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Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle


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Any political theory admits yet? Thus far, my only result is a rejection from Duke.

Still waiting on: Georgetown, Brown, Notre Dame, Johns Hopkins, Chicago, Texas, Virginia

In at UVA and Berkeley, rejected at Michigan and Stanford

Congrats! When / how were you notified? Any idea whether I should just write Berkeley off?

Email telling me a decision had been made...logged on to application website...notification of acceptance with attached PDF from dean of the graduate division


I'm in, too!

Have you received any information about funding yet?

No. I'm guessing Berkeley gives full funding to all admits, but you never know with the whole budget situation in California

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By e-mail? i haven't yet received any result from any schools..thanks for sharing your result and i'll keep my fingers crossed for your other results!

Email asked me to check my "app.applyyourself.com" page, and the application decision link was at the bottom. Program wasn't the best fit, but that full funding guarantee sure would have been nice.

Good luck w/ ND and your schools of choice.

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Email asked me to check my "app.applyyourself.com" page, and the application decision link was at the bottom. Program wasn't the best fit, but that full funding guarantee sure would have been nice.

Good luck w/ ND and your schools of choice.

I am so nervous! I have checked my e-mail 20 times today and my phone about 100 times. I have also checked the website a dozen times thinking that maybe I only imagined that I had applied to ND and that's why I haven't heard anything yet.

Uncertainty does kill human beings. I can feel it right now.

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I am so nervous! I have checked my e-mail 20 times today and my phone about 100 times. I have also checked the website a dozen times thinking that maybe I only imagined that I had applied to ND and that's why I haven't heard anything yet.

Uncertainty does kill human beings. I can feel it right now.

Did you apply for ND? it is my dream school!! I prefer it to Yale...i hope i didn't misspell my e-mail account......

Edited by civil war
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I am so nervous! I have checked my e-mail 20 times today and my phone about 100 times. I have also checked the website a dozen times thinking that maybe I only imagined that I had applied to ND and that's why I haven't heard anything yet.

Uncertainty does kill human beings. I can feel it right now.

I finally broke down and put direct links to my applications on my Safari bookmark bar. It's my way of tricking myself into thinking I'm saving time, when in reality I'm wasting more than ever. Did not anticipate my nerves being this frayed so early in the process, but it's in their hands now. Their pasty, slow-moving hands.

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No. I'm guessing Berkeley gives full funding to all admits, but you never know with the whole budget situation in California

I say this as someone who would scream like a little girl if I got into Berkeley: there's a real danger that state funding will become and issue in some way or another.

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Did you apply for ND? it is my dream school!! I prefer it to Yale...i hope i didn't misspell my e-mail account......

I am 100% sure you didn't misspell your e-mail address :). I wonder what kind of system they are following to release decisions. As a grad student I worked on campus and helped with the grad admissions (MA) process for my school. I remember VERY clearly that all the decisions were announced within minutes of each other. This is driving me crazy!

Edited by secretly_yes
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I say this as someone who would scream like a little girl if I got into Berkeley: there's a real danger that state funding will become and issue in some way or another.

Personally, this is a concern. I didn't apply to Berkeley but have an app outstanding at UCSD. If they make the right choice and admit us both, we'll have a grad cafe symposium about the degree of justifiable concern regarding California's present budgetary constraints. Frankly, I'd be looking for any excuse in defense of a few years in San Diego... How I love Mexican food...

Edited by Tufnel
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I called UPenn. They said they hope to have decisions in 10 days. Good luck to everyone! :)

Also, that should be "I called UPenn from my work phone" and then posted about it from my work computer during work time, indicating that thanks to this waiting business I am doing everything except work. Oh well.

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Personally, this is a concern. I didn't apply to Berkeley but have an app outstanding at UCSD. If they make the right choice and admit us both, we'll have a grad cafe symposium about the degree of justifiable concern regarding California's present budgetary constraints. Frankly, I'd be looking for any excuse in defense of a few years in San Diego... How I love Mexican food...

Actually, UCSD is another of my "scream like a little girl" schools, so if we're both lucky enough there, we can have the symposium over said Mexican food.

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I say this as someone who would scream like a little girl if I got into Berkeley: there's a real danger that state funding will become and issue in some way or another.

Although you never what's going to happen in the future, I don't think they'd admit anyone they can't foresee funding. That said, to help cope, Berkeley did reduce the size of its cohort significantly.

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Actually, UCSD is another of my "scream like a little girl" schools, so if we're both lucky enough there, we can have the symposium over said Mexican food.

I'm also applying to UCSD (and I'm Mexican), so if we're all lucky enough you'll have all the Mexican food you want!

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Speaking of UCSD does anyone know when they're sending out decisions? And what about the Ivies? I'm eager to get my rejection letters!

I spent an embarrassingly long time going through the 2010 admissions forum yesterday, and it looks like most of the Ivies sent out letters in the third/fourth week of February. So another week or so 'til Dun Dun Dun time.

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Anybody got rejections from Berkeley? I applied for comparative and no news so far.

I also applied Comparative and have no news. I'm refreshing email like a madman while keeping my fingers crossed (it's quite a feat, I tell you).

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I also applied Comparative and have no news. I'm refreshing email like a madman while keeping my fingers crossed (it's quite a feat, I tell you).

I believe so. Got three rejections so far. I worry that I might get no offers this year. That'll be devastating.

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