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Fulbright 2012-2013


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There's the link for the spreadsheet! Email fulbright2012.2013@gmail.com with your information if you want to be added.

Many thanks to jennywren237 for making it!

Edited by lkjl2007
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Hey everyone !!

I got recommended for the ETA in Northern Spain. Anyone else got recommended for Cantabria area? If we get accepted, wishful thinking..... do we need to go to DC for a orientation?

Best of luck !!!!!!

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Full grant, Spain, recommended; at-large applicant. Email received Jan 19 at 6:55 PM. Can't believe the first step has passed!

Congrats to everyone who applied, what an intense app! Now, back to waiting ... lol :)

Hey, what city would your project be based in?

Mine would be in BCN.

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Full New Zealand recommended --

lkjl2007: I made a GoogleDoc and shared it with fulbright2012.2013@gmail.com -- you can edit, everyone with the link can view. Hope it helps

Thanks for making this. Does that mean that you have to manage the incoming info yourself?

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Awesome! I would be based in Granada :)

Hey gang,

I'm an eta finalist to spain - other spain people can you clarify for me, I think I'm a bit confused, were there separate regions that you applied for if you were an ETA to somewhere other than madrid? (eg. cantabria, etc.) if not how do you know where your placement would be?


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Does anyone with past Fulbright experience know if they send emails out the next morning/day? I still haven't received any kind of email, and it sounds like most everyone else has. It's probably a minor thing but I would reeeeally like to know at this point.

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I know from a friend who did receive an award (from Belgium) that he received nothing--no email, no phone call, no letter--until March, at which point he was notified that he was an alternate waiting for extra funding. So if you don't hear anything, it's probably not a bad thing; it's much better than hearing *rejection*--at least possibly. Definitely don't give up hope.

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Here is an updated link for the spreadsheet. Right now, anyone who has the link can edit it, so go ahead and add/update your information as you wish. Hopefully no one will come across the link and mess with the spreadsheet. If you'd rather I add you, you can still email fulbright2012.2013(at)gmail(dot)com

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Hi. Received a 'yes' yesterday and was very excited. However , this morning got a note from Fulbright suggesting that I study at a different university than my affiliated school. (Both schools in UK.)Was asked to reply by 5 PM today to set up a phone interview...but I have very strong ties with the proposed Masters at my affiliated school and by far it fits my area of interest much better. Anyone have this happen?

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Does anyone with past Fulbright experience know if they send emails out the next morning/day? I still haven't received any kind of email, and it sounds like most everyone else has. It's probably a minor thing but I would reeeeally like to know at this point.

I never got an email yesterday either, so this morning I called in so I could get the email resent. Turns out I've been recommended for my research grant to Norway! You might want to try contacting them :)

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I never got an email yesterday either, so this morning I called in so I could get the email resent. Turns out I've been recommended for my research grant to Norway! You might want to try contacting them :)

Thanks a bunch for the tip, and congratulations. Who did you speak with when you called? I called the headquarters and told them I was an applicant for an ETA in France. They told me that Rachel Holskin wouldn't be back until Monday and that I should call back then. So it looks like I'll be waiting until Monday for the email. Fortunately, my advisor already told me I was recommended, but I don't think I'll feel totally certain until I get that email.

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Thanks a bunch for the tip, and congratulations. Who did you speak with when you called? I called the headquarters and told them I was an applicant for an ETA in France. They told me that Rachel Holskin wouldn't be back until Monday and that I should call back then. So it looks like I'll be waiting until Monday for the email. Fortunately, my advisor already told me I was recommended, but I don't think I'll feel totally certain until I get that email.

I tried calling Rachel directly, and someone else answered her phone. He directed me to Cara Doble (cdoble@iie.org) and she resent the email. Good luck!

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Anyone know if there's a way, with the spreadsheet, to change how you're viewing the order? Like right now, some awesome person has added some dropdowns and ordered it alphabetically by country, but is there a way we can (according to preference) also look at it ordered by say, grant type, region, academic status, etc?

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Hi all-- posting for the first time. So glad I found somewhere to commiserate during the process.

Recommended for a full grant to Sierra Leone.

Any other Sub-Saharan Africa applicants out there??

Hey Akche,

I'm not a Sierra Leone full granter, but was deciding betweeen a project there or in Spain (ultimately decided on Spain after much thought). So awesome that you could be there next year!

Where would you be based? Freetown or Kenema I presume?


Edited by Espanya2013
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Recommended for ETA to Bulgaria!!!

Exciting, but also depressing because so many of my brilliant friends were rejected. :(

Now I'm busy reading blogs and other miscellany of Fulbrighters to Bulgaria.

Edited by Eternal Icicle
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dont forget to send your transcripts! im not currently enrolled in school I finished my degree last semester so I have to wait until Feb1st when my transcript says my degree has been conferred (im guessing, i'll probably call and ask)

congrats to everyone! im still excited! just hoping Turkey finalists aren't notified super late like the last few years

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