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Fulbright 2011-2012


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Wow, I never thought that anybody else applying to Slovenia would pop up! To answer you question, nope, have not heard a thing. Its nice to know that you haven't either, if only to be assured that my letter has not been lost in the mail.

Yay! I did not apply, but my girlfriend did, so I queried for her. Good to know you're both in the same boats! Best of luck, maybe see you in Slovenia some day!

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Ah, and here I was freaking out... I'm glad to find out that I misread last year's spreadsheet. :)

There's a chance that they might get back to us sooner. According to the spread sheet from two years ago, their letters were mailed out April 6. So they could be coming any day now!

(Side note: this is what I keep telling myself. In reality, I'm bracing for not hearing back until the middle of the month. But hey, a girl can hope.)

Best of luck to all the other Taiwan-ers out there (even if you are lurkers).

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Loli or Teej (any other African candidates) want to email Jermaine Jones tomorrow? April 8, 2010 he responded that they sent notifications out.

I called this morning and he was still vague and just April-ish.

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No Fulbright for me (Germany ETA). Ah well, at least I know. Planning to move over there in August anyway as I have my TEFL and experience teaching abroad, but it would've been nice to have everything already set up! Maybe see some of y'all over there, good luck everyone!

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All my fellow Norwegian alternates out there.. if any of you get promoted to principal status PLEASE updates us, so I can then live vicariously through you, and be ultra jealous but happy for you at the same time:) haha, I am still baffled that somehow all 5 of us ended up as alternates lol sigh.

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Loli or Teej (any other African candidates) want to email Jermaine Jones tomorrow? April 8, 2010 he responded that they sent notifications out.

I misread this post and thought you said that notifications were sent out today. Then I had a heart attack. Then I read that date more carefully. Whew, okay. Back to the waiting life...

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I called this morning and he was still vague and just April-ish.

Ugh! Well, the best we can do is occasionally check in with him? I'll email him on Monday... I was hoping for some good news for the weekend (i.e. they were sent out).

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Just got my letter from Korea. Didn't receive the award.

Funny story. I opened my mailbox, and there was a large manila envelope. It was pictures from a family member. The rejection letter was right below it.

Good luck everyone!

Edited by cm487906
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I'm a finalist for Morocco too (ETA though), and I have no plan B or C either, haha. If it falls through I plan on going to teach English anyway. Perhaps not in Morocco because I think that would be more difficult to do independently... but I'll go somewhere... other plan B is to take the GRE this summer to apply for grad schools next year. Good luck!

I just discovered this website and forum by chance, and I must say its amazing how many would-be Fulbrighters are on here. You all seem great! It makes me feel better that all other MENA applicants are as anxious to hear as I am ... I applied for a Full grant to Morocco, doing political science research, and plans B and C for post-graduation have officially fallen through!

That said, I do have a couple of questions for you guys:

1) Out of curiosity, for those who are undergrads (any Fulbright program) what kinds of things are you thinking of doing if you get rejected/waitlisted? Am I the only one without a remaining back up plan??

2) I'm also wondering if any forwarded person who applied to do potentially sensitive political science research in any country where political research isn't highly recommended for Fulbrighters has gotten accepted - and not just MENA countries (ex Russia, China, central Asia, wherever).

I'm betting either acceptance because they'll want to show how welcoming and open they are to people asking questions, or rejection because its too touchy to do research on inter-party politics in the country, but I doubt I'll be waitlisted

Thoughts, anyone??

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Netherlands people--our letters were sent out today! I guess we'll be hearing Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Ack!

Ah! Ok Thanks for the update. Did you speak with Rachel?

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Hi everyone. I haven't posted anything yet but I have been following this thread. I finally can't take the waiting anymore and had to post something. I applied for a Full grant to Spain. The waiting is killing me. We are supposed to hear soon right? I really need to plan the rest of my life (ie renewing or not renewing my lease, getting my boyfriend to apply for a Visa so he can come with me). I know many of you are in similar positions. Any new word on Spain?

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Hi everyone. I haven't posted anything yet but I have been following this thread. I finally can't take the waiting anymore and had to post something. I applied for a Full grant to Spain. The waiting is killing me. We are supposed to hear soon right? I really need to plan the rest of my life (ie renewing or not renewing my lease, getting my boyfriend to apply for a Visa so he can come with me). I know many of you are in similar positions. Any new word on Spain?

Not quite Spain, but I haven't heard yet for Sweden.

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Thanks for the update! But the end of April??? Nooooooooo!! :-( did he happen to give any hints as to why or was he vague? Oh well... at least that means I can allow myself to "relax" for the month of April and start worrying again in May... :-/

Actually I just spoke with Jermaine (North Africa/Middle East) and he said that they really don't know when the notifications are going out at this point. They're hoping for the end of April, but he says there's no guarantee.

So....that means more waiting :(

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I received an ASF award for 20K to Sweden three days ago, so they should be out in the mail now. The letter said I have three weeks to respond.

Has anyone else applied for a Fulbright to Sweden?

Good luck to all!

I also applied for a Fulbright grant to Sweden. No notice yet :( I wrote to Rachel Holskin, and she noted that the first set of letters were sent out 3/25. I'm still waiting for my letter, though.

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mine were five days late for the same reason. if that automatically axed us then i hope they just told us at that point.

well, the people at the IIE office said it should be fine, but then no one took my name or anything...soooo....who knows. that was one angry night when I found out about the mistake though. hoo, boy.

anyway, rachel said they're "hoping" to mail out the rest of the poland letters next week...so, guess we'll see!

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