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MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum

Michelle Santa Cruz

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There is no reason why US universities can't respond and prepare results for their applicants after 3 months!

In my country, it is unacceptable and even sometimes, illegal. In there, even if they need more time to make a decision, they publish an announcement or send an email.

Considering the application fee is about half of a month's salary, I'm so upset and angry that it was wasted. There was no respect for our time.


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Hi I need some advice. 

My practice is mainly about social practice.

U-Michigan (2-y program) : amazing funding (for any kind of production and travel) and exceptional facility (duderstardt center), a lot of scholarly opportunities. literally 0 costs for 2 years. Center for Asian studies.

CMU (3-y program): amazing faculty and competitive students, fit to my practice, opportunities to work with neighboring museums, but 32000 $ for 3 years. 


What will you choose?

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3 hours ago, ORRI said:

Hi I need some advice. 

My practice is mainly about social practice.

U-Michigan (2-y program) : amazing funding (for any kind of production and travel) and exceptional facility (duderstardt center), a lot of scholarly opportunities. literally 0 costs for 2 years. Center for Asian studies.

CMU (3-y program): amazing faculty and competitive students, fit to my practice, opportunities to work with neighboring museums, but 32000 $ for 3 years. 


What will you choose?

fully funded all the way!!! (or ask cmu to match umich's offer)

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On 4/9/2022 at 6:22 PM, ORRI said:

Hi I need some advice. 

My practice is mainly about social practice.

U-Michigan (2-y program) : amazing funding (for any kind of production and travel) and exceptional facility (duderstardt center), a lot of scholarly opportunities. literally 0 costs for 2 years. Center for Asian studies.

CMU (3-y program): amazing faculty and competitive students, fit to my practice, opportunities to work with neighboring museums, but 32000 $ for 3 years. 


What will you choose?

Fully funded and U Mich. Faculty at CMU is good but CMU as a school overall is a bit deficient in the humanities and social sciences, in as much as you can take courses at UPitt. If having that context available is important to you, don't overlook it.

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On 4/9/2022 at 5:26 AM, hairyeyeball said:

I've seen some current/recent students posting about Bard here, sounds like their MFA program is struggling to keep up with the strains and challenges of the pandemic.

Did anyone here interview for Bard?I 'm curious to hear about other people's interviews, insights on the program, and where you're at with it now... I'm on the wait list.

Spoke to recent graduates of the programme (both international students and local) + one former faculty -- the Bard programme is in a tricky position rn and none of them recommend attending it at the moment. It's hard to say if it is in the same shape as it was prior to the pandemic.

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21 hours ago, worldcleft said:

Spoke to recent graduates of the programme (both international students and local) + one former faculty -- the Bard programme is in a tricky position rn and none of them recommend attending it at the moment. It's hard to say if it is in the same shape as it was prior to the pandemic.

Thanks for the reply, @worldcleft. You've confirmed my concerns.

I am still hoping for acceptance off the waitlist. A lot can shift and change (for the better, one hopes) over the course of three summers. Plus, Bard's is the most interdisciplinary program I've researched, which is essential for me. On the other hand, it might be prudent to wait (and I may have to anyway, still being on the waitlist). But, like many folks here, I've been waiting because of the pandemic, I'm tired of waiting, and the "end" of the pandemic is nowhere in sight. And I'm in my 30s and more than ready to move forward.

Has anyone else received a waitlist update (good or bad news) from any school?

Thoughts on other interdisciplinary programs out there?

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For the seventh consecutive year, Los Angeles will lead the charge in hosting World Art Day festivities in the United States. This global event organized by the International Association of Art (IAA/AIAP), in official partnership with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), takes place yearly on April 15, Leonardo da Vinci's birthday, and promotes international collaboration through art. In honor of this worldwide celebration, IAA/USA, the US chapter of the IAA headquartered in Los Angeles, will host projects in the form of virtual and gallery exhibitions, artist talks, and pop-ups.

We invite you all to celebrate World Art Day, on April 15th!"


Califas leads the way. So cool that there's a day for the men and women, boys and girls, that is about art and creativity.


Also coming up is the Abril 15th Resolution Date. The agreement among signatory graduate schools to provide applicants until Abril 15 to consider offers of admission that also include financial support.

I think it's pretty kool that these fall on the same date.

Haven't been on the boards for a while. Haven't even been creepin. Looks like things have chilled out and most have decided on your programs. That's rad. Looks like some of you also didn't get into grad, at all. That sucks. Good luck next year!!!

Before I put this joint away for good, I'm gonna be on here this week to see who else decided on the fabuloso University of Southern Califas Roski School of Art and Design in Los Angeles CA!!!!!!!  ??? YEAAAAAH!!! I'm pretty excited. Please P.M./D.M. me if you did commit to USC. I'd like to link up with people ahead of August.

Congratulations to all of you who are attending grad, this semester. Let's make the world a better place!!!

Fun Factoid: Did you know the Titanic sunk on Abril 15th??? I didn't either. According to history, however, the Titanic did in fact sink on Abril 15th 1912. Almost 2,000 people died. So don't trip if you didn't get into grad, this year. At least you didn't freeze to death and drown at night in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

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I was curious if anyone else was in a similar situation where you are still waitlisted, and that 4/15 deadline is coming up soon. I am currently waitlisted for UCSB and Columbia, and wanted to make a final informed decision after knowing where I stand with these schools. Are these schools required to send their offers by the 15th, or do some send them out after that deadline? I was also curious if funding is affected if offers are sent out after the 15th as well.

I have also just gotten an offer from another school I've been waitlisted for, and only have a few days turnaround time to make a decision. Although a bit skeptical, I am asking for an extension on some of the schools I have been accepted to so far. Has anyone had any success on extending after 4/15? 

Edited by chewythecat
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19 minutes ago, chewythecat said:

Are these schools required to send their offers by the 15th, or do some send them out after that deadline? I was also curious if funding is affected if offers are sent out after the 15th as well.

According to the International Council of Graduate Schools, member institutions are required by mandate to give a Graduate Applicant their admission and funding offer by the 15th of April. From what I gather, if you applied but were not offered admission then affiliates are not mandated to inform you of anything at all. It seems that offering an applicant a rejection letter is a courtesy that differs by academic institution. It is called the "April 15th Resolution Date."

The University of California at Santa Barbara, as well as Columbia are both signatory schools of the council and are mandated to inform you by April 15th that you have been accepted and what your funding will be.

I don't know if they are flexible about it or if the situation is affected by being waitlisted. All I know are the CGS rules that are outlined on their site.

Does an applicant have to accept summer, winter, or spring admission by april 15th?

"The April 15 Resolution only applies to offers of financial support for academic year offers beginning in Fall term. Admission to graduate programs that start in the Winter, Spring, or Summer terms are not bound by the resolution."

Members of the CGS are as follows:

LINK ---> CGS membership affiliates who are required to inform you by April 15th <--- LINK

LINK ---> What is the April 15th Resolution Date? <--- LINK

You might consider peeping the GradCafe Graduate Admission Results page and see what other applicants have posted about UCSB and Columbia. Maybe that can help.

LINK ---> Graduate Admission Results <--- LINK

I hope it works out in your favor.

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On 4/12/2022 at 2:07 AM, hairyeyeball said:

Thanks for the reply, @worldcleft. You've confirmed my concerns.

I am still hoping for acceptance off the waitlist. A lot can shift and change (for the better, one hopes) over the course of three summers. Plus, Bard's is the most interdisciplinary program I've researched, which is essential for me. On the other hand, it might be prudent to wait (and I may have to anyway, still being on the waitlist). But, like many folks here, I've been waiting because of the pandemic, I'm tired of waiting, and the "end" of the pandemic is nowhere in sight. And I'm in my 30s and more than ready to move forward.

Has anyone else received a waitlist update (good or bad news) from any school?

Thoughts on other interdisciplinary programs out there?

I quite like the work I've seen from the current UCLA students. They seem to push form + good intellectual inquiry.
Although technically not interdisciplinary in set up, Yale Sculpture has a few good students that work their way from their last batch that graduated in the Spring. You would of course have the support of all of Yale's course offerings to bolster an interdisciplinary education. It is the most artistic ivy, along with Brown.
MIT has a very different kind of interdisciplinary programme, but it is an MSc, not an MFA. Your final product is a written thesis, not a work or a show.


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2 hours ago, worldcleft said:

I quite like the work I've seen from the current UCLA students. They seem to push form + good intellectual inquiry.
Although technically not interdisciplinary in set up, Yale Sculpture has a few good students that work their way from their last batch that graduated in the Spring. You would of course have the support of all of Yale's course offerings to bolster an interdisciplinary education. It is the most artistic ivy, along with Brown.
MIT has a very different kind of interdisciplinary programme, but it is an MSc, not an MFA. Your final product is a written thesis, not a work or a show.


These are helpful observations, thanks for sharing, @worldcleft. To be honest, I'm a bit intimidated by the competitiveness of all three of those programs, but I'll definitely consider them if/when I apply this fall. 

I hear that UCLA has a new studio building, has anyone here seen it in person?

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