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Fulbright 2011-2012


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Damn, does that mean we could win/not win the Fulbright based solely on when we mailed our application to Germany? If so, that's a bit unsettling. I mailed mine a week before the postmark deadline. It would suck if it's as arbitrary as that!

Doubt that's the case as I've received my notification and I mailed my stuff the day OF the deadline.

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Same here. Germany ETA alternate received 4/5/11. Fingers crossed. :)

Good luck on the next wait! :) I just emailed my Fulbright Advisor and Cara today to ask about status of alternates and a possible list... never heard back from Cara, but my Advisor said to ask Cara and then enjoy the wait, wait, wait process. LOL. Germany's got a good economy. Here's hoping for more funding! :)

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Just received notification of my alternate status. Don't know what that means for Central America/Caribbean applicants (whether they rank according to region/country)....

Hopefully other applicants will have better luck!

Diddo on the alternate. Saw the white little envelope and just sighed and said, ok. Alternate status = more waiting. For some reason I feel more at peace though, at least I wasn't rejected. But it's a bit upsetting I still have no clue as to whether I'm a recipient or not and will probably not know for the next month or two. I really want this Fulbright, and I really need it too.

Best wishes for everyone else!

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Diddo on the alternate. Saw the white little envelope and just sighed and said, ok. Alternate status = more waiting. For some reason I feel more at peace though, at least I wasn't rejected. But it's a bit upsetting I still have no clue as to whether I'm a recipient or not and will probably not know for the next month or two. I really want this Fulbright, and I really need it too.

Best wishes for everyone else!

Btw, incase anyone is wondering I applied to Guatemala, under the category of religion.

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Whoever's in charge of the spreadsheet can you please take a look at it. It's all messed up, I mean like big time. There's info from notification dates missing, the headings are in the middle, it's just weird.


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Whoever's in charge of the spreadsheet can you please take a look at it. It's all messed up, I mean like big time. There's info from notification dates missing, the headings are in the middle, it's just weird.


Ugh. Not again. I'll work on it. Not like I was very productive tonight anyways.

But on another topic, I'm afraid this gov't shutdown will seriously affect our applications. We need to send out medical clearance form to IIE, who will then send it to the State Department for review. Unless those employees looking at our apps are deemed "essential" then I think we will be in limbo before we receive clearance to start doing everything else. Hmm ...

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Ugh. Not again. I'll work on it. Not like I was very productive tonight anyways.

But on another topic, I'm afraid this gov't shutdown will seriously affect our applications. We need to send out medical clearance form to IIE, who will then send it to the State Department for review. Unless those employees looking at our apps are deemed "essential" then I think we will be in limbo before we receive clearance to start doing everything else. Hmm ...

Do you really think so?? I was wondering about this today?

What is going on with this country.... government shutdown... how sad it i has come to this point :(

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Ugh. Not again. I'll work on it. Not like I was very productive tonight anyways.

But on another topic, I'm afraid this gov't shutdown will seriously affect our applications. We need to send out medical clearance form to IIE, who will then send it to the State Department for review. Unless those employees looking at our apps are deemed "essential" then I think we will be in limbo before we receive clearance to start doing everything else. Hmm ...

Okay. I had to revert back to a sheet from two hours ago. If you entered information during that time, ya gotta re-enter it. Sorry!

Here's the link: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AriON5PQlVdtdHlKMUhJYlo0bEVXREcxdlJVYUFibnc&hl=en&authkey=CNHpkd4P

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Okay. I had to revert back to a sheet from two hours ago. If you entered information during that time, ya gotta re-enter it. Sorry!

Here's the link: https://spreadsheets...uthkey=CNHpkd4P

Yay spreadsheet's back! Thanks for fixing it and putting it back up. I was locked out for a bit and was about to have a stroke. Letter should be here any day now!

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I'm in california! I go to UC Berkeley, I have literally been checking this site during class. Ok, I think for my own sanity I am going to go into hiding and you will hear from me when I find out.

Keep me posted when you found out about Korea :). Send me a PM

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Yay spreadsheet's back! Thanks for fixing it and putting it back up. I was locked out for a bit and was about to have a stroke. Letter should be here any day now!

Sorry! It's easier for me to fix and revert if there aren't 15 people on the document. Google docs is very clunky with many users. So I usually make it private so I can have an "easier" time looking at changes. If you'd like, you can request to have "edit privileges". I don't know the option, but if it is locked, this means you can log in with your email (and I'll give you permission to edit any time it's locked). If you want that! Thx for bearing with me, though!

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Ugh. Not again. I'll work on it. Not like I was very productive tonight anyways.

But on another topic, I'm afraid this gov't shutdown will seriously affect our applications. We need to send out medical clearance form to IIE, who will then send it to the State Department for review. Unless those employees looking at our apps are deemed "essential" then I think we will be in limbo before we receive clearance to start doing everything else. Hmm ...

Crimson which gov't are you talking about

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I was thinking the same today and also with a delay of notifications. I guess we will have to see what happens in the next few days and hope for the best

Do you really think so?? I was wondering about this today?

What is going on with this country.... government shutdown... how sad it i has come to this point :(

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Crimson which gov't are you talking about

OUR gov't! The U.S.! If Congress doesn't approve a budget to run gov't to September or another stopgap measure by Friday, then essentially all non-essential gov't employees will be furloughed. It's a good assumption that State Dept workers looking at our clearance forms are not "vital" to human health. Sigh.

Edited by crimsonengineer87
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OUR gov't! The U.S.! If Congress doesn't approve a budget to run gov't to September or another stopgap measure by Friday, then essentially all non-essential gov't employees will be furloughed. It's a good assumption that State Dept workers looking at our clearance forms are not "vital" to human health. Sigh.

What? OMG!! So people are going to lose their jobs :(. This is terrible and where does leave us?

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It was my understanding that all of the countries had to submit their candidates to the bureau before the bureau would send out notifications, but looking at the spreadsheet, it seems like all of the bureaus have sent out at least on countries' notifications....except Sub-Saharan Africa (and Middle East/North Africa) (?)

How is everyone dealing with anxiety (and don't say, "It's out of your hands, just sit and relax")?

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Well, they say they usually recommend 1.5 to 2 candidates so since there are only two spots, I guess there are only four finalists?

I was hoping since there are so few of us they would get back to us sooner, but apparently this is not the case.

Me too! It seems like a lot of the other Europe finalists have heard but I guess we'll just have to be patient. :rolleyes: Do you know how many finalists there are?

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What? OMG!! So people are going to lose their jobs :(. This is terrible and where does leave us?


State Department: Working but Limited The department will continue working domestically, issuing travel advisories and working with American citizens. It refused to comment on all foreign services.Other consular functions, like helping Americans in distress abroad, are likely to continue and other functions of the State Dept and parts of its embassies that are deemed essential for national security reasons will continue.

I doubt there's anything to worry about. Unless you need to renew your passport, in which case you are probably screwed.

Edited by siuse
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She was nice but fairly vague. It sounded like several days but all should be out by the end of the week. Here's to hoping!

Well, someone on the spreadsheet from LA got their letter, so I think we're just not in the first round...or MA postal service REALLY blows. Some people got alternates too already though, so it's just weird. How do they make decisions without doing them all at once? Also, I think someone messed with the spreadsheet because I know some people heard Monday and such, but it's saying 4/5 is the only date people got letters. Not to mention I have no idea what order it's in at any given time, and it only lets me scroll by dragging, not hitting the down button, but maybe my computer is just a mess...? Anyway, let's hope we find out soon! I'm going to die from anxiety if we don't! Did she infer if there were several days this week they were going out, or could it be anytime?

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