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Security deposit before signing a lease?


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So we've got a place down in my new city....yea!

My issue now is how to go about the process. The landlord told my roommate to send the application and the security deposit and that we'd sign the lease when we move in. I don't know if it should've, but that set something off in me. I asked my family and sure enough they agreed that I shouldn't be sending off money without signing anything or having my credit checked. I'm still going to fill out the application but we're going to ask if we can sign the lease before giving the deposit. Am I right in assuming that something's not right about this? I'm a little lost, I've only rented once before and my mom was a co-renter so she's the one who went through the credit check, etc.

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I've never rented without the deposit and the lease-signing happening at the same time. If you can travel up there to do it, that might work, even if it meant a special trip. Otherwise, sending money with no contract means the landlord could cash the check, forget you wanted that spot and then you have to take him/her to court to get your money back.

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I've never rented without the deposit and the lease-signing happening at the same time. If you can travel up there to do it, that might work, even if it meant a special trip. Otherwise, sending money with no contract means the landlord could cash the check, forget you wanted that spot and then you have to take him/her to court to get your money back.

My thought exactly. My mom also suggested sending or faxing a copy of the signed lease and bringing the real leases with us. I personally would really have to pull some strings to get down there before my move-in time and I think my roommate would have to also (we're currently in different places, and neither or us are in the city in question). I just can't imagine sending off so much money without having something in writing.

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My mom also suggested sending or faxing a copy of the signed lease and bringing the real leases with us.

That's the most common way of doing it that I've dealt with. My girlfriend recently moved to another city and that's exactly how it was handled because she couldn't come until after the lease started.

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My new place sent me the lease documents. I signed all of them, made copies for myself, and mailed the originals back with the deposit check. Sent everything with delivery confirmation to have a record that they received my stuff.

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I've given the deposit before signing a lease before, but that was in an incredibly crowded rental market where you showed up to see the place with your cheque book or you didn't get it. It wasn't long distance, though, and the landlord seemed super trustworthy.

I've never had a credit check run on me at any of the five places I rented over the years. Is this an American/Canadian thing?

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I had to give my deposit for our current place before we signed the lease.

It was part deposit for the house, and part deposit to ensure that he would reserve it for us.

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My new place sent me the lease documents. I signed all of them, made copies for myself, and mailed the originals back with the deposit check. Sent everything with delivery confirmation to have a record that they received my stuff.

I did the exact same thing. My landlady sent me a confirmation e-mail as soon as she got both the deposit check and the lease (which I had previously photocopied) and then she sent me a copy signed by her. She was really nice through the whole process (she has even offered to give me a ride to the house the day I arrive).

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I am embarrassed to say this, being as skeptical as I am of landlords, but I have never thought twice about paying a security deposit before signing the actual lease. You are on firm footing if you had to get your money back in small claims court, and unlike contractors, landlords are stuck in one place and have property that could be seized if they don't show up. If it makes you uncomfortable, you may have to work with the landlord to get a copy of the contract ahead of time. Otherwise, you could do what many other people do and trust that the landlord isn't going to screw you over.

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