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Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle


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It's funny how this thread ramps up on tuesday/wednesday, hits a peak friday morning, then settles into absolute silence for saturday/sunday morning.

Let's hope this week is better than last.

And if anyone is looking for a distraction, I recommend Radiohead's new album. Given the beauty that was In Rainbows, I am going to go give it a thorough listen.

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Congrats to everyone on their acceptances and best of luck to those still waiting! Three questions:

1) Has anybody NOT heard back from UNC CH yet? It looks like that they released their decisions quite awhile ago and I have yet to hear from them.

2) For those admitted to UNC, what sort of funding package were you offered?

3) Is there anybody else traveling to St. Louis for the WashU recruitment shin dig?

Sorry, if these topics have been covered already-- I hope you won't hold it against me that I didn't read through all 70 pages in this threads.

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Same story for UPenn.

Wait for a decision all day long (EST +7).

Finally see someone cheerfully post admission news.

Check e-mail excitedly.

See no e-mail.

Go back to work.

Congrats to those who are admitted!

Edited by CAS166
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On 2/21/2011 at 12:19 PM, maicondouglas said:

Congrats to everyone on their acceptances and best of luck to those still waiting! Three questions:

1) Has anybody NOT heard back from UNC CH yet? It looks like that they released their decisions quite awhile ago and I have yet to hear from them.

2) For those admitted to UNC, what sort of funding package were you offered?

3) Is there anybody else traveling to St. Louis for the WashU recruitment shin dig?

Sorry, if these topics have been covered already-- I hope you won't hold it against me that I didn't read through all 70 pages in this threads.

I can address #1 -- I haven't heard anything from UNC -- I don't think anyone has posted a rejection, though.

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On 2/21/2011 at 12:19 PM, maicondouglas said:

Congrats to everyone on their acceptances and best of luck to those still waiting! Three questions:

1) Has anybody NOT heard back from UNC CH yet? It looks like that they released their decisions quite awhile ago and I have yet to hear from them.

2) For those admitted to UNC, what sort of funding package were you offered?

3) Is there anybody else traveling to St. Louis for the WashU recruitment shin dig?

Sorry, if these topics have been covered already-- I hope you won't hold it against me that I didn't read through all 70 pages in this threads.

Hi Maicondoublas, this was what UNC offered me just FYI- don't know if they offered more to other people. Hope you hear back either way soon! Good luck!!

"$15,000 for the 2011-2012 academic year ( requires twelve to fifteen hours per week of departmental service, usually in the form of teaching assistant duties.)...out-of-state tuition ($14,730)... You will only be responsible for paying student fees, which are currently about $1,840 for the first academic year... health insurance premium (worth about $2,270 this year).

Although we are not permitted legally to make binding commitments to fund students beyond their first year of study, I can inform you that, even during our worst budget years, our department has awarded assistantships to our second- through fifth-year students. In other words, you can reasonably expect four additional years of departmental financial aid (for a total of five years of funding), contingent on making satisfactory progress in the program."

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Hi Maicondoublas, this was what UNC offered me just FYI- don't know if they offered more to other people. Hope you hear back either way soon! Good luck!!

"$15,000 for the 2011-2012 academic year ( requires twelve to fifteen hours per week of departmental service, usually in the form of teaching assistant duties.)...out-of-state tuition ($14,730)... You will only be responsible for paying student fees, which are currently about $1,840 for the first academic year... health insurance premium (worth about $2,270 this year).

Although we are not permitted legally to make binding commitments to fund students beyond their first year of study, I can inform you that, even during our worst budget years, our department has awarded assistantships to our second- through fifth-year students. In other words, you can reasonably expect four additional years of departmental financial aid (for a total of five years of funding), contingent on making satisfactory progress in the program."

Oh man! I was hoping for a bigger number. I guess I should wait to hear from them first though.

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Seems like a slow news day today on the admissions front. My hope is that ad comms are simply paying proper respect to this holiday (i.e., making sacrifices at Teddy Roosevelt's grave so he doesn't come back and beat each and every last one of us with his bare hands) and that tomorrow will follow with an acceptances flood of biblical proportions.

Good luck out there, my fellow impatient applicants. And just remember that no news is good news...unless it's bad news...oh please God don't let it be bad news...it's bad news, isn't it?....(checks email).....nope, still no news.

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I can address #1 -- I haven't heard anything from UNC -- I don't think anyone has posted a rejection, though.

I also haven't heard back from UNC yet. With three acceptances though, it's not weighing too heavily on my mind. I'd like to get accepted and be able to check the place out and see what they have to offer, but if not, ok.

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Congratulations to the U Penn admits!

I wonder if they are done or just getting started with the two acceptances that went up. In 2010, 7 acceptances and 3 waitlists were posted.

I would wait 3 more hours. If no email, then i'm rejected or, less probable, in the waitlist. if an waitlist is posted in the wiki by today and still no email, then rejected, otherwise i'll just wait till 02/28 for the waitlist notifications going by previous trends.

An UPenn rejection would be a shame as it's a great research fit for me but then again it won't surprise me. My advisor wasn't very encouraging about UPenn. Apparently they have a quota system on admits based on field i.e. they will take only 2 or 3 people on comparative giving offers to about 6 applicants out of, i believe, 60+ comparative applicants. It's a crapshoot.

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Congratulations to the U Penn admits!

For sure, congrats UPenn admits!

May one of you tell us whether you had a previous contact with those professors who gave you the good news? Sometimes some professors do that only if they have had an informal relation with prospective students.

Rest of us, keep waiting!

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Thank you! To answer your question, no, I did not have any contact with the professors at UPenn previously.

For sure, congrats UPenn admits!

May one of you tell us whether you had a previous contact with those professors who gave you the good news? Sometimes some professors do that only if they have had an informal relation with prospective students.

Rest of us, keep waiting!

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So, there are a bunch of schools for which a sizable number of acceptances are posted but no rejections. Anyone have any idea about what that means? I'm assuming rejections from those places, but it's cruel to keep us dimly hoping like this...

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So, there are a bunch of schools for which a sizable number of acceptances are posted but no rejections. Anyone have any idea about what that means? I'm assuming rejections from those places, but it's cruel to keep us dimly hoping like this...

I'm guessing rejects/waitlists.

Are a lot of departments closed today because of the holiday? I hadn't thought about it, being across the pond and all, but I suppose some people have the day off.

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So, there are a bunch of schools for which a sizable number of acceptances are posted but no rejections. Anyone have any idea about what that means? I'm assuming rejections from those places, but it's cruel to keep us dimly hoping like this...

Looking at previous years, it seems like most schools send out the accepts over a day or two and after that, with rare exceptions, only rejections come out. I just heard good news today from Columbia, which apparently notified a number of people on Friday, so it seems like it's still possible to get in a few days down the road. For schools that issued acceptances over a week ago, I wouldn't get your hopes up. I'm writing off the schools that sent out acceptances >10 days ago.

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Looking at previous years, it seems like most schools send out the accepts over a day or two and after that, with rare exceptions, only rejections come out. I just heard good news today from Columbia, which apparently notified a number of people on Friday, so it seems like it's still possible to get in a few days down the road. For schools that issued acceptances over a week ago, I wouldn't get your hopes up. I'm writing off the schools that sent out acceptances >10 days ago.

Alright, that's what I figured.

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Any idea if Princeton is done with all its admits and waitlists? It wouldn't appear so from the results - there are far too few compared to previous years....I mailed the Department and got a generic "you'll hear back soon" reply :-|

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