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Embark is pissing me off


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Two schools I'm applying to uses Embark; NYU and Syracuse. I look under the uploaded documents for Syracuse and I see that all the documents I submitted for NYU a week ago is there as well. What the heck? That is so weird. I know it's the same system but a totally different school/program, so I have no idea what that is about.

Also, I uploaded my resume (I tried this twice) and the application inspector keeps saying that it's incomplete. What is going on?

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Oh gosh..i'm sorry everyone..I just now figured it out

So apparently, if you have already submitted an application through Embark before, the system automatically saves your data, so you can delete/upload new files based on what you already have. So it's basically a two step process

Step 1: Upload document (which is "archived" in a way)

Step 2: Choose document, and then "submit".

I guess for applicants using Embark, it is helpful to keep this in mind.

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I used Embark as well so may be I will be able to help you.

I look under the uploaded documents for Syracuse and I see that all the documents I submitted for NYU a week ago is there as well. What the heck? That is so weird. I know it's the same system but a totally different school/program, so I have no idea what that is about.

You mean you enter the Syracuse application, go to the section with uploaded documents and see there the documents that you uploaded for Syracuse and also for NYU? I just do not understand exactly how can they be on one page there...

Also, I uploaded my resume (I tried this twice) and the application inspector keeps saying that it's incomplete. What is going on?

If the app inspector says that the app is incomplete it must show you the sections where you need to change or add something in order to make it complete. What does it show you?

I also had a small problem when I was submitting my Embark app and I had to contact their technical support. May be you can do that too?

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I used Embark as well so may be I will be able to help you.

You mean you enter the Syracuse application, go to the section with uploaded documents and see there the documents that you uploaded for Syracuse and also for NYU? I just do not understand exactly how can they be on one page there...

If the app inspector says that the app is incomplete it must show you the sections where you need to change or add something in order to make it complete. What does it show you?

I also had a small problem when I was submitting my Embark app and I had to contact their technical support. May be you can do that too?

Yup, the documents I submitted for NYU were on the page for Syracuse as well. Seriously, it was weird. I had to delete the documents I uploaded for NYU just in case the admissions office doesn't get confused.

App inspector directed me to the page, but I didn't realize I had to complete the second step, which was to properly upload the document after clicking on the chosen document from a drop down menu on the bottom of the screen. Also, the little "preview" button had to show up for the document to completely upload.

I hope I'm making sense? I got the hang of it, but I was getting frustrated that it was taking me so long. I prefer applyyourself over embark any day.

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Weird. I might have to check that out today. So, you are saying that if you apply to NYU and save an SOP and then subsequently apply to another school using EMbark your SOP is already uploaded? I manually uploaded all documents to every school.

You can't check the status of things on Embark once you submit, right? That is what has driven me more nuts about that system.

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Weird. I might have to check that out today. So, you are saying that if you apply to NYU and save an SOP and then subsequently apply to another school using EMbark your SOP is already uploaded? I manually uploaded all documents to every school.

You can't check the status of things on Embark once you submit, right? That is what has driven me more nuts about that system.

Yes, my documents for a previous school's application was already uploaded by default.

I don't think I was able to check my status; the most I could do was review my completed application via pdf file. :(

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Yes, my documents for a previous school's application was already uploaded by default.

In my experience, the documents were uploaded to the server but not attached to the specific application. I found a stinky treasure trove of junk when I entered the application process again for a school I was rejected from two years ago. Re-reading my old writing samples and statement of purpose, I'm not surprised that I didn't get in.

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In my experience, the documents were uploaded to the server but not attached to the specific application. I found a stinky treasure trove of junk when I entered the application process again for a school I was rejected from two years ago. Re-reading my old writing samples and statement of purpose, I'm not surprised that I didn't get in.

Speaking of statement of purpose, I just now noticed that for one application, i accidentally typed in a wrong letter. I was listing the courses I was interested in, and the course id was BBSQ, and for one, I typed in BBSW by accident. I know it's a really small error but will the committee judge me by that? It's not a grammatical/spelling error, I just got the course ID wrong.What a dumb mistake :(

Edited by gradstudent84
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the course id was BBSQ, and for one, I typed in BBSW by accident. I know it's a really small error but will the committee judge me by that?

I don't think anyone will care so no worries there. They might look at the course name (not guaranteed) but why would they need to verify the course ID?

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I don't think anyone will care so no worries there. They might look at the course name (not guaranteed) but why would they need to verify the course ID?

I just didn't want them to think I was careless...I know, I sort of sound like a psycho...but sometimes you can never be too careful....

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