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I really think we'll hear by Tuesday. Everything seems ready this time. And I also think we're going to make it to 200 pages/3000 posts!

i finally caved and registered on this forum. i just had to. i've been here since the beginning but never wanted to get sucked in... anyway, i thought i might relay a story to illustrate how crazy this whole waiting period has been for me. right around the time i started obsessively checking this forum (last few days of march) i got an email from my advisor telling me about a temporary cast member position opening up on a really sweet TV show. i applied and am now one of two people they're considering having on the show. i'm supposed to find out if i made it ~may 20th.

this is the absurdity: all in the time i've been on pins and needles about NSF, i found out about the opening, applied to a tv show, auditioned twice, made it to the final two, and have waited two of the three weeks it's taking the network to make their final decision. the producer was sort of apologetic about how long it takes the network to make decisions like this, and i sort of chuckled... just tack this somewhat reasonable waiting period onto the most outrageous wait ever... no biggie!

so basically now, it's a "race" between NSF and the network. and since i've got an approximate date from the latter, it'd really just slay me if i found out both on the same day. if meowser is right and we do find out on tuesday (or weds - close enough!), it could happen...

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I would like to offer this to everybody - what's meant to be will be. I'm a determinist, and I assume many of you are. If you're on a course better pursued by a tv gig, cool. If not, sweet. If no nsf, also okay. Maybe many of you obsessives identify with me when I say this isn't just a career, this is my life. Makes it emotionally investing, huh? However, honorable mention is highly regarded, and to make it even sweeter, we'll all kick ass in subsequent years and show them how they really really should have funded us in the early years. I just 'defended' my first year project and they all said "You did this in one year!?" etc. All I did was work my pants off and hope for the best, and apparently it was impressive. I'm still not satisfied though, and I won't be satisfied even if I do get the fellowship. If anything, I'll work harder after I hear either way. Whether that's to prove them wrong or do them proud is the only thing in my mind that's uncertain.

But money always makes the process more comfortable :)

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i finally caved and registered on this forum. i just had to. i've been here since the beginning but never wanted to get sucked in... anyway, i thought i might relay a story to illustrate how crazy this whole waiting period has been for me. right around the time i started obsessively checking this forum (last few days of march) i got an email from my advisor telling me about a temporary cast member position opening up on a really sweet TV show. i applied and am now one of two people they're considering having on the show. i'm supposed to find out if i made it ~may 20th.

this is the absurdity: all in the time i've been on pins and needles about NSF, i found out about the opening, applied to a tv show, auditioned twice, made it to the final two, and have waited two of the three weeks it's taking the network to make their final decision. the producer was sort of apologetic about how long it takes the network to make decisions like this, and i sort of chuckled... just tack this somewhat reasonable waiting period onto the most outrageous wait ever... no biggie!

so basically now, it's a "race" between NSF and the network. and since i've got an approximate date from the latter, it'd really just slay me if i found out both on the same day. if meowser is right and we do find out on tuesday (or weds - close enough!), it could happen...

For me, the big race is between the NSF and a bone I broke the first weekend in April. If all goes as expected, my doctor will find that the bone has healed when I go in on Wednesday 5/20.

(For what it's worth, I used to use the username Dead Skunk, but I forgot my password, and I couldn't use the recovery feature because I signed up with a disposable temporary email address.)

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so basically now, it's a "race" between NSF and the network. and since i've got an approximate date from the latter, it'd really just slay me if i found out both on the same day. if meowser is right and we do find out on tuesday (or weds - close enough!), it could happen...
For me, the big race is between the NSF and a bone I broke the first weekend in April. If all goes as expected, my doctor will find that the bone has healed when I go in on Wednesday 5/20.

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"GRFP will be unavailable on Sunday May 17th from 12:00 AM - 8:00 AM ET for scheduled system maintenance. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Okay, is this it finally it? Or is this routine maintenance?

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"GRFP will be unavailable on Sunday May 17th from 12:00 AM - 8:00 AM ET for scheduled system maintenance. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Okay, is this it finally it? Or is this routine maintenance?

Yeah, my guess for a while has been announcement on Monday. Somebody posted a while back that NSF people were meeting on/around the 15th, and I figured they'd get their shit together over the weekend and be ready to go public early in the next week.

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"GRFP will be unavailable on Sunday May 17th from 12:00 AM - 8:00 AM ET for scheduled system maintenance. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Okay, is this it finally it? Or is this routine maintenance?

routine maintenance, most likely. the message is the same as every other sunday update.

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next week, based on past performances, the grfp site will take down the 'one week' estimate and replace it with nothing. in two weeks, that message will be replaced by a different vague message postponing release.

LOL ... but that would make this groundhog day, wouldn't it?

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Has anyone looked closely at the .xls award list for the first 950 and computed discipline representation? I only saw about 2/3 of the number of awards given in my discipline compared to the last 2-3 years.

If I remember correctly, there are about 10-15 less so far for mechanical engineering than in recent years.

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+6 for my area. due to increased #of applications?

I like to hope that it's b/c if strings did come attached to the stimulus money, mechanical engineering proposals are usually more general and more likely to satisfy what-ever those strings might be. But that's just wishful thinking.

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If I remember correctly, there are about 10-15 less so far for mechanical engineering than in recent years.

Then I'm in trouble, because last year they awarded 10 in my discipline and this year they awarded 12. :::sigh:::

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Since they tend to say "two weeks" when they mean six, maybe they keep saying 900-1600 fellowships, but they mean three times that. It fits the pattern. So here's to more waiting!

I vote we let them know who we are, that we've been actively working on determining our fate, and because of that they should let us have an award. Okay, so it's a little weird, but if it works .... :D

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Then I'm in trouble, because last year they awarded 10 in my discipline and this year they awarded 12. :::sigh:::

Lol, probably not. I just entirely made that up to explain the jump from 50(2006), 55(2007), 53(2008), to 41(2009). I can't imagine mechanical engineering become less important to the government. Though, It seems electrical had a similar drop in recent years w/o the hope of extra stimulus money 42(2007),36(2008), then 34(2009). So my hope probably isn't true.

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I vote we let them know who we are, that we've been actively working on determining our fate, and because of that they should let us have an award. Okay, so it's a little weird, but if it works .... :D

as if nsf doesn't know and track ip addresses with online application submissions and forum trolling.

reposting this seems appropriate:

RT "# @schar Thank you for notifying us. We will consider, and notify you. Remember, the internet is omniscient.6:21 AM Apr 23rd from web in reply to schar"

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So I had to call, I haven't called in weeks. The woman on the phone sounded terribly weary - even said that they are as anxious as all of us to get this over with. All she could tell me was that the NSF has not given them any time frame (after she told me one week, and I politely reminded her that it said one week last Tuesday, and two weeks five weeks ago), but that they hope that this is posted by early next week.

So I don't know anything more than I did a few minutes ago, really.

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I vote we let them know who we are, that we've been actively working on determining our fate, and because of that they should let us have an award. Okay, so it's a little weird, but if it works .... :D

Could backfire....look at how much time we are wasting.

That being said.... anyone good at using R? I am trying to figure out how to run a slightly complicated Monte Carlo and I've never done anything similar to what I need to do before. This is a fun little puzzle, might make the time pass faster?

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So I had to call, I haven't called in weeks. The woman on the phone sounded terribly weary - even said that they are as anxious as all of us to get this over with. All she could tell me was that the NSF has not given them any time frame (after she told me one week, and I politely reminded her that it said one week last Tuesday, and two weeks five weeks ago), but that they hope that this is posted by early next week.

So I don't know anything more than I did a few minutes ago, really.

it is groundhog's day!

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as if nsf doesn't know and track ip addresses with online application submissions and forum trolling.

reposting this seems appropriate:

RT "# @schar Thank you for notifying us. We will consider, and notify you. Remember, the internet is omniscient.6:21 AM Apr 23rd from web in reply to schar"

Yeah, but I'm still not buying that the folks who tweeted that are anything knowledgeable in the NSF. Hell, I can set up an account that says I'm GRFP if I wanted to. Or maybe I'm just being overly optimistic that someone in an official capacity wouldn't threaten folks with trolling.

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