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Fulbright 2011-2012


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You can see the stats they just released there. 2010/2011 12 grants, 2011/2012 10 grants! Kind of stinks they have less grants, I think I am just going to accept my offer at LSE and move on, I can't take the risk of turning down the offer from LSE, going to school in Norway and not getting the Fulbright in the end, and going to a much less prestigious school on top of it. We will see, some big decisions coming up soon.

I am not going to hold my breathe, there are 3 alternates on this thread and since they won't tell me, for all I know I am #3, which means basically I will never get it, I really wish they would just tell you which alternate # you are! Kind of silly.

Did you have other plans in case the Fulbright did not go through?? Hope you're taking it okay!

Hello again! Did Rachel tell you that she can't give out information on alternate lists or just not respond to your email? I am still waiting on hearing back from her. I am also trying to figure out what to do this summer as I absolutely have to go to Norway before I can start my dissertation. It will make a huge difference in my plans if I am the first or the third alternate. Uff, this is quite the test of patience! Good luck to you in your decisions!

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Just woke up to an e-mail notifying me of my alternate status for the Austrian ETA... here's hoping for good news from Germany later on today...

Ich druecke dir die Daumen! Viel Glueck!

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Hey I applied to Canada and saw that someone heard back a week ago. I have been trying to get info to see if it was email notification or mailed and have gotten nothing. I called up Jody Dudderar but got the usual run of the mill answer, just wondering if anyone has any info or if anyone else applied to Canada.

applied to canada too. no news. willing to bet the entry is a mistake-- too many people here w/o notices + the earlier notice of april 15.

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As they say in Cambodia, 'same same but different'...

My friend who was on a Fulbright in Cambodia in '09 said she didn't hear until the last week of April, which sounds pretty consistent with what it has on the spreadsheet from last year. So three more weeks?

Ahhh. If they are even later this year I don't want to find out mid-May the day before I defend my thesis. But, yes can't rush Cambodia.

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Ahhh. If they are even later this year I don't want to find out mid-May the day before I defend my thesis. But, yes can't rush Cambodia.

Bangladesh is the same way. You simply can't rush them. I'm not expecting to hear anything before April 23rd--last year's notification date.

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For Netherlands people (you're on here somewhere, right?), we will definitely not be hearing this week, but letters will be sent in the next two weeks.

Yep Netherlands finalist here. Who did you hear that from? When do you think we'll hear? Thanks!

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So do any of the Spain applicants want to email Rachel this week and see if she knows when the letters might go out? I took my turn last week, so I don't want to be the annoying girl who emails all of the time! I just had to turn down another teaching opportunity, so I would really like to know whether or not I got the Fulbright.

Just emailed her. I'll update Spain applicants as soon as I hear back.

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Just checked the mail in Columbus, OH again and still no word from Korea. I barely slept last night, I can't keep doing this.

I'm wondering if all three letters (acceptance, alternate and rejection) are sent out at the same time. It's a bit stressful.

Good luck everyone.

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Just emailed her. I'll update Spain applicants as soon as I hear back.

Who is Rachel, and how might she be contacted? My Fulbright contact says she doesn't know anything in regard to a notification timeline for Spain full-grants.. The waiting is horrible! It would be nice to know some sort of estimate.

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I'm a finalist for the ETA in Italy and really wondering whether I'll find out today! If they sent out ETA decisions with the full grant decisions on Friday, I'm not sure why I haven't received anything yet since I'm on the East coast. I wish I knew whether they sent out full decisions and ETA decisions together. The suspense is killing me!

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Who is Rachel, and how might she be contacted? My Fulbright contact says she doesn't know anything in regard to a notification timeline for Spain full-grants.. The waiting is horrible! It would be nice to know some sort of estimate.

Rachel is the IIE Program Manager for Europe and Eurasia (except Germany). Her info can be found on the Fulbright website. Last estimate she gave was that notifications would be mailed this week or next week. I'll post what she says when she emails me back.

To what city are you applying for and what kind of work?

I'm applying for a full-grant also in Valencia doing molecular genetics/molecular bio at the CSISP.

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Rachel is the IIE Program Manager for Europe and Eurasia (except Germany). Her info can be found on the Fulbright website. Last estimate she gave was that notifications would be mailed this week or next week. I'll post what she says when she emails me back.

To what city are you applying for and what kind of work?

I'm applying for a full-grant also in Valencia doing molecular genetics/molecular bio at the CSISP.

Thanks for the info. I'm applying for a full-grant to UPF Barcelona for the same (mol bio/genetics)

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Is the person listed as fairly in the spreadsheet (alternate then accepted to Indonesia) on the boards?

Just in case you all haven't figured out by now based on my constantly asking questions, I'm very anxious to hear something. When they take alternates off the list do you all think they always go in numerical order?

Edited by readtowin
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You know, I haven't even looked at the acceptance letter, actually. My family had to read it out to me. From what I understand, however, I have not yet been placed.

My top three choices were Berlin, Hamburg and Hessen (hoping to be placed near Frankfurt).

I'd think the ETAs are on a different budget than research folks, but I am likely wrong.

Yeah, I think we earn 50 Euro less per month, since we just sit and research. BUT that'd be awesome if you got placed near Frankfurt. I lived in Kassel (not the best place in Germany) for three months a few summers ago, but the places around Hessen are amazing, such as Hann-Muenden and then there are some great forested areas around there ...

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Just woke up to an e-mail notifying me of my alternate status for the Austrian ETA... here's hoping for good news from Germany later on today...

Can we apply for more than one ETA position?! I was under the impression we could only do one at a time...

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Can we apply for more than one ETA position?! I was under the impression we could only do one at a time...

Austria is a special land full of special people and special rules. For some reason their program doesn't line up exactly like Fulbright. I'm sure eule can explain more, since she applied for both, but from my understanding most people applying to German countries apply for both at the same time. I should have, but oh well...thankfully I won a spot.

They even had a different deadline I believe.

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Any Sub-Saharan Africa Applicants want to email Jermaine Jones? I emailed him on Monday (and the previous Monday)... I don't want to be "that guy". Any takers? jjones@iie.org

I'm inclined to believe the answer will be the same. It sounds like no one has really gotten anything different from him than "you should hear in april," or "probably in the next several weeks." they're clearly trying to keep things as ambiguous as possible :)

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