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Anthropology 2011

a fragrant plant

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Hey, I did interview with Emory cultural anth and was rejected by e-mail shortly after. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you haven't heard any news from them, it's definitely a rejection :(

On the bright side, at least Mubarak is gone.

If I may ask, how did you get your Emory reject? Was it for cultural anth? Did you interview? Still waiting to here back from them, the UW and Columbia. This is killing me! I have a plan b (and a plan c, hell, I've got plans to zed) and would be disappointed but fine with some time off. I just wish I knew so that I could move on. I live in Egypt, and I don't know what has been worse, waiting for Mubarak to go, or waiting for this. Either way, I clearly have no patience!

Best of luck to all!

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Hey, I did interview with Emory cultural anth and was rejected by e-mail shortly after. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you haven't heard any news from them, it's definitely a rejection :(

On the bright side, at least Mubarak is gone.


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Hey all, congratulations to people who have made it in so far!

As for me, I'm starting to feel pretty negative about my chances of an acceptance -- no interviews, no news so far. I was wondering, and I know this might be a touch personal so please PM me if you prefer, but would people mind possibly sharing what they think helped them stand out/any pointers from personal statements that contributed to successful applications? I am beginning to feel really lost and want to know how I can improve my chances in the future. I don't have a BA in Anthro, so maybe that's part of it. I have a Poli Sci/History/Interdisciplinary Studies background, and am interested in Cultural Anthro. Any advice anyone has for me whatsoever is welcome!

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Dude, I'm so jealous! Congrats! Was the e-mail from your POI or the dept. secretary?

The email was from Jessica Greenwald (Graduate Admissions Coordinator), but she also CC'd the chair of Linguistic subfield head, Bruce Mannheim, Barbara Meek (who may be my advisor?), and Laurie Marx (Graduate Program Coordinator)

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Hey all, congratulations to people who have made it in so far!

As for me, I'm starting to feel pretty negative about my chances of an acceptance -- no interviews, no news so far. I was wondering, and I know this might be a touch personal so please PM me if you prefer, but would people mind possibly sharing what they think helped them stand out/any pointers from personal statements that contributed to successful applications? I am beginning to feel really lost and want to know how I can improve my chances in the future. I don't have a BA in Anthro, so maybe that's part of it. I have a Poli Sci/History/Interdisciplinary Studies background, and am interested in Cultural Anthro. Any advice anyone has for me whatsoever is welcome!

Hey Mate,

I asked myself similar questions last year and started a Maybe we should do the same again this year, but probably wait a bit (I know, it's all wait, wait, wait, sorry) as very few people have actually received offers yet.

Peace and best of luck!

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Hey anyone hear from the evo anthro program at Rutgers? I had an interview with the PI in November. I know last year it took them until march/ april but they were also having admission issues then as well.

I've had no news at all from Rutgers Evo thus far. There isn't much of anything on the results board either from past seasons, so I'm completely in the dark about when to expect a decision. You say you had an interview (and before the application deadline to boot)? I could only interpret that as good news; someone must have been excited about your application. Fingers crossed! Hopefully we hear something before the middle of March.

Anyone else have any inside information?

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I got into Michigan! :) Honestly, I was worried when I got rejected from Hawaii.

Congratulations, Designated! That is amazing :)

I must echo what others have said in this forum about loving the sense of community and support. It's really making for a very positive application season. Thanks guys!

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Hi all, Ive been quiet over here myself, but feel like I want to contribute to the positive energies!

So far, I have been admitted to Emory, UNC, and Berkeley (Geography) but am anxiously awaiting decisions from my two interview locals, Duke, NYU and Rutgers, and also really want to hear back from Stanford. I also applied to Michigan, but havent heard a peep....thinking that might not be good news (though i am sociocultural)...

I am nervous, as I wrote to you Siad, that I didnt get into Rutgers, as I havent heard back from them....and you already did ;(....so well just keep waiting it out people!

gr. i hate being addicted to my email, it does not help my attempt to make this a "zen" experience any easier...

Congratulations, Designated! That is amazing :)

I must echo what others have said in this forum about loving the sense of community and support. It's really making for a very positive application season. Thanks guys!

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I'm hoping, wherever I go, to be md/phd status before i start doing field work. My schools aren't notifying till next week. *Crosses fingers*

So, what is everyone doing to pass the time? Physics and biochemistry are taking up a lot of my time, and I'm running a few days a week to help alleviate some of the stress. Anyone else have courses, work, or fun activities?

Edited by new mexico
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Hi dearest anthros,

I'm so tense that I can't even remember the lucky fellas having gotten in Michigan and Princeton. First of all, congrats from the bottom of my heart. I'm sure I'd die in the reigns of persepolis earlier if you were not on the same boat as I am..........

Could you please tell me if you were sociocultural or bio, etc who got in Michigan and Princeton?

I'm appearing as if my only slightest chances are handed to Yale and NYU. I just can't wait any longer. What if I don't hear from NYU? As I've been told by a current PhD candidate at NYU if one doesn't hear a word until the end of this week, it means a brutal rejection! Any ideas to the contrary? I'll give you all a treat if I get in either Yale or NYU and you're all invited to my Bday party in September!

I'm hoping, wherever I go, to be md/phd status before i start doing field work. My schools aren't notifying till next week. *Crosses fingers*

So, what is everyone doing to pass the time? Physics and biochemistry are taking up a lot of my time, and I'm running a few days a week to help alleviate some of the stress. Anyone else have courses, work, or fun activities?

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I just wanted to say, I don't think you need to abandon hope because you haven't had interviews. I've had two acceptances so far and one of the schools I never interviewed at, and the other i had more of an informal visit with my POI before the application deadline. I'm also currently in a masters program where I was accepted without any contact with my POI before turning in my application. I'm still waiting to hear back from 9 other programs--only one "interview" (again more of an informal meeting with my POI) out of the lot. Sometimes no news is just no news. Anyways, hang in there and good luck!

Hey all, congratulations to people who have made it in so far!

As for me, I'm starting to feel pretty negative about my chances of an acceptance -- no interviews, no news so far. I was wondering, and I know this might be a touch personal so please PM me if you prefer, but would people mind possibly sharing what they think helped them stand out/any pointers from personal statements that contributed to successful applications? I am beginning to feel really lost and want to know how I can improve my chances in the future. I don't have a BA in Anthro, so maybe that's part of it. I have a Poli Sci/History/Interdisciplinary Studies background, and am interested in Cultural Anthro. Any advice anyone has for me whatsoever is welcome!

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I've had no news at all from Rutgers Evo thus far. There isn't much of anything on the results board either from past seasons, so I'm completely in the dark about when to expect a decision. You say you had an interview (and before the application deadline to boot)? I could only interpret that as good news; someone must have been excited about your application. Fingers crossed! Hopefully we hear something before the middle of March.

Anyone else have any inside information?

The interview I had with my POI at Rutgers was a very informal phone interview, which resulted in him urging me to apply to the program, so I did. I established contact with the POI early on during my application process to see if we were a good match and it turned out that we were a great match. Even knowing my relatively unimpressive stats he still urged me to apply. He said the biggest stand-out feature that I had was that I was already trained in relevant techniques that he wouldn't have to spend a year or so teaching me. I also had a lot to offer to the lab that they do not have too much expertise on.

However, I have still yet to be excepted and I do not have high hopes. But the wait is killing me because I would like to get plan B rolling as soon as possible.

Edited by Bioundergrad
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Could you please tell me if you were sociocultural or bio, etc who got in Michigan and Princeton?

I got into Michigan... to be honest, my interests are in BOTH sociocultural and linguistic anthropology, and I kinda forgot which subfield I ended up choosing when applying to Michigan, but now I'm pretty sure it was linguistic anthropology since they included the Linguistic subfield head in the email to me.

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Geez, this is so exciting. I love how we're all keeping each other up-to-date. Well, New Mexico and Washington should be notifying applicants next week (at least that's what I've been told) for sociocultural anthropology.

Oh, is that the UW you are refering to when you say Washington? Man, it would be nice to have the wait over!

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A good friend of mine just got word she got into WUSTL Anthro. It was an e-mail, and she'll be receiving a formal letter snail mail soon. She had a phone interview a couple of days ago. I thought I'd post this info in case it helps.

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Congrats to all the people who gotten acceptances so far, and best of luck to everyone still waiting!

Hey, I did interview with Emory cultural anth and was rejected by e-mail shortly after. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you haven't heard any news from them, it's definitely a rejection :(

On the bright side, at least Mubarak is gone.

Yeah, I did an informal interview at the AAA in New Orleans, but didn't make the cut. I wish they'd do like Duke and just let you know right away.

And yes :) Mubarak is gone! I was in Tahrir when the news came out, and it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. It gives me chills even now to just write about it. There are supposed to be a bunch of labour protests tomorrow in the square, so we'll see how long the revolutionary spirit can hold out over the bureaucracy. The protests have definitely been a wonderful distraction and have been making me reconsider my decision to leave Egypt. I guess that's a silver lining if I don't get in anywhere this round....

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Yes, helpful! Man, I really wish they'd send rejections as quickly as they're sending acceptances this year.

On 2/17/2011 at 3:20 PM, quiqui said:

A good friend of mine just got word she got into WUSTL Anthro. It was an e-mail, and she'll be receiving a formal letter snail mail soon. She had a phone interview a couple of days ago. I thought I'd post this info in case it helps.

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NO!!!!!! worst news ever....man WashU is my favorite school right now, but looks like no news is bad news ;(

On 2/17/2011 at 3:20 PM, quiqui said:

A good friend of mine just got word she got into WUSTL Anthro. It was an e-mail, and she'll be receiving a formal letter snail mail soon. She had a phone interview a couple of days ago. I thought I'd post this info in case it helps.

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So is the consensus that no news from Duke and NYU is bad news? If so, I really hope we all get something we can rely on here! It would be great to stop worrying about where we did and didn't get in and start thinking about starting new lives. Every time my email notification goes off I just about die. I'm pretty sure I'm wearing through my mouse at an exuberant rate right now...

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Hi crew!

Any body else heard from Princeton too? or Michigan?

I have a seriously ridiculous and ridiculously serious question for you: What the heck does the end of this week mean? Does weekend count? Does it mean if I don't hear from NYU by today, I'll still have to.................... Any one heard from NYU at all? or I shouldn't have taken "the end of this week" seriously,

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So is the consensus that no news from Duke and NYU is bad news? If so, I really hope we all get something we can rely on here! It would be great to stop worrying about where we did and didn't get in and start thinking about starting new lives. Every time my email notification goes off I just about die. I'm pretty sure I'm wearing through my mouse at an exuberant rate right now...

Well I think for NYU that is only true if you weren't interviewed.

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