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History Admissions 2009


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In Princeton's defense (and why I'm defending them, I don't know), they give their History PhD students a $40,000-a-year stipend. Not sure if there is service (TA) requirement or not. But it's more money than any other school I've heard of. So they have a lot of hungry people knocking on their door. If I was a Princeton prof, I'd be suspicious of every applicant. "Do you want to come here for the program, or for the money?" They get a little jaded.

Yes, because when people apply to Princeton they're thinking dollars, not ivy league institution with free microfilm printing... oh the free microfilm printing... I second the there's-nothing-wrong-with-new-jersey-especially-not-Princeton sentiment.

Hey, New Jersey is a great place to live, speaking as someone who grew up there. It's a very diverse state in terms of what's there, and gets a bad rep unfairly. :) I didn't apply to Princeton, but I am REALLY hoping for Rutgers--both because it's a great place for my subfield, and because I want to go back to New Jersey! It also seems to be the best school left which I feel like I have any chance.

Oh my god, I applied to Rutgers too! What did you apply for? I hope they respond earlier than they did last year...

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Hey, New Jersey is a great place to live, speaking as someone who grew up there. It's a very diverse state in terms of what's there, and gets a bad rep unfairly. :) I didn't apply to Princeton, but I am REALLY hoping for Rutgers--both because it's a great place for my subfield, and because I want to go back to New Jersey! It also seems to be the best school left which I feel like I have any chance.

I was just kidding, hence the :wink: . When I lived in New York, I dated someone who grew up and lived in NJ (and coincidentally went to Rutgers), so I've actually spent a fair amount of time there, and appreciate much of the state, once you escape the NYC suburb parts.

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I'll just come out of semi-lurking to say: my boyfriend went to Princeton undergrad, and not only do they have free microfilm printing, they have free regular computer printing and free laundry. I kid you not. Think about how much money you'd save over 6-8 years there!

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Wow! All the Rutgers hopefuls finally coming out! I was wondering if I was the only one.... what are y'all's fields, and who do you want to work with? I'm applying for Modern American cultural, and I'm hoping to work with Lears and Isenberg (both so nice, and wonderful profs).

Btw, I strongly suspect that they will be notifying this weekend, and if not this weekend then by next weekend for sure. And if we're lucky enough to get accepted, we'll be getting personal emails from the program director (if this year is like the others, which it should be).

Uh oh... I applied to work with them too... I don't know if Isenberg is nice or not, but I applied to work with her... Here's to hoping for a good answer this weekend!

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Hey, New Jersey is a great place to live, speaking as someone who grew up there. It's a very diverse state in terms of what's there, and gets a bad rep unfairly. :) I didn't apply to Princeton, but I am REALLY hoping for Rutgers--both because it's a great place for my subfield, and because I want to go back to New Jersey! It also seems to be the best school left which I feel like I have any chance.

I agree. I lived in different parts of Jersey (both North and South) for over seven years. Jersey is a decent place to live--depending on where you live--as long as you aren't a homeowner and don't have to pay the ridiculous property taxes! That's the only reason my husband and I left. Our taxes increased 300% in 5 years on our home and we made no major improvements to our home. Yes, you read that correctly--300%. :shock:

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I also just received my rejection from Princeton. I emailed a professor there early in the process and he wasn't very helpful--just told me to email his students. Of course, he was more helpful than the Yale professor I had emailed, who didn't answer any of my questions or recommend anyone else for me to talk to, but just said, yes, we would welcome your application. I've found that the professors at state schools have been friendliest, although the professors I contacted at Harvard, Cornell, and Columbia were also very friendly and helpful.

I thankfully have gotten into to one school, but if I hadn't, and ended up not getting into any, I would be done because this was my second round of applications, and there is no way I can think of to improve them. My GREs and GPA are great, I have a masters with distinction from one of the top history departments in the UK, and I'm sure my LOR, writing sample, and LOI were strong (explaining, not bragging, of course). And I can read Latin, French, and German, although I picked up the last two only last summer in learn-to-read courses. What more do you want?!?!?!

Congrats to everyone who got good news today. Let's hope that good fortune spreads to some more of us tomorrow!

To answer your question, I'm gonna go with blood in a vial. :)

In all seriousness, I'm in the same boat as you and it is pretty disheartening. I've been rejected by two school thus far, but with no acceptances. Fortunately no one has yet posted about the schools from which I'm waiting to hear news so I'm still holding out hope. I graduated summa cum laude with honors in both majors. MY GREs are great. My M.A. is from an excellent program. I have research experience, worked in archives, and professional editorial experience. A former grad prof read my SoP and was the reader for my thesis sample and said both were very good and effective. Like you, not bragging, but trying to assess objectively where I could have improved. I'm sure my LOR were supportive. I speak and read several languages that are pertinant to my field. I taught in a French immersion program for four years and have been teaching History at the college level for two years. As you mentioned, I really don't know what else these programs are looking for.

I'm just trying to keep a sense of humor about the entire process, though the chair of my dept did mention the other day that I've lost a considerable amount of weight (stress much?).

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I'll just come out of semi-lurking to say: my boyfriend went to Princeton undergrad, and not only do they have free microfilm printing, they have free regular computer printing and free laundry. I kid you not. Think about how much money you'd save over 6-8 years there!

Free laundry is unblievably great. How can students use this free service?

As far as I know, CUNY graduate center in NYC has free computer printing and microfilm printing for their PHD students(though they do not have many microfilms). Columbia has 100 pages(can be double side to print 200 pages) per week , and free microfilm printing in some libararies.(they can not free this service in the main libarary, as they are so many outside readers). I guess that NYU should also be generous,as their stipend is higher than Columbia.

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I met with a professor in November who told me that they don't start reviewing apps until mid-February. He said that applicants are notified in mid-March, which is much later than other programs. I would venture to say that they have definately not made decisions yet. There was a mishap with my online app a few weeks ago and I had to call the dept to straighten it out. I was in contact with the graduate studies director who reassured me that they would straighten it out and if the document was missing, there was still ample time to secure a copy because they don't review apps until mid-Feb.

Did you meet with anyone there or visit? They are the kindest, most humane group of faculty I think I've ever met. My impressions were backed up by what the grad students had to say (I gathered emails en route).

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I'll just come out of semi-lurking to say: my boyfriend went to Princeton undergrad, and not only do they have free microfilm printing, they have free regular computer printing and free laundry. I kid you not. Think about how much money you'd save over 6-8 years there!

As long as we are discussing schools that have free stuff:

Fordham University has free laundry in the dorms, though grad students would have to sneak in to use it. (Unless their graduate housing also has this, but I doubt it does since it's off campus.)

MIT has free regular computer printing.

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In all seriousness, I'm in the same boat as you and it is pretty disheartening. I've been rejected by two school thus far, but with no acceptances. Fortunately no one has yet posted about the schools from which I'm waiting to hear news so I'm still holding out hope. I graduated summa cum laude with honors in both majors. MY GREs are great. My M.A. is from an excellent program. I have research experience, worked in archives, and professional editorial experience. A former grad prof read my SoP and was the reader for my thesis sample and said both were very good and effective. Like you, not bragging, but trying to assess objectively where I could have improved. I'm sure my LOR were supportive. I speak and read several languages that are pertinant to my field. I taught in a French immersion program for four years and have been teaching History at the college level for two years. As you mentioned, I really don't know what else these programs are looking for.

If I hadn't heard positive results from a couple schools already, I'd be very worried - you're all much more qualified than me. I'm sure good news is in the future for you!

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Fordham University has free laundry in the dorms, though grad students would have to sneak in to use it. (Unless their graduate housing also has this, but I doubt it does since it's off campus.)

I went there for my undergrad, and I can say it's kind of a mixed blessing, since the fashion victims from the theater department often think it's a great idea to put one pair of jeans in each washer. I moved to Brooklyn after freshman year and never looked back. You overhear a lot of interesting things sitting outside the 24-hour laundromat in the ghetto at 1 o'clock in the morning...

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If I hadn't heard positive results from a couple schools already, I'd be very worried - you're all much more qualified than me. I'm sure good news is in the future for you!

I sure hope so. The waiting is making me sick. I keep second-guessing myself after what happened last year. It sounds cheesy, but after the first rejection I felt as if the other schools might "catch on to the fever" and all start rejecting me. Sure hope that doesn't happen.

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