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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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my slideroom columbia app also says "painting 2011 RJ's"

i think either we're ReJected or our fate in the hands of a guy named RJ.

but for seriousness, i don't know if it always said this and going crazy over it shouldn't be a thing to do, or waste your time on. i get annoyed about the money spent on the app (colombia's being the priciest with added slideroom and needaccess fees.)

It says on the first page.. i guess it s called dashboard or something... i forgot.. there are little icons on the top right and one icon looks like main page or something..

I submitted my portfolio via SlideRoom for SAIC and Columbia.

and I logged in via [saic.slideroom.com]

my first page looked something like this:

previously submitted:


school of art institute of chicago-----------------------mfa painting/drawing fall 2011----------------------[view]

columbia university school of the arts----------------2011 painting RJs--------------------------------------[view]

RJ stands for rejection rejected rejects or something like that???

this is so stressful...


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Still nothing for meunsure.gif....i almost tackled my mailman.

REJECTED from Tyler today!! :-(

BUT the good news is....ACCEPTED to PAFA!!!!!! Can't believe it!! Too bad they only offered me $8,000 scholarship money :-/ Yikes I don't wanna take out a $40,000 loan.

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Did anyone who interviewed with CCA hear back? If I remember right, they said we would know in the next 'couple weeks?' Or maybe I made that up!

Hi Pickupsticks,

I was interviewed by CCA but haven't heard anything back from them yet. For me a "couple of weeks" would be the end of this week, but I'm thinking it will probably be next week. Still keeping my fingers crossed!

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ddi you do your fasfa for student loans? you might want to talk with the finaical aid dept at PAFA, they might be able to direct you to the right place for more scholarships/grants

Does anyone know of any government scholarships or grants or something to apply for? Now the sad reality of tuition is kicking in....my scholarship was teeny tiny need based.

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Same here...but next week isn't too far away. My fingers are crossed too!!

Hi Pickupsticks,

I was interviewed by CCA but haven't heard anything back from them yet. For me a "couple of weeks" would be the end of this week, but I'm thinking it will probably be next week. Still keeping my fingers crossed!

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Yeah I have been checking it.. but nothing out of the ordinary.

Yea kinda... I mean, I don't wanna jump to conclusions! and end up disappointed. My other programs say other odd things... but nothing simply says accepted or rejected.

Have you been accessing their webadvisor system? (for CCA)

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Yea I applied for fafsa.....that's why I got like $16,000 actually. But it's so expensive that 16,000 really isn't much. I will call sometime later this week and talk to them about other possibilities

ddi you do your fasfa for student loans? you might want to talk with the finaical aid dept at PAFA, they might be able to direct you to the right place for more scholarships/grants

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Does anyone know of any government scholarships or grants or something to apply for? Now the sad reality of tuition is kicking in....my scholarship was teeny tiny need based.

If I were you-- (and Im not) I would wait and work some more if I did not get a better deal. Its HARD to make a living as an artist, even without debt. Plus working on your own is also great for developing as an artist. (ie you practice for when you are out of school.) There was a thread out there somewhere about this... That said, I know plenty of people with huge loans, and they are not dead on the street or anything- they are even still making art. But I do think it limits their options somewhat. It just depends on your priorities. In my case I waited quite a while, and have been very busy in my studio. I dont regret waiting to go back to school at all. BTW did you ever think about VCU? its a great program, and if you are in virginia the in-state tuition is super cheap (i was drooling over it, if I recall)

Good luck to you whatever you decide!

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You'll hear any day now!! It is exciting, but now I have a 1st grade art lesson to plan for, and I have goofed off being excited all afternoon and now will have a late night! Time to focus on the present!


Still nothing for meunsure.gif....i almost tackled my mailman.

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Me neither (No login/pword). I e-mailed the techinicians for the site and got a series of unrelated "technical issues" e-mails. I also e-mailed the grad advisor and didn't hear from him... I am out of the country or else I would call them. Perhaps you can call? (and let me know what they say rolleyes.gif)

I can't seem to login to the webadvisor!? should i have a login and password already?

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Yes, I have for sure considered waiting, and I still might! I also have 8 other schools to hear from, so before making conclusions I gotta hear from them first in case I end up with more than one option.

One possibility for me is that I am about to get my teaching license, so I will be able to teach k-12, and will get payed more with the mfa. Downside is I won't have a lot of time to make my own art because kids are time consuming to teach.

I thought about VCU....but I've lived in VA my whole life so I really wanna get out! lol. VCU is definitely an incredible school...but I'm trying to leave here, so that's the reason why I didn't apply.

I'm going to make these decisions in April, and they will be hard! Thanx for the insight.

If I were you-- (and Im not) I would wait and work some more if I did not get a better deal. Its HARD to make a living as an artist, even without debt. Plus working on your own is also great for developing as an artist. (ie you practice for when you are out of school.) There was a thread out there somewhere about this... That said, I know plenty of people with huge loans, and they are not dead on the street or anything- they are even still making art. But I do think it limits their options somewhat. It just depends on your priorities. In my case I waited quite a while, and have been very busy in my studio. I dont regret waiting to go back to school at all. BTW did you ever think about VCU? its a great program, and if you are in virginia the in-state tuition is super cheap (i was drooling over it, if I recall)

Good luck to you whatever you decide!

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REJECTED from Tyler today!! :-(

BUT the good news is....ACCEPTED to PAFA!!!!!! Can't believe it!! Too bad they only offered me $8,000 scholarship money :-/ Yikes I don't wanna take out a $40,000 loan.

Congratulations, Scolby! That is Awesome! 8K is nothing to sneer at! I'm of the mindset that educational loans are worth the debt factor because you are pursuing your passion and life is short!

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Wait.. I'm sorry, I got confused. I can login to check my application.. you know where you actually filled out the application. I didn't realize there was a separate "web advisor" section. I have no clue how to log on to that?

I can't log on to web advisor either.. it keeps telling me that my ID number or birthdate is wrong. hrmph.. who knows?

I can't seem to login to the webadvisor!? should i have a login and password already?

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In response to the SlideRoom Dashboard thread:

I applied to Columbia last year for new genres, and was rejected without interview. I was curious when I read these posts about status updates on SlideRoom, so I went to my page, where the 2010 application is still listed, and checked both the dashboard and the submitted pages. Neither page mentioned anything resembling a status change. On each page, the program was listed simply as "2010 New Genres". I'm applying again this year, for sculpture, and on both pages the program is likewise listed as "2011 Sculpture". I know that the same admissions committee reviews applicants' portfolios for both sculpture and new genres, and so they presumably would hold to the same policy regarding the SlideRoom status.

I hope that this helps qualm nerves for some of you others in waiting. All else I can add is that last year, sculpture and new genres applicants were contacted on March 3rd. Painting applicants were contacted significantly earlier.

looks like I have the same slideroom notice for Columbia . . .RJs. funny never thought to check slideroom before.

we will see! either way I am so happy for the UCLA decision, no notice of funding yet but I really need something. Out of state tuition for the first year is costly. . .

best of luck to everyone!

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I HAVE THE ANSWER.. to the web advisor issue.

Your id should look like this: cca1234567

You get the 7 numbers from the email that you got from CCA...The one that says "application received". It's at the very bottom. Just add "cca" to the beginning of your ID.

To log on, you need to go in and re-set your pass word. And then log on and go to prospective student and then you can see your status.

I can't seem to login to the webadvisor!? should i have a login and password already?

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ok here is a question: Do you think GPA plays a role with some of these top ranked schools.. for instance if you have a GPA between 3.0 and 3.3 does that become a factor, or if you have a high GPA liek 3.7-4.0 does that positively impact your aplication? I KNOW for us this is almost completely about the work and the statement, but still I wonder if GPA is a factor?

It may play a role if they have a cut off line for the whole school, but that would be posted online and the office assistants would have to weed all of those people out. As far as in the review, your GPA is not likely to make any difference. The faculty probably never look at that info at the top schools, I know for example one school only looks at thumbnail images for its first round cut. If your work doesn't look good from a distance, your out. GPA is going to be last on their minds when going through hundreds of applications in one day and far more relevant info is available (SOPs and LORs).

Edited by michaelwebster
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Cobalt I was mistaken...I got 8 k per year which certainly would help, but estimated costs are 48k per year! yikes. if this is the only school i am accepted to, I will need to think long and hard about my decision to take out 80k in loans! I know other people do it though! Anyways, I am way ahead of myself. It's only February!

Congratulations, Scolby! That is Awesome! 8K is nothing to sneer at! I'm of the mindset that educational loans are worth the debt factor because you are pursuing your passion and life is short!

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