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2023 Canada Admissions SLP thread

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20 hours ago, slpapplicant23 said:


I got a call as well! I also wasn't expecting it but thought it was very nice of them to reach out to see if we had any questions! 

I was wondering if you guys are accepting your offer to Western? If so, would you like to make a groupchat or get in contact? 

I've accepted Western, I would love a groupchat!

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2 hours ago, Mimz101 said:

Hey! First time applicant here and I got waitlisted to both uoft and western. Janet let me know that I am waitlisted in the second quadrant. Does anyone know what that means? 

Hi, I am also in the second quadrant! From looking at previous years forums the waitlist is either 50 or 100 people long and if it's 100 then our places are probably between 25-50. Fingers crossed for both of us!!

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35 minutes ago, tayslp said:

Hello! First time applicant here. I am still waiting to hear from Dalhousie. Has anyone else that has applied not heard anything yet?

Hi, I'm a first-time applicant as well! I still haven't heard anything from Dal, I'm hoping within the next week or so, but from a previous post, people who were offered early admissions don't need to decide until April 15th, so we might not hear back until after that date. 

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3 hours ago, SLPforever said:

How many people are on the McMaster waitlist? Just trying to see if I have chance 😅 also do people usually get off the waitlist for Toronto and McMaster. I know Western usually gets into the first or second quadrant. 

I am on the waitlist for McMaster. I did email them yesterday to see what position I am on in the waitlist and they told me my exact position. I also asked today if they would be able to tell based on past years how many applicants are taken off of the waiting list but they said it depends on the year so it would be difficult to tell me. They did say that last year no applicants were taken off of the waitlist since everyone accepted their offers from McMaster, but that it was the first time that has ever happened 😕 I was asking because I wanted to determine if I should provisionally accept Western since provisional acceptances become firm on May 2 and I don't want to miss my chance with McMaster if they send out acceptances to waitlisted applicants later than that date.

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Hi! I saw someone posted that they got into Western and McMaster. I got accepted into both as well! I couldn't reply to  their post (hopefully they see this) - how would I go about choosing the better option? There are SO many factors and it's a bit overwhelming because  it's such a big decision!

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9 minutes ago, Cami_SLP said:

Hi! I saw someone posted that they got into Western and McMaster. I got accepted into both as well! I couldn't reply to  their post (hopefully they see this) - how would I go about choosing the better option? There are SO many factors and it's a bit overwhelming because  it's such a big decision!

Congratulations!!:) I was also accepted into multiple schools - McMaster, Western, and UofT! I'm very grateful, but it is a bit overwhelming to decide. I've been researching each school (specifically the courses and placements they offer) and the structure of their program. I'm also considering tuition, living expenses, etc. They're all really great schools so I definitely don't think there is a wrong decision! Plus, 2 spots will definitely open up on the waitlists!

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28 minutes ago, Cami_SLP said:

Hi! I saw someone posted that they got into Western and McMaster. I got accepted into both as well! I couldn't reply to  their post (hopefully they see this) - how would I go about choosing the better option? There are SO many factors and it's a bit overwhelming because  it's such a big decision!

Not sure if its me who you're referring to, but I did post about being accepted to McMaster and Western! I've heard great things about both schools, but McMaster University has a very unique way of teaching that is very problem based, which I definitely prefer to more standard lecture work. (Also my boyfriend and I are moving in together and he is working around Hamilton, which made the decision a lot easier as well hahah). I would recommend maybe reaching out to current students at both schools and talking to them. Of course they will both be biased, but it will give you some more insight. I truly don't think theres a bad decision though!

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A bit late to reply to this, but I received admission offers from Dalhousie in mid March and last week I received an offer from UofA! It is my first year applying, and I am absolutely thrilled. Still holding out for UBC.

Anyone know when we will hear back from UBC? And anyone who has questions about my applications for UofA and Dal, I'm happy to answer :)

Good luck everyone! 

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Hey everyone 🤗

Congratulations to all, you should be proud of yourselves ❤️ Even to those who have been rejected, you completed applications and mustered the courage to even try. That is an achievement in itself. Please do not give up, SLPs are now more than ever in high demand! Last year I was only wait listed at Western and rejected by U of A, U of T, McMaster, McGill, and Dalhousie. I cried in my school library so I had to silent cry lol. However, this year I have been offered admission by both U of A and Western. I am very grateful to even have a choice but I am struggling to decide. If anyone has any pros or cons or general input about either program I would love to hear them. 


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Hi everybody! 

This year I was offered admission to U of T, McGill, and Western. This feels great because last year I was rejected from U of T and waitlisted at Western. I took the year to work as an EA and gain more experience to enhance my application overall. I know the feeling but please try to keep your head up and don't lose hope if you didn't make it in this round - it really is so competitive. 

My top choices are U of T and McGill. I'm very much leaning towards choosing U of T so I don't have to move out of the province and I really like the structure of the program (cycling between academic and placement units so you can focus on one area at a time). The faculty seems incredible too. 

I was wondering if anyone has insight or if there are any current U of T SLP students browsing this forum who can elaborate on their experience in the program. Any insight is appreciated!!

Thanks :) 


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7 hours ago, Jen SLP said:

Hi, I'm a first-time applicant as well! I still haven't heard anything from Dal, I'm hoping within the next week or so, but from a previous post, people who were offered early admissions don't need to decide until April 15th, so we might not hear back until after that date. 

Thanks for the info! Did you ever receive an email from them confirming your application?

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Hey everyone! 

Just wondering if anyone is accepting their offer to dal. Also, does anyone know if we can give a provisional acceptance? I know we have to make a decision by April 15th but I am also hoping to get off the waitlist for western or McMaster

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Hi everyone!

Congratulations to everyone on acceptances! I have been accepted for AUD at Western, and waitlisted for UofA SLP.

Anyone know how many people applied to Audiology this year? and what the Western class size will be?

Thanks in advance!

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On 4/3/2023 at 7:11 PM, srpslp said:

Hello everyone! Congratulations to everyone who has received offers and to those who have been waitlisted, don't give up hope! I'm a non-traditional student (switching from finance to SLP) and needless to say, I had to do a lot of work to build my CV and take all the pre-reqs in order to be able to apply anywhere. This was my second application cycle and this round I applied to 3 programs (Western, McMaster, and UofA) and received 2 offers and 1 waitlist. After not receiving an acceptance during the first cycle, I reached out to a lot of industry people for advice. I am more than happy to give back and offer guidance to anyone who would like some. 

Best of luck to all!

Realized I accidentally quoted this and cant delete lol. My bad!

Edited by Slpmanna
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