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Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle


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27 admits? Is that what they said in their message to you? Do you know whether all of them have been notified yet?

I can confirm that the acceptance email from Harvard said there were only 27 admits. It didn't mention if all admits had been notified.

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Congratulations to everyone who got into Harvard! That's quite an accomplishment! Not to change the subject, but I'm still confused about MIT. Does anyone know if there will be any more acceptances? Normally they send out letters a couple days after making some initial calls. It's the last school I'm waiting to hear from, and I really want to move on with my life...

The way I figure it, MIT is contacting its admits sub-field by sub-field (or advisor by advisor). I have no idea if there will be more acceptances, but they don't seem to be going for an all-in acceptances/rejections strategy at this point. I'm receiving my offer package tomorrow by FedEx, and was 'phoned on Sunday (early Boston time I think). Good luck, and keep your chin up.

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The way I figure it, MIT is contacting its admits sub-field by sub-field (or advisor by advisor). I have no idea if there will be more acceptances, but they don't seem to be going for an all-in acceptances/rejections strategy at this point. I'm receiving my offer package tomorrow by FedEx, and was 'phoned on Sunday (early Boston time I think). Good luck, and keep your chin up.

We're you part of the political economy admits from this weekend? Have you heard anything about the other subfields?

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Great work, Tufnel!

I think my admissions season is just about done. I think I've only got Cornell and G'town left to hear from n the Ph.D.

I called Marquette today to see when MA program results will start rolling out. The DGS actually said I have a fair shot at funding for the MA (!) which is a delightful surprise after my personal bloodbath thus far. Of course, I haven't actually been admitted yet, so I'd best keep the cart firmly behind the horse.

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We're you part of the political economy admits from this weekend? Have you heard anything about the other subfields?

Yes, I'm in polecon (broadly) and the faculty member that contacted me is too. I think some offers have gone out to IR/Security but I may be wrong. No idea about other subfields. I'd hazard a guess (nought but a guess) that the three of us that got calls on Sunday were 'phoned by the same person, so they might be doing it by advisor. Holding thumbs for you...

Edited by danRSA
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Yes, I'm in polecon (broadly) and the faculty member that contacted me is too. I think some offers have gone out to IR/Security but I may be wrong. No idea about other subfields. I'd hazard a guess (nought but a guess) that the three of us that got calls on Sunday were 'phoned by the same person, so they might be doing it by advisor. Holding thumbs for you...

Well, thank you. Especially because I'm IR/Security. :[

Here's to praying to Baby Jesus!

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He must've thought Tuf was still praying for himself. ;)

Well now that it worked, the confusion should be over and he can turn the attention to ourselves.

But I do have to say, I can't think of many people I'd rather see get an offer, Tuf. Good stuff.

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Well now that it worked, the confusion should be over and he can turn the attention to ourselves.

But I do have to say, I can't think of many people I'd rather see get an offer, Tuf. Good stuff.

Fair enough, but it's becoming clear he hardly needed the prayers. Must've eaten a lot of tuna fish as a kid, that one.

Thanks wannabee, the more fingers crossed (and ... thumbs held?) the better.

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Thanks! I'm doing IR. I really don't know, will be visiting all the schools before deciding.

Accepted at Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford? Congrats! What is your IR focus, out of curiosity? (Curious because you applied to Georgetown, too.)

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Thanks a lot everybody! I'm pretty stoked. I didn't know how all this would play out as my profile certainly has some flaws. I'm withdrawing from all but a couple schools, so hopefully that opens up spots for people on wait-lists.

I wish I could buy a round for everyone. The last seventy-odd pages certainly fostered some solidarity.

More importantly, I'm now very excited for the coming baseball season. I now have much higher expectations for the Reds!

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