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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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I think that each of these three is different. SVA has a lot of different departments (for instance, I applied for Photography, Video and Related Media) and I think their overall project may be a bit more commercial, Parsons seems to be the most academic and seems to sit alone as the only "Fine Arts" section of the graduate school (as opposed to one of the design programs at the same school), and Pratt I know nothing about. I did hear that the "Fine Arts" programs at both Parsons and Pratt were newer and that the faculty weren't quite giving enough attention to them as standalone departments yet, but it was very gossipy and from a visiting artist's perspective, so you would have to talk to a student to get a more accurate answer.

Overall I think:

Parsons if you want to become more polished

SVA if you're interested in doing work with the arts industry

Pratt seems like the place to experiment and distill whatever it is you're doing now

But that's just me making assumptions from their personas online and in catalogues.


Which program in the overall sense do you think it´s better? Sva, Parsons or Pratt?

Good luck with Parsons!

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disagree. once you're in, all questions are fair game. they won't 'un-admit' you. you are now part of the community and therefore totally allowed to ask stuff. i'd try to set up a phone time with someone in the dept, so that you don't bombard them with email questions. have fun and congrats!

Id try to get that done with in the interview

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Here is my opinion, and I only applied to SVA out of the 3. I visited SVA, had a professor who went to Parsons, and Pratt I don't know as much about, except that it's in a terrible neighborhood from what I hear. I am a semi-traditional painter, so you might wonder why I applied to SVA because they have a lot of super conceptual people, but not everyone is oober conceptual, they do also have painters. I loved SVA because they have a wide range of different work, which is really cool. In one studio you will walk in, and there are bright and representational oil paintings, and then you walk into another studio, and there's absolutely nothing in there because the work is so conceptual that the artist brings in a few materials, and then leaves with them. They are open to everything. They also claim to have gallery owners walking through their studios to check out student work!!

Downside of SVA is probably going to be the $$$. I heard that Parsons is expensive, but might give more scholarships. My professor who went there is more traditional/ representational figurative painter. She was not extremely conceptual.


Which program in the overall sense do you think it´s better? Sva, Parsons or Pratt?

Good luck with Parsons!

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so, question for everyone: once you get accepted somewhere, how soon is too soon to start asking them 101 questions about their program? I don't want to be annoying

Ask away! They chose you, they want you there, and the more they talk to you the better they will get to know you. And even if you do get on someone's nerves a little bit, they'll know it's just enthusiasm. They're not going to be staring you down in critique in September thinking "man, I was so mad when that person asked me too many questions that one time."

What does make sense is to try to ask the right people the right questions. An administrator in the department might be able to give you a better idea of what your financial aid package would look like than a professor, for example, and a student might be the best person to ask about community. Every school/department is different though.

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I think that each of these three is different. SVA has a lot of different departments (for instance, I applied for Photography, Video and Related Media) and I think their overall project may be a bit more commercial, Parsons seems to be the most academic and seems to sit alone as the only "Fine Arts" section of the graduate school (as opposed to one of the design programs at the same school), and Pratt I know nothing about. I did hear that the "Fine Arts" programs at both Parsons and Pratt were newer and that the faculty weren't quite giving enough attention to them as standalone departments yet, but it was very gossipy and from a visiting artist's perspective, so you would have to talk to a student to get a more accurate answer.

Overall I think:

Parsons if you want to become more polished

SVA if you're interested in doing work with the arts industry

Pratt seems like the place to experiment and distill whatever it is you're doing now

But that's just me making assumptions from their personas online and in catalogues.

could you post something about bard's interview: questions and such(or pm me please if you don't want it public)

i got an email about sva interview not sure if that is the same department as yours.

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Hello guys.

I'm accepted by U of Iowa (full funding) and Penn state (full funding).

I have no idea which one is better. Please help me!! my major is painting.

Congrats on the acceptances! I've applied to Penn State for painting as well. How did your notification come? Mail? Email?

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Sorry If I've posted this like 5 times this computer hates me but...

I called SMFA to ask if no interview = rejection and apparently for me it = Post bacc

Any thoughts on their Post Bacc program?

Also would people say its better to go to a cheap University program or do a Post Bacc and try for a more prestigiou program next year?

I.e. what are people's opinions on how important school"s reputations are?

I know its up to me in the end what"s best for me, but I"m curious if others have thought about this

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Sorry If I've posted this like 5 times this computer hates me but...

I called SMFA to ask if no interview = rejection and apparently for me it = Post bacc

Any thoughts on their Post Bacc program?

Also would people say its better to go to a cheap University program or do a Post Bacc and try for a more prestigiou program next year?

I.e. what are people's opinions on how important school"s reputations are?

I know its up to me in the end what"s best for me, but I"m curious if others have thought about this

I got offered a post-bac there last year. I didn't turn it down because I didn't think it would help me get where I needed to go. It came down to money. I believe reputation is important so I decided to keep applying to top 30 schools. For me it wasbetter to keep working, work on my own. I would have loved to have spent a year at the SMFA. But I reapplied and I've got an interview so we'll see how that pans out.

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My emphasis is Ceramics (functional). I have two or three schools that have late deadlines in April that I will be applying to as well.



Kansas State

TTU (Texas Tech University)

UT San Antonio

UNT (University of North Texas)

WUSTL (Washington University in St. Louis)


SIU- Edwardsville

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

University of Arkansas

University of Dallas

SIU- Carbondale

Schools I will apply to soon:

UT at Tyler

Stephen Austin


So Far I've heard...

University of Kansas- Rejection via email

University of Nebraska-Lincoln- Rejection via snail mail

That's it, very depressing!

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Hey Everyone,

I've been a lurker for a while, but thought I'd say hello. I'm a video/performance artist. This process is so emotionally draining!


SFAI- interviewed

MassArts- interviewed

UCI-guessing a rejection

UCSD- holding my breath

CalArts- rejection

CMU- rejection

Although, I'm a bit older - 32 - I've been thinking that if I don't get a decent aid package I may wait and apply again next year. I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts about that.

Congratulations on your interview Zaquon! It sounds like waiting it out worked for you.

I got offered a post-bac there last year. I didn't turn it down because I didn't think it would help me get where I needed to go. It came down to money. I believe reputation is important so I decided to keep applying to top 30 schools. For me it wasbetter to keep working, work on my own. I would have loved to have spent a year at the SMFA. But I reapplied and I've got an interview so we'll see how that pans out.

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