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SLP/Communication Disorders Masters Applicants


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Amen to that for sure. Plus I have known a handful of people that did not get into any schools their first (or second) time around but ended up finding their home the next semester/year. I think just about anyone who has the drive and correct motivations to study and work hard and eventually become an SLP can do it.

It's ridiculous actually. I was lucky and received my first acceptance on 1/31. I wasn't even expecting it. Since then, I have only heard from 2 schools and both waitlisted. I think it's become an ego thing now. I'm like, "what? I didn't get accepted?" I wish they would just accept or reject me.

Anyway, we all should be happy to even be accepted somewhere, whether or not it's our top choice school.

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Zimaleah: I received my wait list letter from La Salle yesterday.


Was applying to the amount of schools you applied to extremely difficult? I don't apply until the fall but I really do want to apply to 8-10 schools as of right now. Thank you :)

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Was applying to the amount of schools you applied to extremely difficult? I don't apply until the fall but I really do want to apply to 8-10 schools as of right now. Thank you :)

Difficult? No. Annoying? Yes. Just make sure to be very organized when getting and sending paperwork (letters of recommendation, GRE scores, resume, application itself, personal statement, etc) and make sure to call all the schools you apply to to make sure they have received ALL application materials. good luck!

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I've decided to go to bloomsburg. I'm turning down emerson, hope that helps someone out there! In the end I just didn't think I could handle the cost of tuition+ living in boston :( im happy with my decision though!

I think that will end up being the reason that I'll likely end up turning down MGH myself-- the tuition is slightly cheaper than the school I'm leaning towards right now (SU), but WOW is Boston expensive. (And, like, I live in downtown Toronto currently-- not exactly cheap living here, either, but seemingly worlds less expensive than even suburban Boston.)

On that note, anyone know much about Syracuse's department?

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I'm pretty sure NYU is ranked so low because you are really paying for their name, not for the education or the program. I haven't heard such great things about that program, unfortunately. :(

Anyone know why NYU is ranked so low?

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I'm pretty sure NYU is ranked so low because you are really paying for their name, not for the education or the program. I haven't heard such great things about that program, unfortunately. :(

Thanks for the info! What inparticular is lacking? Coursework? Research? Clinical placements? I know they went through an administrative transition, but I need some specifics.

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For those of you who have been accepted to Emerson:

As of today, I have the "Enrollment Deposit" link, but my admissions decision hasn't been posted, and I haven't received anything in the mail. When I click on the link it says "The enrollment deposit option is not available at this time." I also got an email from them about taking pre-req courses this summer (but maybe everyone who applied got this email).

Is it too early to get my hopes up? Could it just be a fluke that I have the new link? AAAAAAGGHHHH!!!

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Thanks for the info! What inparticular is lacking? Coursework? Research? Clinical placements? I know they went through an administrative transition, but I need some specifics.

I second this -- I want deets! I'm trying to decide between BU and NYU right now.

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I do hear from a lot of my professors at Pitt that although rankings are tempting, they should be more of a decision factor when deciding where to pursue a Ph.D. There are many schools in Scranton (where I'm from) whose Master's programs have a great local reputation, but are virtually nonexistant on the rankings board. I do think "success" at the Master's level hinges on what the individual student puts into their education.

Or maybe I'm just telling myself this since NYU is the only place I got into so far haha!

Ah yes, I am completing my undergrad at Pitt. So if anyone has any questions feel free to ask! :

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I do hear from a lot of my professors at Pitt that although rankings are tempting, they should be more of a decision factor when deciding where to pursue a Ph.D. There are many schools in Scranton (where I'm from) whose Master's programs have a great local reputation, but are virtually nonexistant on the rankings board. I do think "success" at the Master's level hinges on what the individual student puts into their education.

Or maybe I'm just telling myself this since NYU is the only place I got into so far haha!

Ah yes, I am completing my undergrad at Pitt. So if anyone has any questions feel free to ask! :

I agree. From what my friends who work in academia tell me, rankings are more based on how many papers the faculty of that program publish than the quality of the teaching. That's how academia and tenure work in general. I am trying not to think about the ranking when making this decision. I want to attend the school that will best prepare me to be an SLP, since that is why I am getting my master's! If I ever lose my mind enough (joking--sort of) to pursue a Ph.D., then I will probably pay more attention to the rankings and what journals the professors have been published in.

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I am just wondering if anyone has decided to accept an offer at a school without hearing back from every place they applied to? I'm still waiting on a couple decisions, but I'm wondering if I should make a cut off date for myself to say, 'ok those other schools are taking too long, I'm just going to get on with it at school A'

I know that for undergrads their acceptances are going to be happening in April (or was it May 1st?) and that will lead to more competition for housing and things like that. So just curious if some of you are deciding to go ahead without hearing all of your decisions.

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I am just wondering if anyone has decided to accept an offer at a school without hearing back from every place they applied to? I'm still waiting on a couple decisions, but I'm wondering if I should make a cut off date for myself to say, 'ok those other schools are taking too long, I'm just going to get on with it at school A'

I know that for undergrads their acceptances are going to be happening in April (or was it May 1st?) and that will lead to more competition for housing and things like that. So just curious if some of you are deciding to go ahead without hearing all of your decisions.

I'm in this boat, but mainly because I've only received one acceptance so far haha. The program has everything I want though, so I feel fine about "deciding" already. I have my cut off date set for next Wednesday before I leave for a mini vacation!

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I second this -- I want deets! I'm trying to decide between BU and NYU right now.

Sorry guys, I dont really have any details lol. I work for SLPs and that's just what they say about NYU, they couldn't really give more details. What they did tell me is that its a larger program than others, though. (i.e. More students--less personal).

I can personally say that BU and NYU are great schools in terms of location. My sister lives in Boston (went to BU for undergrad/grad) and I live in New York, right near the city. If I had to pick in terms of location alone, I'd pick NYU- but im sure that's because I'm a New Yorker :)

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I'm just so relieved that this whole process is over. It has been a very jarring experience. I underestimated the level of competitiveness for this field.

Me too! Its been a very stressful application season. You guys are all very qualified and I look forward to seeing you at future asha conventions! Enjoy your programs! :)

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I completely agree with this. 100%.

I do hear from a lot of my professors at Pitt that although rankings are tempting, they should be more of a decision factor when deciding where to pursue a Ph.D. There are many schools in Scranton (where I'm from) whose Master's programs have a great local reputation, but are virtually nonexistant on the rankings board. I do think "success" at the Master's level hinges on what the individual student puts into their education.

Or maybe I'm just telling myself this since NYU is the only place I got into so far haha!

Ah yes, I am completing my undergrad at Pitt. So if anyone has any questions feel free to ask! :

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Since other people have been asking about financial aid...has anybody heard from UIUC or Northwestern? My UIUC acceptance said decisions would be made soon (almost three weeks ago now) and NWU didn't even mention aid at all.

Hey I dont know about UIUC but Northwestern said that they would be sending out a second mail sometime in the coming weeks (this was about a week back) with a proper deadline for us to accept (different from the one on the virtual letter) and with scholarships offers if any.

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Did anyone apply for Iowa here and get rejected (and hear about it)?

I haven't heard anything at all from them. I know waitlisted/accepts were given out quite some time ago, but I've heard nothing but crickets. I've been accepted elsewhere, so I don't exactly plan on attending this school, but it sure would be nice to hear something!

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I'm just so relieved that this whole process is over. It has been a very jarring experience. I underestimated the level of competitiveness for this field.

Same here! I would never wish this experience on anyone haha.

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Same here! I would never wish this experience on anyone haha.


My poor family were first hand witnesses to my anxious state. My worst fear was having to go through this again if I didn't get in somewhere. Out of more than ten programs I applied to, I got into two. The last several weeks I either lost sleep or went to sleep early. I'm especially thankful that it is over, but I wish I had more faith in myself and my abilities

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My poor family were first hand witnesses to my anxious state. My worst fear was having to go through this again if I didn't get in somewhere. Out of more than ten programs I applied to, I got into two. The last several weeks I either lost sleep or went to sleep early. I'm especially thankful that it is over, but I wish I had more faith in myself and my abilities

Oh I know! My poor family... whenever something important is going on (family members traveling, someone has an important test) my grandmother will light a candle for them. Needless to say, my grandmother went through a lot of candles this year haha. My parents took off work in the fall to come out to Pitt and take me to dinner because they said I sounded "crazed" on the phone!

This experience has certainly been very humbling haha. I thought I was going to waltz into whatever program I pleased. But now I realized...... awesome GPA, research experience, great LORs, SO WHAT. So does everybody else! Haha Glad to hear that you received good news, though!

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awesome GPA, research experience, great LORs, SO WHAT. So does everybody else! Haha Glad to hear that you received good news, though!

AMEN. I'm getting annoyed with people who have told me "See? You got in everywhere, I knew you would because you have good grades and you're smart." No, Mom/Dad/Grandma/BFF/boyfriend/random neighbor, there was definitely some luck there as well. Silly geese.:D

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