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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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It's for printmedia (postmarked 2/9). I'm surprised it got here early since I'm in CA. Maybe painting will arrive in the mail next week?

For painting? Maybe I'll get some kind of letter this week! Darned usps...they should operate on Sundays

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new here. Nice forum. Applied to 5 programs. Yale, MICA (Mount Royal), RISD, Pratt, and Hunter. Got the requisite Yale rejection. Heard about someone else in my hood that got an interview and was shocked by their choice. Haven't received an interview request from Mount Royal, but still potentially optimistic. Was shortlisted at RISD last year, so looking forward to hearing back from them. Nice to meet everyone. Waiting is a drag.

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Hi everybody,

I've applied at about 10 schools, from Pratt to CalState Long Beach. Rejected at Otis and Michigan, got an interview with SMFA first week of March, but have no idea what that means in terms of ultimate odds. How close is interview to accetance? Thanks, and good luck everyone! -John

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Hey John, congrats on getting an interview at SMFA! how did you hear? by email or snail mail? thanks!

Hi everybody,

I've applied at about 10 schools, from Pratt to CalState Long Beach. Rejected at Otis and Michigan, got an interview with SMFA first week of March, but have no idea what that means in terms of ultimate odds. How close is interview to accetance? Thanks, and good luck everyone! -John

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cant wait for tomorrow!!!! I hate Sundays now and Mondays always seem exciting, hoping to hear more stuff. Also, I know two of us have interviews with UPenn on Tues, but Ii thought there was someone who interviews tomorrow. If so would you please be kind enough to post what types of questions you are asked? Thanks, that would be really really helpful!!!

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Hi everybody,

I've applied at about 10 schools, from Pratt to CalState Long Beach. Rejected at Otis and Michigan, got an interview with SMFA first week of March, but have no idea what that means in terms of ultimate odds. How close is interview to accetance? Thanks, and good luck everyone! -John

from what i gather, the chances of being accepted from interview is around 1 in 3...would people agree with me on this?

when i interviewed for MICA hoffberger last year, i think they said they interviewed about 25 candidates for 8 spots.

you said you applied to pratt, me too. where else? i think ur the only other person who mentioned pratt this year in this forum so far...did you apply for the painting program?

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cant wait for tomorrow!!!! I hate Sundays now and Mondays always seem exciting, hoping to hear more stuff. Also, I know two of us have interviews with UPenn on Tues, but Ii thought there was someone who interviews tomorrow. If so would you please be kind enough to post what types of questions you are asked? Thanks, that would be really really helpful!!!

i SOOO agree with you on the sunday/monday thing...this sunday is gonna be a lonnng one, tomorrow can't come soon enough!

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What program did you get rejected from Otis? I thought we were not going to hear back from them until March. Did it come e-mail or snail mail. Congratulations on your Interview. I am not sure about statistics but an interview is all ways a good thing.

Hi everybody,

I've applied at about 10 schools, from Pratt to CalState Long Beach. Rejected at Otis and Michigan, got an interview with SMFA first week of March, but have no idea what that means in terms of ultimate odds. How close is interview to accetance? Thanks, and good luck everyone! -John

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from what i gather, the chances of being accepted from interview is around 1 in 3...would people agree with me on this?

when i interviewed for MICA hoffberger last year, i think they said they interviewed about 25 candidates for 8 spots.

you said you applied to pratt, me too. where else? i think ur the only other person who mentioned pratt this year in this forum so far...did you apply for the painting program?

I also applied to Pratt for painting!

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Hey Caraa- I applied to Pratt - painting. Let me know if you hear anything! Expecting March notifications. Have you heard if they do interviews?

from what i gather, the chances of being accepted from interview is around 1 in 3...would people agree with me on this?

when i interviewed for MICA hoffberger last year, i think they said they interviewed about 25 candidates for 8 spots.

you said you applied to pratt, me too. where else? i think ur the only other person who mentioned pratt this year in this forum so far...did you apply for the painting program?

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My anxiety has now turned to irritation that I have not heard a single thing from a single school out of ten, including ones that have started interviewing. They could at least let us know that we should give up and focus on the remaining schools. Selfish, I know, to be so focused on myself when they have thousands of others to deal with.

Last Sunday I told my boyfriend that I just KNEW this past week would be THE week. Haha! But I am saying it again this Sunday: THIS WILL BE THE WEEK. Something will happen THIS week.

Hang in there Scolby! We will get word soon.

I agree with everyone who says they now hate Sundays. I feel like I'm the only one who has heard absolutely nothing, I really think that this week will be the week where I start to get some info!

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Someone needs to smack me if I keep posting and looking at this forum...I;ve got work to do, and keep procrastinating! It's hard to forget about it....especially when I know that schools like Tyler and SAIC have made their decisions on rejections and interviews already and I'm just waiting for them to arrive! I didn't say I KNEW for sure that last week would be the week, but I've def. been saying I thought I would hear something by this past Friday! LOL. I agree though, that I think this will be THE week!!!!! It's gotta be. I'm going to California next weekend, and I've got a friend to check the mail on Saturday and deliver me any news.

If anyone needs to keep their mind off of things, this is funny: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/17/AR2007081700603.html I'm teaching a lesson on fantasy bug printmaking on Tuesday, and found this artist to show the 3rd graders....I thought it was pretty entertaining. I love when people make art in strange ways!

My anxiety has now turned to irritation that I have not heard a single thing from a single school out of ten, including ones that have started interviewing. They could at least let us know that we should give up and focus on the remaining schools. Selfish, I know, to be so focused on myself when they have thousands of others to deal with.

Last Sunday I told my boyfriend that I just KNEW this past week would be THE week. Haha! But I am saying it again this Sunday: THIS WILL BE THE WEEK. Something will happen THIS week.

Hang in there Scolby! We will get word soon.

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That article is AMAZING! The kids will LOVE it too. I am doing printmaking right now with my high schoolers, which is exciting since that was my concentration in undergrad. We are doing relief with linoleum, and they seem to be enjoying it aside from cutting their hands every two seconds.

I get formally evaluated teaching next week, so hopefully I will be able to focus more so on that than this forum or checking application statuses.

Someone needs to smack me if I keep posting and looking at this forum...I;ve got work to do, and keep procrastinating! It's hard to forget about it....especially when I know that schools like Tyler and SAIC have made their decisions on rejections and interviews already and I'm just waiting for them to arrive! I didn't say I KNEW for sure that last week would be the week, but I've def. been saying I thought I would hear something by this past Friday! LOL. I agree though, that I think this will be THE week!!!!! It's gotta be. I'm going to California next weekend, and I've got a friend to check the mail on Saturday and deliver me any news.

If anyone needs to keep their mind off of things, this is funny: http://www.washingto...7081700603.html I'm teaching a lesson on fantasy bug printmaking on Tuesday, and found this artist to show the 3rd graders....I thought it was pretty entertaining. I love when people make art in strange ways!

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I thought Tyler has not sent out interviews for painting yet! Am I wrong, did I miss something?

Someone needs to smack me if I keep posting and looking at this forum...I;ve got work to do, and keep procrastinating! It's hard to forget about it....especially when I know that schools like Tyler and SAIC have made their decisions on rejections and interviews already and I'm just waiting for them to arrive! I didn't say I KNEW for sure that last week would be the week, but I've def. been saying I thought I would hear something by this past Friday! LOL. I agree though, that I think this will be THE week!!!!! It's gotta be. I'm going to California next weekend, and I've got a friend to check the mail on Saturday and deliver me any news.

If anyone needs to keep their mind off of things, this is funny: http://www.washingto...7081700603.html I'm teaching a lesson on fantasy bug printmaking on Tuesday, and found this artist to show the 3rd graders....I thought it was pretty entertaining. I love when people make art in strange ways!

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Smack me again for being on here instead of focusing...but they haven't. Someone posted that they called Tyler, and they said they have already made decisions, but are going to send them out this week. Don't worry, I haven't heard anything yet either.

I thought Tyler has not sent out interviews for painting yet! Am I wrong, did I miss something?

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jesus i hate living so far away from the school's i've applied to. really . . . Seattle!? last to hear from Columbia and SAIC while I'm watching everyone getting their interviews. Sunday sucks without a doubt. Had to check out 5 good artist books from the library to get me back into the painting spirit. Finally, while working on trees . . . you can't paint a tree. If it got a letter for an interview today . . . I'm going to paint the hell outta' these trees! WTF? I guess it's the same thing for me and deadlines though, I suppose. Really get down to business when it's crunch time.

Best of luck to everyone this week, I'll be checking in. . . too often I'm sure. And congrats on your SAIC interviews!

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