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Fulbright 2012-2013


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hi all

first, to admin of spreadsheet - i emailed you my information about a week ago and it is still not listed. should i send it again?

second, this morning i received confirmation from the german fulbright committee that they will be letting full research candidates know in 'EARLY MARCH'.

so excited, less than two weeks away by my count.

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hi all

first, to admin of spreadsheet - i emailed you my information about a week ago and it is still not listed. should i send it again?

second, this morning i received confirmation from the german fulbright committee that they will be letting full research candidates know in 'EARLY MARCH'.

so excited, less than two weeks away by my count.

good luck!!!!

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hi, i also have admin rights to the spreadsheet. i'm not sure if the admin is keeping up with it because when I checked it yesterday it hadn't been updated in a couple of weeks. but yesterday I went through this thread and added the info from users who have announced their recommendation status (hope you don't mind). for those people, let me know if your info is incorrect and i can change it.

if you want me to add you to the spreadsheet, pm me or email nacci.ann@gmail. i'm sure the admin will get to it but i haven't seen them on as much in the last week or two.

Hi everyone--my apologies. I've been swallowed up by midterms etc. and I haven't really had time to get to the spreadsheet. This weekend, though!

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Hey everyone.

I'm a full-grant finalist to Finland. I've been suffering silently along with you guys and lurking the Fulbright thread. Figured I'd introduce myself :)

I want to hear back sooo bad. I have a few acceptances to grad schools, and I need to let them know. Also, if I receive the grant, I will likely be reapplying to some schools, so I want to get started thinking about where (again).

Anyway, in this moment of particular angst, I figured I would throw a response up here. B) (<--- sunglasses to hide misery due to waiting)

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The spreadsheet has been updated! Go nuts, guys. And good luck to everyone who is supposed to hear in the next couple of months! I mailed part two of my application for the Germany ETA this past Friday, and expect to hear by early-mid April...This is going to be a tough month and a half!

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Hey everyone.

I'm a full-grant finalist to Finland. I've been suffering silently along with you guys and lurking the Fulbright thread. Figured I'd introduce myself :)

I want to hear back sooo bad. I have a few acceptances to grad schools, and I need to let them know. Also, if I receive the grant, I will likely be reapplying to some schools, so I want to get started thinking about where (again).

Anyway, in this moment of particular angst, I figured I would throw a response up here. B) (<--- sunglasses to hide misery due to waiting)

Hi, Stately Plump! I'm in a similar situation - I'm a finalist for an ETA to Russia, but I also applied to graduate schools. I don't know how it works for Finland, but I know the Russia applicants typically don't hear back until mid-April. I went ahead and let my top-choice school know that I was a finalist, and they were very understanding and assured me I could defer if I ultimately get the grant. Are you thinking that you won't accept a spot at any of your current choices if you get the grant? I don't mean to pry; I'm just interested, I guess, in how to approach this whole process. To be honest, I had at first thought that if I got the grant, I would definitely just reapply next year. Now that I have an admit (at a program that really seems to want me!) I'm really having seconds thoughts. Part of me doesn't even want to get the grant, so that I can go ahead and start grad school and know for sure that I made the right choice.

Okay, end awkwardly personal note on a public forum.

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Hi all! I was recommended for a research grant to Mexico in January. Are there any other finalists to Mexico lurking? I had my skype interview with COMEXUS last week so now I'm just sitting tight for one more month...

Hi! I also just had my interview with COMEXUS. Do they tell you when the final decision is going to be made?

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The spreadsheet has been updated! Go nuts, guys. And good luck to everyone who is supposed to hear in the next couple of months! I mailed part two of my application for the Germany ETA this past Friday, and expect to hear by early-mid April...This is going to be a tough month and a half!

From last years spread sheet it looks like most people received their notice by late March. Is there a reason we should expect April?

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All Germany ETA-ers should hear back around the second to the last week of March. The German Kommission was on their game last year and sent out letters way before their early April goal. If the trend holds, than everyone should hear within the next month! Laender aren't determined for another month or so after your initial acceptance so you'll still be in the dark about that.

The Austrian commissioned teaching assistantship notifies their grantees the first week of April which makes the decision even more difficult for those of you who have applied to both countries because unlike the German Kommission, Austria actually tells you in your acceptance email the exact town you're placed in, as well as the individual schools you'll be teaching at.

Good luck to all the Germany-ETA finalists!!

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"Good luck to all the Germany-ETA finalists!!"

One has to love the irony of these well wishes. Clearly everyone will not get the acceptance, 50% will, and wishing luck on one person means wishing him luck against another; but we all still wish each other luck, even as we are in competition against each other. Strange how that works.

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"Good luck to all the Germany-ETA finalists!!"

One has to love the irony of these well wishes. Clearly everyone will not get the acceptance, 50% will, and wishing luck on one person means wishing him luck against another; but we all still wish each other luck, even as we are in competition against each other. Strange how that works.

This is precisely why I'm so glad that there's no country overlap among the recommended candidates at my university. I'd hate to think that our support for one another was insincere! But that doesn't seem to be the case here :)

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"Good luck to all the Germany-ETA finalists!!"

One has to love the irony of these well wishes. Clearly everyone will not get the acceptance, 50% will, and wishing luck on one person means wishing him luck against another; but we all still wish each other luck, even as we are in competition against each other. Strange how that works.

Because "face the facts, only half of you will make it!" is the kind of cheerful optimism I wanted to promote on this thread.

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My support to everybody is sincere, kgba, even against those I am competing with. Largely because once you know someone you cannot possibly dislike them purely because they are against you. It is precisely because we have faces here that we become friendlier (well, personalities, I guess, since there are few actual pictures).

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My support to everybody is sincere, kgba, even against those I am competing with. Largely because once you know someone you cannot possibly dislike them purely because they are against you. It is precisely because we have faces here that we become friendlier (well, personalities, I guess, since there are few actual pictures).


Obviously, the people represented on this board (I'll speak about Germany ETA specifically, since that's what I applied for) are significantly less than even 50% of the total applicants for the positions. Theoretically, all of us represented on the board could be awarded the Germany ETAs we've been recommended for. Statistically it's not realistic.

As a nice person, I like the idea of everyone getting the grant they applied for, realistic or not. I hope that I'll be meeting ALL of the Germany ETA applicants on here at the orientation in the fall.

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Obviously, the people represented on this board (I'll speak about Germany ETA specifically, since that's what I applied for) are significantly less than even 50% of the total applicants for the positions. Theoretically, all of us represented on the board could be awarded the Germany ETAs we've been recommended for. Statistically it's not realistic.

As a nice person, I like the idea of everyone getting the grant they applied for, realistic or not. I hope that I'll be meeting ALL of the Germany ETA applicants on here at the orientation in the fall.

i was thinking that perhaps our working together has given us an extra advantage that those who did not use such Fora might have missed out on. In that sense, we may be in a pretty solid position. Looking at the past acceptance lists, many more seem to receive the ETA than not.

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"Good luck to all the Germany-ETA finalists!!"

One has to love the irony of these well wishes. Clearly everyone will not get the acceptance, 50% will, and wishing luck on one person means wishing him luck against another; but we all still wish each other luck, even as we are in competition against each other. Strange how that works.

I definitely think the wishes are entirely sincere! I think we wish everyone the best and hope everyone's applications were as strong as they could be because there's nothing at this point that could affect our standings, and if our competition is fierce then our acceptances will be that much more rewarding, and our rejections that much more comforting.

Edited by ACO
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Hello All,

To those that applied for an ETA in Germany-I assume you've all sent in your application already? What did your cover letters and resumes look like? The resume was the toughest part for me. I didn't know what to put in and what to leave out, because German resumes often include things like which kindergarten one went to, which I feel is a bit much... But anyway, good luck to all!!!

Hope we will here something soon! When did ETA Germany applicants receive word last year?

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I looked up a number of different sources who either went to Germany ETA or are there now and from what I was told, the Lebenslauf was more or less a biography, in which case it was about the same as the Personal Statement. People I spoke to told me to translate the documents I sent into Fulbright into German, so that is what I did as well. I know a girl who turned her resume into paragraph form and into German, she was the only one I know who did this though.

You can look up our discussions on this in the last few pages. As for hearing back from the Kommission, I heard as early as mid-late March.

Edited by TheodPliske8711
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