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2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum


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6 hours ago, decayingballads21 said:

Omgggg cowboifairy congratulations on your acceptance! And thank you for sharing this info! UNM is one of my top choices and the program sounds amazing. but I know they only have 2 spots per genre so I’m feeling a little hopeless at the possibility of waitlist movement for me. Do you have any idea about how long the waitlist is or if they tend to move people off the waitlist? 

trying to cling to a little bit of hope if I can! Congrats to you for your fiction acceptance- I hope you have a great time meeting with currently accepted students! And I’m eager to hear more if you’re willing to share! Thank you for being so kind ☺️

I don't know how long the waitlist is, but I think it's worth asking them if you want a sense! That said, I think there might be a solid amount of movement (at least from the fiction side). I'm fairly sure the other fiction acceptance has better offers, and I'm still waiting for the majority of my schools myself. Also, they mentioned that, while they have to have a 2/2/2 break, it sometimes doesn't work out that perfectly. All that said, I think you are definitely still in the races here! I'll share a bit more/ask about the student's experiences with waitlist tomorrow!

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hiii did anyone get accepted or waitlisted by notre dame? i got put on the waitlist and was wondering how many other ppl got waitlisted/accepted :') it's my top choice so i'm rly hoping to get off the waitlist aaahh (if u plan on attending elsewhere pls let them know bc this wait is killing me T^T)

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3 minutes ago, smeef420 said:

just wondering how you guys read other applicants' work? I'm super curious about what kinds of poems/short stories/excerpts these programs are looking for 

before i was just talking about googling people from draft's names to see if they have publications! 

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12 minutes ago, yumeii said:

hiii did anyone get accepted or waitlisted by notre dame? i got put on the waitlist and was wondering how many other ppl got waitlisted/accepted :') it's my top choice so i'm rly hoping to get off the waitlist aaahh (if u plan on attending elsewhere pls let them know bc this wait is killing me T^T)

hiiiii i got waitlisted too! Wishing you the best of luck. I would love to go there, but it isn't my definitive top choice. I'm waitlisted at 2 other places, and have 5 more pending that I hope might turn into an a or another w. 

I recall in the email reaching out about interviews, the director said there was a shortlist of 10 prose writers. I know they admit a cohort of 4. I'm guessing the waitlist is the 6 of us who got an interview but didn't get an initial acceptance offer. I may be a writer but I can do some math too 😏

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Soooo I got accepted to Wichita St this monday, full funding 3 years with a GTA position. 10k stipend a year (doesn't sound like a ton, but looks like it'll do based on local costs). Still doesn't feel real. I'm waiting on 15 other schools to get back to me, so far it's been 4r 1a.

I set up a campus visit already, but im just trying to gather as much information as possible and there's not much about the program online other than what the university website offers for info. Which surprised me since it's the 12th oldest MFA program. 

Does anyone happen to know anything about Wichita state's program? Or a little about Wichita in general (is it a writing town)? 

I checked the spreadsheet on draft and I'm the only one to report anything out of Wichita state so I'm just trying to get a read on everything. 

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3 hours ago, DanielNiver said:

I had an interview with Pitt like two weeks ago (CNF) that went...just okay on my end lol

But last night at 3am I got an email (because of course I was refreshing my mailbox) instructing me to make an account and that would be how the university would be "communicating regarding your application." I made an account but there's nothing there as far as I can tell. By chance anyone else receive the same email? I know it's not *bad* news, but maybe it's just one of those automated things for Pitt's system and I shouldn't read too much into it?

Assuming it turned to an acceptance as I saw on the fb group- congrats!! You’ve got into some great programs. What are your top schools so far?

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12 hours ago, electricstardust said:

look up the council of grad schools april 15 resolution and see if the school is listed. if they are, then i believe they have to give you until april 15

Thank you (and @Scribe) for the advice, I really appreciate it! Unfortunately Colorado State isn't listed there — I guess I'm wondering if it's a social faux pas to email and formally request an extension if they aren't listed? Or if I can expect to even receive an extension even if CSU isn't part of the resolution? 

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6 minutes ago, decayingballads21 said:

Assuming it turned to an acceptance as I saw on the fb group- congrats!! You’ve got into some great programs. What are your top schools so far?

The email did come through this morning as an acceptance! And thanks for the congrats! Right now Ohio State is #1a and Pitt is #1b; and UNLV is my #2.

But I got some good advice from a few friends currently in MFAs who said their list changed quite a bit once they visited and deeply consider all the aspects of each program, so they said don't get married to an acceptance until you really check it out. Better to wait and make sure it's right then rush and spend three years miserable in small town in Kentucky or something lol (no offense to Kentucky, I swear, Glendale rips). So I'm keeping my preferences very loose, you know. I'm just happy to be here lol

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Anyone know when Sarah Lawrence decisions typically come out? And Columbia University?

Unrelated question: I'm new here. What is "Draft"? I'm assuming it's another platform for applicants to communicate and update on the admittance process? I am not too optimistic about getting into a program this year (I was a student-athlete and got recruited for athletics for my undergrad, so this was the first time I've ever actually had to apply to an institution(s)). But I do want to better my chances for next year, which means acquiring as many resources and as much information as I possibly can before the next cycle. If ya'll have any more references lmk! Thanks!

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1 minute ago, bmac0927 said:

Unrelated question: I'm new here. What is "Draft"? I'm assuming it's another platform for applicants to communicate and update on the admittance process? I am not too optimistic about getting into a program this year (I was a student-athlete and got recruited for athletics for my undergrad, so this was the first time I've ever actually had to apply to an institution(s)). But I do want to better my chances for next year, which means acquiring as many resources and as much information as I possibly can before the next cycle. If ya'll have any more references lmk! Thanks!

Welcome! "MFA Draft '24" is a group on Facebook with MFA applicants, current students, and vets. You have to request to join from some initial questions, but they should let you in within a few days after requesting.

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20 hours ago, sunnysequoia said:


It definitely seems like programs tend to be biased toward younger writers, but it's not impossible to get admitted even if one is older. When I visited Miami University in Ohio recently, I audited a prose workshop in which there was a significantly older woman; she was probably in retirement age, maybe in her late 60s or 70s. That day, the class happened to be workshopping her story, and I greatly admired her courage in sharing her work with a population generations younger than her and the class for their generous feedback and inclusivity. So it's never too late to pursue an MFA, and I would say don't sell yourself short. Take a chance on yourself and don't tell yourself "no," because then the only thing preventing you from pursuing an MFA is not rejections from the programs, but you yourself. 

Yes I’m a 36 year old applicant and can’t help but notice how many admitted candidates seem fresh out of undergrad but we’ll see how this all shakes out. Part of why I’m applying is I’ve written four novels and it’s so clear I need help to get to the next level. Fingers crossed

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48 minutes ago, DanielNiver said:

The email did come through this morning as an acceptance! And thanks for the congrats! Right now Ohio State is #1a and Pitt is #1b; and UNLV is my #2.

But I got some good advice from a few friends currently in MFAs who said their list changed quite a bit once they visited and deeply consider all the aspects of each program, so they said don't get married to an acceptance until you really check it out. Better to wait and make sure it's right then rush and spend three years miserable in small town in Kentucky or something lol (no offense to Kentucky, I swear, Glendale rips). So I'm keeping my preferences very loose, you know. I'm just happy to be here lol

Many congratulations! I’m also CNF, and applied to many of the same programs. Rejected from Ohio (which was my top choice) and waitlisted so far at Pitt, Oregon state and UNM. You’ve got some really great programs on your list, and I’m happy for you!! 

that’s great advice too about not ruling anything out right off the bat. I’m definitely trying to do that as well.


wishing you best of luck with the rest of the process, and your decision!

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2 hours ago, iamreallyabigskeletonirl said:

I contacted Iowa last week about when they would be sending out responses for fiction and they gave me an estimated time frame of end of February to early March. It's completely fine to check in, but they will likely only provide a time frame and nothing more. It also would be good to ask how acceptances are contacted/informed, but don't expect anything super concrete 

Ahh, did you manage to glean any more info and/or did they indicate at all whether they were possibly done with fiction acceptances? 

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1 minute ago, aurqcyei said:

Ahh, did you manage to glean any more info and/or did they indicate at all whether they were possibly done with fiction acceptances? 

unfortunately no, they just clarified when acceptances would go out, not when they would end 😕 I'm positive though for some fiction news this week, but it seems most people who got accepted are updating the draft rather than gradcafe 

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1 hour ago, lychees said:

Thank you (and @Scribe) for the advice, I really appreciate it! Unfortunately Colorado State isn't listed there — I guess I'm wondering if it's a social faux pas to email and formally request an extension if they aren't listed? Or if I can expect to even receive an extension even if CSU isn't part of the resolution? 

i don’t think it’s a faux pas at all! they should (hopefully) want to do everything they can to get you to attend. i have no idea whether you can expect an extension, but hopefully they’re cognizant of the 4/15 deadline other schools have 

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9 minutes ago, decayingballads21 said:

Many congratulations! I’m also CNF, and applied to many of the same programs. Rejected from Ohio (which was my top choice) and waitlisted so far at Pitt, Oregon state and UNM. You’ve got some really great programs on your list, and I’m happy for you!! 

that’s great advice too about not ruling anything out right off the bat. I’m definitely trying to do that as well.


wishing you best of luck with the rest of the process, and your decision!

Yeah, the OSU invite was shocking, sorta did it as a Hail Mary, you know. But CONGRATULATIONS on the waitlists, too! One of those is bound to turn into an invite I would think. And hopefully this week or next you get a few more bits of good news 🤞🤞🤞 Sending acceptance vibes into the universe for you!

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7 hours ago, decayingballads21 said:

Anyone know more info on the debt issue at Arizona/ is it possible they may cancel the program or is it just going to take a while to release their decisions

Wondering this too!! We're way behind schedule for their usual timeline

Edit: Well not WAY behind (they've typically notified around Feb 20), but every day feels like a year over here lol

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5 minutes ago, iamreallyabigskeletonirl said:

unfortunately no, they just clarified when acceptances would go out, not when they would end 😕 I'm positive though for some fiction news this week, but it seems most people who got accepted are updating the draft rather than gradcafe 

Damn. Thanks for answering back so fast though! I was honestly hoping for some news yesterday (since it seems like LSC made a set of calls the Tues before last), but it looks like I'm just holding a spool of metaphorical red yarn in front of a corkboard, looking for connections that don't really matter. I mean, based on history, looks like they made calls a little into March, but WHO KNOWS. ⊙︿⊙

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I would be truly shocked if Arizona cancelled their program or even skipped a cohort this year. If the university financial situation is truly the reason for the delay, then it's likely they'll need to cut their departmental operating budget by a certain percentage and are figuring out how it will work with regards to cohort size/funding/other expenses.

edit: Also to mention that usually, departments at larger schools tend to have a decent chunk of cash from their alumni foundations that they theoretically could draw upon...

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1 minute ago, iamreallyabigskeletonirl said:

when do schools usually call applicants? is it in the afternoon or morning? just in case for the future lol

I've tried tracking that too, but I think it varies. Usually in the morning/early afternoon EST from what I can tell, but I saw in a previous Draft post that someone 'just finished a call' with a school almost near midnight. I mean, personally, I don't care when they call, unless they call with bad news 💀

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what is the protocol for letting schools know you don’t plan on attending? i’ve been fortunate enough to get 3 acceptances, one of which I am pretty certain I won’t be attending for various reasons. i’d like to let them know soon so someone else can get off the WL, but what do i say? is it rude to say no this early? should i let them know it just comes down to time/finances? also, i have a lot of experience with law school apps, and in that realm, it’s common advice that you don’t turn any offers down until you’ve heard back from all your schools. is there any reason why i would want to wait and see before i decline an offer? 

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