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Anthropology 2011

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I applied to NYU's PhD in sociocultural anthro program and have yet to hear anything. Not going to lie, I am a bit unnerved to see that a few people have received interview requests, but oh well. If any other individuals receive notification from NYU, let me know!

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received a call from Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) for Ph.D. in sociocultural, POI said that I am one of the top 10 applicants, and invited me to visit sometime in the next couple of weeks. they only accept 3-4 per sub-discipline, so i was wondering if "top ten" referred to whole department or just my individual sub-discipline. anyone know?

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On 1/27/2011 at 8:09 PM, anthroandalaylo said:
received a call from Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) for Ph.D. in sociocultural, POI said that I am one of the top 10 applicants, and invited me to visit sometime in the next couple of weeks. they only accept 3-4 per sub-discipline, so i was wondering if "top ten" referred to whole department or just my individual sub-discipline. anyone know?

I've assumed it means for the sub-discipline since, if you do the math, 3-4 for 3 or 4 sub-disciplines is more than ten already...

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I want to know who got into Cotsen/UCLA! I applied to the anthro dept rather than cotsen based on my poi's advisement/request, but it still has me on edge! Congrats to whoever was accepted

It looks like Cotsen decisions are coming out across the board.

I received an acceptance email on Thursday afternoon (Jan 27) and almost fell off my chair....had to read it about three times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Nothing has been decided for funding - those decisions for the incoming cohort will take place at March 1st at the earliest.

Now to wait to see what Stanford Classics, Penn's AAMW, and Brown have to say :blink:

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I saw from the result page that someone was invited for an interview by Duke. May I ask if the email was sent by your potential advisor or the department secretary? Many thanks!

Yes, received an email from my POI to arrange a skype interview.

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Someone asked if Oxford offered funding and I don't know how to reply directly so doing it here.

Oxford does not offer "funding" in the typical US graduate school sense. The only offers are in the forms of scholarships that I understand are fairly competitive. You might get a scholarship or you might not. They are generally offered through the college system there. If you qualify for such scholarships from a particular college that you did not apply for they will even transfer you to that college so you can get the funding, unless you requested that they not do this on your application.

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Someone asked if Oxford offered funding and I don't know how to reply directly so doing it here.

Oxford does not offer "funding" in the typical US graduate school sense. The only offers are in the forms of scholarships that I understand are fairly competitive. You might get a scholarship or you might not. They are generally offered through the college system there. If you qualify for such scholarships from a particular college that you did not apply for they will even transfer you to that college so you can get the funding, unless you requested that they not do this on your application.

Thanks! So, no information about funding until will hear about the college we've been accepted to? Drats...

Well, still waiting to hear from a few American schools too. Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone!

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Thanks! So, no information about funding until will hear about the college we've been accepted to? Drats...

Well, still waiting to hear from a few American schools too. Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone!

From what I understand the funding at Oxford (and basically all UK schools) is somewhat lacking, particularly when you compare it with the system in the States. They're very much funded by the government so naturally it is British citizens that reap the most from both domestic tuition rates and scholarship opportunities.

Here in Canada many people that get into Oxford rely upon a Commonwealth scholarship.

I could be completely out to lunch on the matter since I didn't investigate the matter all that indepth.....

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Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone has insight into the schedule for acceptances at Columbia or Harvard. I've tried using the results board, but there do not seem to be many acceptances posted. In other fields at Harvard (such as African American studies), I know people usually get calls around Valentine's Day. Any help would be appreciated as I'm also trying to think about alternative plans (when to make them, etc.), especially considering my girlfriend.

Thank you!

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I'm heading to ISAW (NYU) for an interview next week.

Pittsburgh is close to making decisions. I had a positive personal email from my POI, still waiting on confirmation via official acceptance letter.

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Someone on the results page said they were rejected from Emory and that the admissions officer confirmed that all of the finalists have been notified.

EmoryAnthropology (cultural), PhD (F11)Rejected via E-mail on 3 Feb 2011A3 Feb 2011Sent them a email, all finalists have already been invited for interviews :(

Emory must be finished with their selections; those of us waiting are probably on the rejects list.. :(:(

I guess I've been put back in my place now and learned something in the process. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Darwinism I suppose... we weren't selected for

I'll post my 'rejected' status on Results when I'm officially notified.

PS - Do we already have thread for what makes a successful candidate, or should we start one anew for 2011? If I need to find a worthy pursuit, I'd like to know how to best spend my time and where to spend it before trying again.

Edited by mutualist007
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