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Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle


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No one claimed the Harvard contact, right? I'd love to know if electronic notification will indeed come this week. It's necessary to determine how much I should freak out.

Hey Tufnel, you've probably seen this, but:


Haha, that's hilarious. I hadn't seen it. Good times.

Edited by Tufnel
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Yeah, but, maybe the name-dropping balances out the !!!. I'm inclined to believe it - UVA should be notifying this week or next week.

Maybe I'm just cynical, but the more OMG's and exclamation points a results post on the main page has, the less inclined I am to believe it.

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Yeah, but, maybe the name-dropping balances out the !!!. I'm inclined to believe it - UVA should be notifying this week or next week.

UVA is supposed to give out their 1st round of acceptances this week. The poster mentioned it was an 'informal' notification, probably to an impatient email from the poster. It might was well be fake but i'm inclined to believe it.

By the way, does anyone have any idea about Penn State? There were a few acceptances in the 1st week of this month. Then zilch.

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Those unsentimental bastards. I bet all Valentine's Day rejection letters start with, "It's not you, it's me."

I received a "it's not you, it's me" from Wisconsin on Sat. Close enough, I guess.

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Northwestern appears to have gone silent for the day. Someone on the results board claimed to have called the department directly on Friday, and was told that remaining decisions would go out "next week, probably Monday or Tuesday."

So, not today, I guess. I've been braced for the rejection, but not for the wait.

Still in limbo as well. Nothing on ApplyYourself or the grad status thing.

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I received a "it's not you, it's me" from Wisconsin on Sat. Close enough, I guess.

Both Notre Dame and Wisconsin had basically the same rejection...I wonder if there's a company out there that generates generic rejection letters...

...hmmm...I smell a potential billion dollar business idea :o

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To the best of my knowledge, none of the ones you listed conduct interviews.

thanks that's what i thought. i was doing completely fine with the whole waiting process up until this weekend. all of a sudden it's all i can think about! from looking at last year's results, it seems as though most of those schools don't send out acceptances until very late Feb at the earliest anyway. Penn looks like the only exception, if this year looks like last year, the first round of acceptances should be released in the next day or two...

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Got my expected rejection from Wisconsin today. Now Im waiting on rejections from Ohio State and UCLA. Really hoping Maryland or Georgia State pulls me through,

I'm putting my hoping on UMD and GSU too,JPhoneix.

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Anybody claiming the Chicago acceptance?

Ergg, I wasn't expecting Chicago decisions until later, since the application says "Decisions will [be] sent out by email in early March". Well, another one to add to my stress and anxiety pile...

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Ergg, I wasn't expecting Chicago decisions until later, since the application says "Decisions will [be] sent out by email in early March". Well, another one to add to my stress and anxiety pile...

The departments LIE! THEY LIE!

Seriously though, oh dear, I hope they haven't sent out all their acceptances just yet.

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