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Fulbright 2012-2013


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Eeek. Well I applied for an ETA to India and didn't get it! Really proud of my application, though, and so thankful for the passion that drove me to apply for the grant in the first place.

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The National Screening Committee of the Institute of International Education has completed its work and has recommended candidates for the 2012-13 academic year. I regret to inform you that your application is not among those recommended for further consideration. Unfortunately, it is not possible to accommodate all students who would like to participate in the Fulbright Program. I want to assure you that the application review is very thorough and that screening committees carefully weigh individual qualifications for research, study or teaching abroad.

It is not our policy to disclose the reasons for an applicant's denial. As is often the case in the U.S. Fulbright Student Program, the number of well-qualified applicants this year exceeded the number of awards available and the limited opportunities for placement abroad. Approximately 9,700 applicants competed for about 1,600 grants. Please do not contact IIE to inquire about your individual application. If you decide to reapply in the future our Program Staff will be happy to advise you on the application process and provide general information about the program or country to which you are applying.

I know that this decision will be disappointing to you. However, please note that the decision in no way prejudices your chances for participation in the Fulbright Program at a future date. Each year's selection process is separate and distinct. If you wish to apply again for a Fulbright award, your application will be considered, as before, solely on the basis of eligibility requirements and the merits of your proposal. We appreciate your interest in the Fulbright Program and hope that you will find another opportunity to study or conduct research abroad.

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I just received my rejection email.

I was a full grant applicant to the UK.

Oh no cabooklover, I'm so sorry--I was really rooting for you! :( Good luck with the scholarships, at least you still get to be in England!

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I'm sorry to hear about everyone who has been rejected... Where are the positive letters at... This is a little much...

I can't believe this... This letter doesn't seem real when they don't put your name on it and don't spell application correctly...

Edited by lkahmil
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1. Full or ETA?----- Full

2. Country?------- Spain

3. Recommended/rejected/alternate?---- Recommended

I just want to say sorry to everyone that didn't make it this round.

I actually applied for a grant a few years back and did not make it to the next round. It all works out for the best in the end...

As for those who were recommended... the wait continues :-)

Edited by Espanya2013
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