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SSRC IDRF 2010-2011


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Indeed! also, it now says on their website that *all* applicants will be notified of their status by Feb. 2011.... so I guess that, for better or worse, we should all know something soon enough.

Please do post something if you happen to hear back from them, whether it be good or bad news (and hopefully it'll be good!)

I'm starting to get nervous about this. It seems like a request for transcript is a strong indication that your application is still being considered.

Good luck, all.

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I also received an email request for my transcripts this afternoon. woo hoo!

I got the email too. Why do they need the transcripts?

Last year, some people got the transcripts request and got rejected later.

need more info here...

Edited by main street
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I got the email too. Why do they need the transcripts?

Last year, some people got the transcripts request and got rejected later.

need more info here...

Based on what I have read on last year's thread and a few other places, getting a transcript request means getting passed on to the final round. Not everyone that does so will win an award

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This is sort of a reiteration of what AnonHist said, but SSRC has spent the last few years stream-lining its application process. They only collect certain parts of the application for the initial review, and *then* solicit additional info from applicants they are taking a second look at. I've heard of people not getting the transcript email and then moving on to the final round, and also of people that send in their transcripts and are later rejected.

Generally, a solicitation for transcripts is a good sign. That said, not getting a solicitation is not necessarily a bad sign. First round rejection emails have gone out this week--- so anyone who has not received such an email is still up for consideration.

SSRC's process is more opague than any of the other major grants... but I like to think that every day I DON'T receive a rejection letter is a day headed in the right direction. :)

Good luck to all of you!

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SSRC's process is more opague than any of the other major grants... but I like to think that every day I DON'T receive a rejection letter is a day headed in the right direction. :)

Good luck to all of you!

Agreed! Since there is nothing that can be done but wait, I fill my days with absurd amounts of optimism - such as counting how much money would be awarded if I got multiple grants - ha!

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I too have heard this rumor about people supposedly moving onto the second round even after not getting a request for transcript. Personally speaking, I do not think this is true. Last year a number of people on this forum called the ssrc office, and they were pretty evasive in their response. In the end, every single person who did not receive a request for transcripts was rejected. Everyone who did receive a request went on to the second round for a closer evaluation. And, at least among the people I know personally, only one of the four people from my dept. who received an email requesting their transcripts actually got an award, and one other person received something like an honorable mention... but yeah, if you did *not* receive an email (like me), it's almost surely the case that you've been rejected.

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where did you hear about first round rejection emails going out?

trying to stay optimistic....

This is sort of a reiteration of what AnonHist said, but SSRC has spent the last few years stream-lining its application process. They only collect certain parts of the application for the initial review, and *then* solicit additional info from applicants they are taking a second look at. I've heard of people not getting the transcript email and then moving on to the final round, and also of people that send in their transcripts and are later rejected.

Generally, a solicitation for transcripts is a good sign. That said, not getting a solicitation is not necessarily a bad sign. First round rejection emails have gone out this week--- so anyone who has not received such an email is still up for consideration.

SSRC's process is more opague than any of the other major grants... but I like to think that every day I DON'T receive a rejection letter is a day headed in the right direction. :)

Good luck to all of you!

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thanks, took a look at that post. i'd say it's hard to judge whether a rejection email was received or if Laska thinks they're out of the running for some other reason (i.e. no email request for transcripts).

See Laska, page one.

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i received no request for transcript. therefore based on last year's posts i am assuming that i am out of the running. i think ssrc probably doesn't send out rejections at the same time as requests for transcripts based on the principle that if there were problems with people's transcripts (i would assume there are one or two problem transcripts every year, but you never know) they could move up lower ranked candidates to keep their long short list at the desired length, thus there is a sliver of a chance that you will still be promoted from relegation to the unable-to-fund pile if you didn't receive a transcript request, but it's not very likely. basically, it's premature to reject second-tier candidates until you've checked first-tier candidates' credentials, just as an administrative formality. at least, that's my best (probably incorrect) guess.

congratulations to everyone who made the cut and best of luck!

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Laska's post makes a lot of sense to me. This is also how a lot of schools conduct job searches (ie they won't close the file on potential candidates until someone has been hired). While I suppose that anything is possible, I am assuming that no transcript request means that you (by which I mean we) are no longer being considered. I would of course be happy to be proven wrong.

Best of luck to all.

i received no request for transcript. therefore based on last year's posts i am assuming that i am out of the running. i think ssrc probably doesn't send out rejections at the same time as requests for transcripts based on the principle that if there were problems with people's transcripts (i would assume there are one or two problem transcripts every year, but you never know) they could move up lower ranked candidates to keep their long short list at the desired length, thus there is a sliver of a chance that you will still be promoted from relegation to the unable-to-fund pile if you didn't receive a transcript request, but it's not very likely. basically, it's premature to reject second-tier candidates until you've checked first-tier candidates' credentials, just as an administrative formality. at least, that's my best (probably incorrect) guess.

congratulations to everyone who made the cut and best of luck!

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I agree, it looks like no request for transcripts is a pretty strong indicator that we're no longer being considered.

Good luck to everyone.

Laska's post makes a lot of sense to me. This is also how a lot of schools conduct job searches (ie they won't close the file on potential candidates until someone has been hired). While I suppose that anything is possible, I am assuming that no transcript request means that you (by which I mean we) are no longer being considered. I would of course be happy to be proven wrong.

Best of luck to all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm... the plot thickens. How reliable is that information?

Anyway, I'm going to try not to get my hopes up, mainly for mental health reasons.

I am comforting myself by conducting an informal survey of the correlation between the receipt of grants and the production of interesting work. SSRC might actually be doing better than some of the others.

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