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Boren 2011-2012


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Very interesting! So what we have figured out in this thread is that, assuming ~1,000 people apply:

1) Your initial chance of getting a Boren is ~15%

2) If you receive the email about financial updates you become a finalist, whereas your chances of receiving a scholarship increases to ~66%

3) If 150 people receive Scholarships, roughly 225 applicants are finalists.

This should be useful to future Boren applicants!

I'll have to wait until the final statistics are posted on the Boren website, but I am going to venture a guess that the fellowship to grant ratio was much higher this year than in past years (most likely due to the poor economy and people being unable to enter the workforce). Of course, we could just have a poor sampling of applicants, but I don't think this is the case. If you look at the number of people that were accepted after being sent a follow-up email, there is quite a difference for different types of applicants. For fellowship applicants, it was around 35%, but for scholarship applicants, it was around 60%. We'll just have to wait and see what the official statistics look like. I'll post again when I have them.

Another scenario could be that there were a lot more people forwarded to the 'finals' for fellowships than there were for scholarships, but I don't see why this would be...

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I'll have to wait until the final statistics are posted on the Boren website, but I am going to venture a guess that the fellowship to grant ratio was much higher this year than in past years (most likely due to the poor economy and people being unable to enter the workforce). Of course, we could just have a poor sampling of applicants, but I don't think this is the case. If you look at the number of people that were accepted after being sent a follow-up email, there is quite a difference for different types of applicants. For fellowship applicants, it was around 35%, but for scholarship applicants, it was around 60%. We'll just have to wait and see what the official statistics look like. I'll post again when I have them.

Another scenario could be that there were a lot more people forwarded to the 'finals' for fellowships than there were for scholarships, but I don't see why this would be...

That's true. I just know that on her panel they were told to pick 15 applicants. However, my guess is that number of "forwarded" applicants might possibly be increased or decreased, depending on region. She made it seem like the regional level did most of the "heavy lifting", with the national board just confirming their decisions.

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Did anyone else get their award packet and find that they are being offered less than they budgeted for? Mine was substantially less than my proposed budget with no explanation.

Ohh no. I am hoping my packet shows up today. Did your packet come to your permanent address or temporary (school)? Do you mind sharing what "substantially less" is? I am also curious are you in a program w/tuition or was your program more something that you were piecing together yourself?

Edited to add: Did you get any budget questions from them and, if so, do you feel the changes are related to those questions somehow?

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I received a Fellowship, and I am staying for 10 months. My budget was for $23,800 (which is just below the $24,000 maximum). The amount they are offering me now is for $18,000. I did receive an email asking about the amount I allocated for tuition for my university next year (i.e to stay matriculated in the US), but I replied and said that this was the actual amount I have to pay. I'm assuming they just took some money off because of that, but since I put my actual tuition amount, I put much less on other parts of the budget such as research assistants, housing, food, etc. that should be budgeted for more.

I'm planning to call them Monday to find out what happened, and if they did take out some money from my tuition, then I will appeal to get more money for some of the other things I cut short.

My packet came to my temporary (current) address, and I received it yesterday.

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I received a Fellowship, and I am staying for 10 months. My budget was for $23,800 (which is just below the $24,000 maximum). The amount they are offering me now is for $18,000. I did receive an email asking about the amount I allocated for tuition for my university next year (i.e to stay matriculated in the US), but I replied and said that this was the actual amount I have to pay. I'm assuming they just took some money off because of that, but since I put my actual tuition amount, I put much less on other parts of the budget such as research assistants, housing, food, etc. that should be budgeted for more.

I'm planning to call them Monday to find out what happened, and if they did take out some money from my tuition, then I will appeal to get more money for some of the other things I cut short.

My packet came to my temporary (current) address, and I received it yesterday.

Thanks Erica11, that was very helpful. I hope your appeal is successful. I feel fortunate that my school will not require me to pay anything while I will be away. That would be frustrating b/c it doesn't go directly towards seeing the Boren project/program into fruition.

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Thanks Erica11, that was very helpful. I hope your appeal is successful. I feel fortunate that my school will not require me to pay anything while I will be away. That would be frustrating b/c it doesn't go directly towards seeing the Boren project/program into fruition.

My packet has just arrived. I did get the amount I budgeted for.

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How long is your program? Did you request the full amount? I'm glad to hear that you got it all!!

Thanks! I have domestic and international components. I requested the maximum for both. My international component runs for 11 months. It's pretty structured/formal except for the last month or so, when I will be finalizing some research I plan to conduct during my time in country.

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I received 20,000 (the max for scholarships), but my budget was 26,000something and my school offers very little financial aid.

Did anyone send the faxes on Friday? I got the packet on Friday and faxed them the same day but it was rather late....

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Hey guys,

Soo, i got the Boren Fellowship, I'll be out of the country for 7 months. I guess im looking for thoughts/opinions/advice.

Getting the Boren is a bit bittersweet because Im really excited to have an awesome experience but I feel like I'm going to miss out on the lives of my friends and family. keeping in touch is going ot be hard, etc.

Is anyone else getting a bit panicy? my program isnt as structured as some of the other i have heard about, so I'm also nervous that its gonna get a bit lonely.

many students that apply for the Boren are looking to be in the Foreign Service, I have considered this professional path as well. This anxiety and nervousness makes it wonder if FSO is really my thing....


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Hey guys,

Soo, i got the Boren Fellowship, I'll be out of the country for 7 months. I guess im looking for thoughts/opinions/advice.

Getting the Boren is a bit bittersweet because Im really excited to have an awesome experience but I feel like I'm going to miss out on the lives of my friends and family. keeping in touch is going ot be hard, etc.

Is anyone else getting a bit panicy? my program isnt as structured as some of the other i have heard about, so I'm also nervous that its gonna get a bit lonely.

many students that apply for the Boren are looking to be in the Foreign Service, I have considered this professional path as well. This anxiety and nervousness makes it wonder if FSO is really my thing....


Hi Whattheflip,

First, a lot of people go through this and it is perfectly normal. Getting the Boren is a big deal, but it is a certainly an award w/an intended purpose – which is to get us to work on NS issues for the government. However, this does not mean you have to be an FSO or even live outside the USA. At the same time, if you do want to be an FSO this is a great opportunity to see if you like living outside the country.

Living abroad is an amazing eye-opening experience and one that everyone should have at least once in their life in my opinion. Although seven months sounds like a long time, it will probably fly by. The key part of studying abroad is mentally buying into the program – if you go in w/the attitude that you’re going to spend every free moment calling home, on the internet writing home or generally missing home it’s probably not worth going. You’ll just be unhappy. However if you’re open to the program and want to get most out it, you’ll be amazed at how fast time goes and you’ll probably find that you don’t miss home that much, but rather that you’ve found a “second home” in a new country.

Finally, I hate to be cliché, but remember a lot of people wanted a Boren and didn’t get it. So if you have given the award a lot of thought and still don’t think it’s for you, you shouldn’t take it. But you can be comforted in knowing that someone else who really wants the award and will make the most of it will be taking your place.

This is just my two cents. Good luck!


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Dear All,

There is hope if you are an alternate! I found out today that I got a Boren to Ukraine next year! I totally ruled it out and made other plans, but they are contacting alternates!

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Congrats!!! I got the call, too, and I am heaading to Tanzania for the year!! I can't believe it. I had made other plans, too. Such great news! Does anyone on here know if there is an orientation in DC for fellowship winners before we leave?

Dear All,

There is hope if you are an alternate! I found out today that I got a Boren to Ukraine next year! I totally ruled it out and made other plans, but they are contacting alternates!

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Hey guys,

Soo, i got the Boren Fellowship, I'll be out of the country for 7 months. I guess im looking for thoughts/opinions/advice.

Getting the Boren is a bit bittersweet because Im really excited to have an awesome experience but I feel like I'm going to miss out on the lives of my friends and family. keeping in touch is going ot be hard, etc.

Is anyone else getting a bit panicy? my program isnt as structured as some of the other i have heard about, so I'm also nervous that its gonna get a bit lonely.

many students that apply for the Boren are looking to be in the Foreign Service, I have considered this professional path as well. This anxiety and nervousness makes it wonder if FSO is really my thing....


Yeah, you'll miss them. You'll also have one of the most amazing experiences of your life that you probably will never be able to even come close to again. Your fam will be there when you're home, as well as your friends. Don't give this up because you'll miss them. They're proud of you and would want you to take the opportunity.

I'm also panicky, because I haven't had formal Russian lessons, when it seems everyone else who got it for Russia has :mellow: So I'm afraid of having difficulties but well living in Russia is the only way I'll gain fluency.

You don't have to be an FSO to fulfill the service requirement. I think a lot of people chose it as it's a pretty general idea that people from many fields can aspire to. You can do something else, you know, you're not limited to what you wrote in your application. But if working for the government or something isn't your thing... I'd give up the scholarship, and find another way to study abroad. Studying abroad is nice, but the Boren seems tailor made for people who specifically want to end up working federal national security. You'll be unhappy in the future doing something you don't like, and plus, I'm sure some people have had their dreams shattered by not getting this award. That's just my opinion, but, if I were you, I'd research all ways possible to fulfill the service requirement and then make a decision.

I'm sad as I heard today I didn't get the Gilman award; not even as an alternate. Seems weird to me that I won an award that 14% of applicants win but not the one 40% of applicants win, but oh well. Thankfully the Boren covers my program/room/visa costs, so now I just have to figure out how to get some money for other expenses. If anyone has any tips/ideas, please do let me know, as I'm kinda (okay, very) panicky about this.

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Congrats!!! I got the call, too, and I am heaading to Tanzania for the year!! I can't believe it. I had made other plans, too. Such great news! Does anyone on here know if there is an orientation in DC for fellowship winners before we leave?

Congrats to those of you getting called up from alternate to recipient! This is wonderful news!!

Fellows are in DC after the award period for a symposium, scholars for an orientation before they leave.

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I'm sad as I heard today I didn't get the Gilman award; not even as an alternate. Seems weird to me that I won an award that 14% of applicants win but not the one 40% of applicants win, but oh well. Thankfully the Boren covers my program/room/visa costs, so now I just have to figure out how to get some money for other expenses. If anyone has any tips/ideas, please do let me know, as I'm kinda (okay, very) panicky about this.

What other expenses are you worried about?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry I'm late to post but I've been busy. I am a recipient (Arabic/Syria) and I am probably going to study with CET in Amman, Jordan unless something radically changes for the better in the Levantine Arc...sorry I missed you guys at the dinner but I'm working on the Hill if anyone wants to get together and speak arabic and talk about the Middle East. I just went to a great recruitment fair for Georgetown, SAIS, Columbia and Princeton at Johns Hopkins last week.

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New to this forum, but read everything you guys get intense. Anyways I was wondering if anyone would be willing to send me their essays/tips on the application process. I plan on applying for the 2012-2013 year to Brazil most likely.

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Riverguide, congrats man! I was wondering where you ran off too. My program at AUC in Egypt was cancelled, so I'll be in Amman as well. I hope DC is treating you well, I had a meeting with Feinstein the other week ;).

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Will, I tried to friend you on FB but you've got your security settings set at radioactive meltdown status. I was hoping we could get together and chat. Sounds like you've had a great Summer! I was at the White House this week.

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  • 4 weeks later...

As a former Boren Fellow, one reality I wish someone told me about before I accepted the Boren Fellowship was how difficult it would be to satisfy the government service requirement. It is prestigious to receive a Boren, but not many in government recognize your achievement, nor understand what Boren is about. And although NSEP maintains a very broad definition of what national security is and gives you two to three years to find a job, there is little effort on NSEP's part or IIE to aid returning Scholars/Fellows to find federal employment that satisifies the requirement. I met numerous former Boren Fellows/Scholars who felt this way, many of whom spent about one year looking for a job. Another important point: many Scholars/Fellows do not use the language that have been trained while performing government service as the jobs they receive have little to do with what they studied when they were abroad.

In short, the post-Boren experience can be somewhat disappointing. This should not deter one from accepting, but just realize the program is "still working itself out" in its infancy (It is only 10+ years old compared to Fulbright or Peace Corps which are much older programs). Here are a few tips to those who have or will be accepting a Boren.

  1. Begin your job search one year in advance even if you are abroad. Government applications take a long time to process and they can sit dormant for months at a time. Some may tell you not to apply to government jobs. You should not apply for any intell jobs while you are abroad, but everything else is fair game.
  2. Reach out to people who are currently completing government service, former Boren alumns, and people within the government. If you are performing a domestic portion of your program, this is imperative. Tell them you want to work in their department far in advance and to notify you of opporuntities. Continue to check in with them while you are abroad.
  3. Work with hiring managers and not HR representatives. They are more receptive to finding a place for you within their agency if they like you.
  4. In reality, you receive no hiring privileges. Although you are given Schedule A status, hardly anyone knows what that status means and what to do with that status. Most Borens are hired not through any special hiring authority, but get hired the way every other person on the street gets hired. KNOWING PEOPLE.
  5. Don't rely on any supporting organization to help you find a job (i.e. NSEP / IIE). They take the reactive approach rather the proactive one and look to check you off their list once you found a federal job and/or prove you can't rather than help individuals find a job. It makes sense, since there's only two people who support 100+ people looking for federal jobs.
  6. Realize you will be entering the workforce when the federal government is decreasing its hiring efforts due to the budget problems. This will most likely make it harder to find something, so start very early.
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