couscous90 Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Okay just talked to Jermaine... He said that he hopes we find out in the next week or two (for Morocco anyway). I asked him whether the decisions came in from the commission in Morocco already; he said yes, he has them, but can't send out decisions until he gets a green light from DC. I don't really know what type of green light, but whatever. So at least decisions have come back from Morocco... Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut nothing new besides that, really.
Eric Bee Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 So update from yesterday....I got awarded an ETA to Hungary!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy! So glad I waited until I was home to open it with my husband. After opening it he unveiled a bottle of champagne and a big sign that said Congratulations _____! You did it!! I think the cutest thing though was that he had a box of popsicles in the freezer with a note on it that said "It's OK sweetheart. I still believe in you." Just in case I didn't get it! I've already received a couple more emails about placement information and so forth. I got my initial notification from Rachel Holskin at 11:57 (on 4/4). Then another email from Rachel came at 6pm which gave links to various information such as medical clearance, consent form, address change, etc. and explaining that I would be getting more information from Hungary about in-country orientation and other items of business. Then this morning I got an email from the American program manager in Hungary which had my Letter of Notification in PDF format attached to the email. In this email it notified me that I would be placed at the EducationUSA Advising Center in Budapest (which is what I was expecting because I asked about it before applying, but it's nice to know that hasn't changed), and they also explained that they are still talking with different universities to secure my second placement (which is where I will teach two college classes of my choice each semester). They gave me contact information of who my supervisor would be and said more materials would be sent to me in the mail. I will say, they seem to be pretty on top of it...Probably doesn't hurt having the European IIE office stationed in Budapest Budapest is an amazing city! As I said before, I am going to be 4 hours away by train in Romania. We should exchange emails!
caramel08girl Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Okay just talked to Jermaine... He said that he hopes we find out in the next week or two (for Morocco anyway). I asked him whether the decisions came in from the commission in Morocco already; he said yes, he has them, but can't send out decisions until he gets a green light from DC. I don't really know what type of green light, but whatever. So at least decisions have come back from Morocco... Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut nothing new besides that, really. yay! this is great news! I wonder if he has information on my country? I wonder if he would be annoyed if I called and asked?
couscous90 Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 yay! this is great news! I wonder if he has information on my country? I wonder if he would be annoyed if I called and asked? Call him! He seemed annoyed to me during my call with him but I mean, come on, we deserve a lil more information don't you think pelevinfan, Biz, es90 and 1 other 2 2
Biz Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 I'm a "mid-late April" applicant and I've been under the assumption that the floodgates will open next week - on Friday the 13th, of course I have that date circled on my calendar! I know patience is supposed to be a virtue and all... lg702 and Biz 2
lagiocanda Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 I finally called Rachel and asked about Italy. She said we would probably hear back early next week because the commission offices are closed, and they need authorization from the commission to send out the notices. So they know, they just can't tell us. UGH!
Biz Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 I have a question about how all this works. Someone please set me straight! 1. IIE in Washington reviews all submissions. 2. IIE in Washington recommends finalists. 3. IIE sends recommended candidates to Embassies around the world. 4. Embassies pick who they want. 5. Embassies send back to IIE in Washington. At this point, what does IIE do? Do they still weed through / reject based on funding? Once the Embassy decides, is it just a matter of IIE processing the paperwork / offer / etc. before they offer a grant? Or is there more to it? What about regional grants? The country I applied to is part of a regional allotment of grants. Does that mean that IIE takes the picks from the countries in the region and makes a final cut? Or do countries know how many spots they're allotted before they choose who to send back to IIE? Just curious. If anyone knows the answers to these questions or if I've misunderstood the process, I'd love to hear what's really up. Well first, I believe the decisions are made by the Fulbright commissions in the respective countries we are applying to (if they have one) or by the "supervising agencies abroad" for those of us applying to countries without these specific commissions and not by embassies. I do not know the technical aspects of regional allotments for grants, but this is the reasoning given for why many countries are so delayed in their grant decisions. I believe that each country is given an estimated number of grants that are contingent on that year's projected budget. Thus, if the actual budget is less the region takes longer because they have to decide which country(ies) takes the hit and loses a grant. Likewise, if the budget is greater they must decide which country(ies) get an extra grant or two. Obviously these types of decisions would be far more complex when dealing with multiple countries. This is what my mind imagines happens. I'm pretty sure that by the time the decisions reach IIE the funding issues have already been addressed. And I am not sure why a candidate that is chosen by the country wouldn't be given the grant... Anyone else? boxoatoc and Biz 2
MedievalHistory1124 Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 I finally called Rachel and asked about Italy. She said we would probably hear back early next week because the commission offices are closed, and they need authorization from the commission to send out the notices. So they know, they just can't tell us. UGH! Are you kidding me... ma dai!!
Biz Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 I finally called Rachel and asked about Italy. She said we would probably hear back early next week because the commission offices are closed, and they need authorization from the commission to send out the notices. So they know, they just can't tell us. UGH! Thanks for sharing this. If they need authorization then I guess a lot of us can expect to not hear anything from now until at least the middle of next week since a lot of countries are on holiday (especially in Europe).
lg702 Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 I have that date circled on my calendar! I know patience is supposed to be a virtue and all... That's so funny--I was also thinking Friday the 13th! I'm giving a talk that day to my department, and for some reason, I keep having this vision of giving my phone to my friend, and having him check every email I get, and giving me some crazy signal if I got it. I'm going craazzyyyy!!!
kaguyahime Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 As per Biz's observation about the process, it seems that after each country's Fulbright commission has made their decision, this information gets sent back to the Fulbright Foreign Scholar Board for a final OK. It's not clear whether they would actually make a decision about accepting or rejecting an applicant at this point, or if it is just part of the bureaucracy? For more info about the FSB:
es90 Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Okay just talked to Jermaine... He said that he hopes we find out in the next week or two (for Morocco anyway). I asked him whether the decisions came in from the commission in Morocco already; he said yes, he has them, but can't send out decisions until he gets a green light from DC. I don't really know what type of green light, but whatever. So at least decisions have come back from Morocco... Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut nothing new besides that, really. ahh!!! we are so close to finding out!! i wonder what they are waiting for. thank you so much for calling him...this information is really least we know the end is near.
CaroEllen Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 I finally called Rachel and asked about Italy. She said we would probably hear back early next week because the commission offices are closed, and they need authorization from the commission to send out the notices. So they know, they just can't tell us. UGH! Ugh! So frustrating... After obsessively checking and commenting on this thread last year I've been trying to lay low this time around and hope that it helps with my nerves - I'm also a second-year finalist - but I can't hold back anymore. Luckily, I just received word last night that I was offered a fellowship at my uni for next year but that is very much not the same as a year of research in Italy! I think I've come to accept the chance of getting rejected again but who knows what my heart will do if I open the email (next week?!?) and read the words "We are sorry..." I'm keeping my fingers crossed for everyone, Italian finalists and otherwise. Hope to see lots of good news posted on here in the coming weeks!
TPliske8711 Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Also, if we don't hear anything tomorrow there is no need to start refreshing your inbox until Tuesday, as Monday is a holiday in Austria (Easter Monday). I'd also like to add that students from my school that were accepted last year all found out on the same day. The one student who ended up being an alternate didn't hear anything until several weeks later. I believe he had to end up contacting them regarding his status. Perhaps someone should e-mail them and ask what the exact date is going to be? I would by I've already e-mailed them way too many times. Good luck to everyone! All I have gotten is "Mid-April at the latest": which means anytime between tomorrow and next Friday
euphoria* Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Iridescence11 -- since you have experience already in applying to Morocco, I have a question for you if you don't mind answering it. In my application I didn't establish an affiliation with a university, mostly because much of my research would be archival and the affiliation I actually established (with a museum / library) seemed more helpful. Do you think this could work against me? Because another one of my friends established a university AND museum affiliation for his app to Fulbright last year, and he got it (for Egypt). So I just don't know if not taking university classes is something that will work against my application, because they might wonder what I'll do with all of my time if I'm not also doing something "academic" in nature? Just some questions that arise in my mind as I wait for a decision... CousCous90 - I don't want to influence your thinking on this since I can only speak from my experience. My impression is that if you are a finalist, that means that they were impressed with your proposal. Establishing a number of affiliations can work against you and not establishing a single one definitely weeds you out (perhaps, unless you proposed for an ETA. I think they request that you not establish any). You have a contact that has expressed a willingness to work with you, and that's great! If you did not see a need to do University work and your project is solid enought to be carried out without that type of engagement, then I don't see why it would be an issue. I think they also look at the entire application. Do you speak French and Arabic? Do you have some knowlege of the culture, etc... Again, this is my perspective, and these things are a shot in the dark, really. If we are rejected, it can be from something totally unexpected. This is why I think we can't take these decisions personally, and if we are rejected, I say, apply again! Thanks for calling! Keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that we find out next week!!
Biz Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Recipient, Full grant to Denmark, 4/4 Does this mean acceptances went out on different days for the same country? Because sammygoose said their email came on 3/30. This makes me more confused than ever about the process.
pazza d'Italia Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 I finally called Rachel and asked about Italy. She said we would probably hear back early next week because the commission offices are closed, and they need authorization from the commission to send out the notices. So they know, they just can't tell us. UGH! Thank you SO much for calling. At least this is some form of news. I hope everyone can relax a bit over the weekend! In bocca al lupo!
viktoria18 Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 I emailed Rachel (as a response to the email about the summer workshop/orientation thing) and she said "2-3 weeks" (this was on 3/30, btw). I'm recommended as an ETA to Bosnia, though, so I have no clue if that timeline will hold true for Kosovo and/or Macedonia. But I think Bulgaria's already found out, as well as some others from eastern Europe. At this point, it seems hard to predict. I'm a finalist for Serbia (ETA) and on Friday 3/30, Rachel told me I should hear within 2 weeks. So hopefully this will hold true for all of us who applied to former Yugoslavia!
kgba Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 I have that date circled on my calendar! I know patience is supposed to be a virtue and all... I'd like to apologize to those offended by profanity and suggest that they ignore the following image. es90, RusPNI, strgrl522 and 3 others 6
jahanzlik Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 I'd like to apologize to those offended by profanity and suggest that they ignore the following image. I agree with this image!
aronofsky Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Update on Spain: "We haven't heard anything from the Spain Commission but we hope it will be within the next two weeks." I guess all previous estimates were pure guess work. Trying to stay positive!
strgrl522 Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Update on Spain: "We haven't heard anything from the Spain Commission but we hope it will be within the next two weeks." I guess all previous estimates were pure guess work. Trying to stay positive! Mil gracias, Aronofsky. Is this for Full/ETA applicants or just ETA? I thought they would be much further along by now based on previous information (i.e. that they'd be prepping sending out notifications, not waiting to hear back from the Commission). Either way, the update is greatly appreciated!
kamora1986 Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 Just got the email from the Netherlands, I'm an alternate. I guess I keep waiting another month and hope for the best. Does any one know what the odds are of being an alternate and then later getting the grant?
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