, and grant-writing right now for some social change type of art projects. Hopefully we'll all hear soon. Best Wishes.

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Anyone applied for a research grant to Slovenia or have any Slovenia updates? Thanks!

Wow, I never thought that anybody else applying to Slovenia would pop up! To answer you question, nope, have not heard a thing. Its nice to know that you haven't either, if only to be assured that my letter has not been lost in the mail.

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I got a large manila envelope in the mail today! Full grant for Honduras!!!

Also, my good friend got her award letter for a full grant to Colombia in the mail today.

No idea if this means more Central/South America notifications are coming. FWIW, the letters were postmarked on 4/1 and we're in the Southwestern USA.

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Fryguy: What did you ask her? It still seems a bit on the cryptic side lol.

The other neurotic South Africa Fulbright applicant commends your neurosis and also wants to know what you asked her :)

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The other neurotic South Africa Fulbright applicant commends your neurosis and also wants to know what you asked her :)

Haha. My email:

"Hi! I know that you are probably being inundated with emails regarding notification of full and ETA grants, but I was wondering if you had any information about when notification letters for the South African ETA where going to be sent. I know that last year candidates received them around April 12th. I was just trying to work with my graduate school to defer admission, if I were to receive the ETA and they need to know as soon as possible. Please let me know!"

Again, her response:

You will receive notification from Washington. Things are a little slower this year due to budget constraints.


Francinah Tabea Magoro

Regional English Language Office

U.S. Embassy

I'm not opposed to continuing to pester until I can find out some sort of timeline. I'll send another email to Jermaine at the end of the week. Please post, as always, if you do the same.

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I didn't remove myself. I put it in 2 days ago and I thought it worked?? I guess not?


... Did you remove yourself from the spreadsheet??? Because if not, someone is messing with the spreadsheet and that's just plain wrong.

Anyways, double check.


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