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Aha, because it makes me laugh that a bunch of people who are supposed to be so genius read so much into every bit of code on a fricking web site, and postulate theories every time it hiccups.

So, basically, I am making fun of the idea that we are "on to something big" every time a URL changes. Thus, I say,

"Ahaaaaa!" :mrgreen:

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wtf has happened to this forum?

What hath happened here is the true revelation of this era. This era dost be an era of stupidity, naievity, imbecility, foolishness, and chipmunks. Thou art sage to ask this of us, for, as it were once said by the most villainous Sir Guy of Gisbourne, "Fie upon thee, audacious knave!" Truly et verily, this dost show the folly of all those who wait in vain. Theirs shant be a GRFP, nay, for theirs is only the burning fires of despair and hell. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


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That's pretty far out man, I'm like stoned immaculate, or something dudes and dudettes, and this is giving me the spins hehehehe. Dude, Friar man, we sould like meet up sometime, Im gonna frind you on facebook and we should meet up and get wasted. Dude when will they announce this #$@&ing award? I'm like all wound up tryin' to find out. Peace brothers and sistahs!

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Well, I called the line to see what the most recent message was on the 866 number and it appears that their proposed release date is still in "the next two weeks". Hopefully only one more week of waiting, only one more week of crossing the fingers, and only one more week of speculation left.

wtf has happened to this forum?

By the way blah2009, anything new in the way of hints from the NSF GRFP director for us?

Good luck to all!

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wtf has happened to this forum?

lol twas just a metaphor...

But in an attempt to make things right, I can offer some advice to those who want it. At this time, I can't go into details about my situation, but I can say that I am a fortunate limbo-er that will be an awardee. I am an entering grad student and on my application I listed no publications, a low overall GPA, and only one year relevant research experience (but really, it's the quality, not the quantity that counts). I do have solid GRE scores and several other redeeming qualities. :P Very importantly (i think...), I had emphasized the broader impacts and asked my LOR writers to recount my actions and support my intentions.

...anyway, that's all I've got for now. Good luck everyone!

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First of all, congrats!

Now tell me one thing. Is there a glimmer of hope for any of the rest of us?


Don't know how many additional awards they are planning to give out, but from what I've gathered, it seems that everyone in the "limbo" group is (more or less) very qualified. Those with applications that have something that "sticks out" (good or bad) will have the better chance. If it's 'bad', then there better be a ton of 'good' to back the application up!

I wish you the best...

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lol twas just a metaphor...

But in an attempt to make things right, I can offer some advice to those who want it. At this time, I can't go into details about my situation, but I can say that I am a fortunate limbo-er that will be an awardee. I am an entering grad student and on my application I listed no publications, a low overall GPA, and only one year relevant research experience (but really, it's the quality, not the quantity that counts). I do have solid GRE scores and several other redeeming qualities. :P Very importantly (i think...), I had emphasized the broader impacts and asked my LOR writers to recount my actions and support my intentions.

...anyway, that's all I've got for now. Good luck everyone!

So even though you can't go into details about your situation, can you tell us how you received the information that you won? If not, I completely understand. I'm just wondering if you found out somehow specifically to your field? (One of the professors in my home department is a CO and she has said that for her field (not the one I applied for) there have been no announcements re: new awards and that students would find out via email or the online list before professors. She also said that to her knowledge no one knows the total number of awards yet and that the earliest we can hope for is May -- but I hope she's wrong.)

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i'll buy a vowel, mr. trebek, for 1475.

1475 = my wager for total number of awards for 2009. of course, i'm terrible at solving those dang puzzles. look, appropriations have been made, awards may be imminent... this is a but a distraction, as is reading public law text. sure, potatosack may be full of potatoes, but the joy of the interweb is anonymity.

winner (nearest #) gets an email from the grfp.

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To be honest, I don't have very much information either and I don't know what CO means. I think your professor is correct and no official announcements will be made to departments prior to a fastlane update.

Hypothetically speaking... how could someone find out results before they are posted? Would someone have to be part of the review panel to know?

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Has anyone heard anything this week yet?

Are we all giving up? What's happening?

I hath heard that thou art a fool. And a wycked knave. The end is nigh, but not for ye GRFP announcements. The apocalypse doth be at hand! Repent, ye wycked synnyrs!

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I hath heard that thou art a fool. And a wycked knave. The end is nigh, but not for ye GRFP announcements. The apocalypse doth be at hand! Repent, ye wycked synnyrs!

Friar Tuck, you are a bully, and I don't think you're one to speak about sinning. The last time I checked, gluttony and wrath are two of the deadly sins. By most accounts it seems that you've had just a few too many ales, and from your own rants, it seems that you're a pretty wrathful guy. Maybe you should tone down on the anger, you may give yourself a heart attack!

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It's weird seeing this forum so dead! Has anyone heard anything this week yet?

Are we all giving up? What's happening?

Nope,not giving up. (strains of the rick roll in my head). I am on this board and waiting patiently (okay, not so patiently) by my email hoping I am one of the lucky limbo-folk who get one of the additional awards. How was everyone's weekend?

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we're not giving up, just don't have much to say at this point. how do you discuss waiting? "gee, it sucks" and "darn, i hope i get an award" about sums it up. personally, i'm enjoying spring and trying not to worry too much.

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