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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Hi Everyone!

I'm new to grad cafe, and I just applied to a few MFA programs this year. I am waiting for responses-- I'm sure just as anxious as all of you out there.

My rundown looks like this so far:

PennDesign (accepted)

SAIC - Film Video New Media

CalArts - Experimental Animation

As I've been reading the thread, I haven't seen anyone applying to these majors at SAIC or CalArts... Is anyone else waiting to hear from these programs?

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anyone else still not heard from Rutgers yet? Anyone else still not heard from Hunter yet?

And here's another question for everyone/ anyone, out of curiosity:

what is the largest amount of loans you would be willing to take out for school? As in the largest amount of debt you would be willing to take on before waiting another year and applying again to try and get a better deal? I'm just wondering what others would do. I feel like even if you get a huge scholarship, there would still be inevitable loans of some degree for living expenses, right? I mean, it would be hard to have more than a summer job if you had a TA position.

I'm not opposed to taking out loans for grad school–not all!–but within reason. I think it's important to act responsibly (something too few people do) and remember that you're young–you might only be 1/4 of the way through your life. Do you want to spend the next 3/4 saddled by debt–a debt that good ultimately hinder your goals? You might not have aspirations to be a home or car owner, but ruined credit could prevent you from even renting an apartment–or a studio space. (I live in NYC and most landlords won't take on tenants with a bad credit history.) Later in life, it could mean diverting money from supplies to make payments on your debt instead.

Remember: the amount your borrow is actually less than what you'll owe–you need to account for interest which can compound quickly and make your debt seem never ending. This is on top of any undergraduate debt you may have. Keep in mind that beyond tuition and fees, there's the cost of living and supplies, food and cell phones, travel (if you visit home), etc for the next two/three years. And there's a maximum on how much Federal aid you can even borrow. Beyond that, you'll have to turn to bank loans which have notoriously high interest rates and terrible terms.

As with all things, always in moderation–even loans/debt. I took out loans for undergrad and four years later, have paid them off, because I only took an amount that seemed conquerable. I'll do the same with grad school. I don't think that diminishes my commitment to the arts at all–I don't believe you need to be a martyr to be an artist–and I was lucky enough that I got to go where I wanted (because they gave great aid). The fact is that higher education is a business. It's because people are willing to pay these obscene tuitions that the price of education keeps inflating so rapidly. In spite of that, like everyone here, my heart is set on pursuing my MFA and I'll do whatever I can–within reason–to get there. I'm guilty of applying to big price tag schools, but I'll only go if the money's right (hells no to $70k in loans). That might mean going to my #2 school instead of #1, but I just remind myself that I only applied to schools I truly feel excited about. Rather that then the stress of debt–and the lack of freedom that goes with it.

Good luck deciding–it'll be hard, but there are options. If you end up applying again next year, there are a lot of independent scholarships you can apply to (like JKC) that offer BIG money. There's also TA-ing, summer jobs, etc. Talk to your potential school about scholarships you might be eligible for in your second year or on-campus job opportunities.

Those are just my thoughts, but ultimately, you have to do what you feel good about. Might be different for you than for me. All depends on where you are and where you're going.

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maybe i sounded a little too brash with my willingness to get loans.

Really, i'm going to go to the school that gives me the best balance of:

general aid / fellowships / TA / opportunities / connections

I really just want to use loans to pay for artwork expenses, not school/life expenses.

i'm not going to be afraid to go deep if i can make a project happen.

I definitely don't want to encourage anyone to get straight up bank loans. Those rates are always terrible.

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Hey to everyone,

Congrats to all of you who have gotten in to such awesome places. This is such an up and down process.

I have a question for all you folks who were accepted to Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL). Just out of curiosity, how were you accepted? I just received an email with some scholarship information that seemed to assume I had already received a notification of acceptance (this email was the first i'd head from them). Hope they are not just confused. I am very excited and being told you are receiving some money is a great way of finding out you are in a program!

Even with the scholarship I'm finding Washu very expensive.

UNC Chapel hill with a lot of funding or Washu with little funding..

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Just curious, did UCLA mention when they might be sending decision letters out?

just did interview with syracuse.....i think it went well... much better than the ucla one...i wish ucla wasn't the first interview i have ever had in my life!!!!~~

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Just curious, did UCLA mention when they might be sending decision letters out?

they said mid march... alot of people have got phone calls of acceptance already.... i havent heard anything since the interview...

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I also waiting a news from SAIC's FVNMA program.

Hope we both have good news from the school. :-)

Good luck!!!

Hi Everyone!

I'm new to grad cafe, and I just applied to a few MFA programs this year. I am waiting for responses-- I'm sure just as anxious as all of you out there.

My rundown looks like this so far:

PennDesign (accepted)

SAIC - Film Video New Media

CalArts - Experimental Animation

As I've been reading the thread, I haven't seen anyone applying to these majors at SAIC or CalArts... Is anyone else waiting to hear from these programs?

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I just found about these forums last night from another prospective student at an interview and I am thrilled. This is great.

good luck everyone.

Here's my list:

University of Illinois at Chicago - wait listed

Michigan - rejected

Wisconsin - accepted

Yale - rejected

SAIC - rejected

Cranbrook - interviewed yesterday





Tyler - rejected



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they said mid march... alot of people have got phone calls of acceptance already.... i havent heard anything since the interview...

me either, I spoke with Caron a little over a week ago and she suggested letters would be sent out mid-March as well. I'm in Seattle, I'll let you guys know if I get something in the mail!

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me either, I spoke with Caron a little over a week ago and she suggested letters would be sent out mid-March as well. I'm in Seattle, I'll let you guys know if I get something in the mail!

BTW, I LOVE your work!!!

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I have this too. but what does it mean?

If you are a USC roski MFA applicant waiting to hear back, maybe you've noticed this too...

In the USC slideroom, on the log-in page there is a drop-down for active programs. It says

Programs > MFA

2011 finalists

submit 1-5 pieces

deadline 03/31/11

fee; $5

... I reckon this means that the MFA jury will decide by the 31st, using 1-5 select works from each finalist in their decision... maybe... do you think that's right?

The 31st is a long way off yet!

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me either, I spoke with Caron a little over a week ago and she suggested letters would be sent out mid-March as well. I'm in Seattle, I'll let you guys know if I get something in the mail!

i thought you got a call of unofficial acceptance weeks ago?

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I was accepted at unc chapel hill as well but was told that their funding offers would not be clear until april 1st.... just wondering what your offer was???

Hey to everyone,

Congrats to all of you who have gotten in to such awesome places. This is such an up and down process.

I have a question for all you folks who were accepted to Washington University in Saint Louis. Just out of curiosity, how were you accepted? I just received an email with some scholarship information that seemed to assume I had already received a notification of acceptance (this email was the first i'd head from them). Hope they are not just confused. I am very excited and being told you are receiving some money is a great way of finding out you are in a program!

Even with the scholarship I'm finding Washu very expensive.

UNC Chapel hill with a lot of funding or Washu with little funding..

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hey there!

i haven't gotten the formal offer from unc so I guess that was a bit presumptuous. I was told they'd have the numbers in the next couple weeks. But from what i gleaned from my acceptance call, it will probably a much better offer than the other program i got accepted to, but i don't have the specifics.

I was accepted at unc chapel hill as well but was told that their funding offers would not be clear until april 1st.... just wondering what your offer was???

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