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look on p.2 of that presentation to see award projections.

Those numbers are old. Long before the economy died. There has already been an increase of 4 percent on the number awards from last year. In the eyes of NSF, I'm sure that's a victory.

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So before NSF got stimulus money, you're saying they were projecting a maximum of 1600 awardees? How does that make any sense under their old budget?

NSF does this all the time. 1600 was considered a max given what they REQUESTED in the 2009 budget. Suffice it to say, they didn't get all the money the asked for. Also, forget about the stimulus money. It has been perpetuated in this forum that NSF will get 3b yada yada yada. Yes, but if you look in the actual bill, no where does it say it will/must be spent on GRFP. The money is being used for other programs.

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After like 5 months after submitting my app, I am still waiting - and what the hell does an HM give you anyway?

perhaps a bit tacky, but a line on your CV? You also have access to their supercomputer, if that floats your boat.

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I called again to see about my ranking and the woman told me that I was in group II....well she said "you are in the second group to be considered" and that I should "hear back at the end of next week but there are no guarantees about that date". And, I haven't gotten an email, so maybe they did not email group II, only 1 & 4?

Given that it looks like 10% got awards, I think the top 1/3 of group II did get awards already. I'm not sure you can read too much into that cryptic statement though. Just to play devil's advocate (and I apologize if this upsets you) could she have meant 2nd group as in Group III if they're down to only group II and group III it might mean that? Although in reality I think they've probably regrouped them even more and you have a good chance. If they are in a new category system (of just the HM's and potential winners) then we don't know how many people are in each group so we don't really know what being in the second group means.

I plan to leave them alone, although I do want to know. (Wouldn't that be something if they looked up your personal file just to pull you from the running?) Right now at least 90% of us who don't know got HM or the award. HM isn't as sweet (well for someone like me who doesn't even know what I could use the teragrid for) but I'm sure any of the people who got rejected already would love to get HM over rejection.

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"$125 million, a 30-percent increase, for the NSF-wide graduate research fellowship program, which recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are expected to significantly contribute to research, teaching, and future innovations in science and engineering"


Those are not real numbers. Just what was requested. That's how they figured 1600.

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Has anyone that is in "limbo" called and found out they were rejected? Just wondering how many rejection emails from the first group haven't been sent yet.

I don't think you have to worry about being rejected. I think it's been established that limbo = HM in all likelihood. You may end up with cash.

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Has anyone that is in "limbo" called and found out they were rejected? Just wondering how many rejection emails from the first group haven't been sent yet.

I spoke with two individuals. One said there would be no more rejections and only HM's/awarded applications. The other said that it's very unlikely that there would be any more rejections.

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Wow! That's promising. I will just hope now there hasn't been a email mishap!

I spoke with two individuals. One said there would be no more rejections and only HM's/awarded applications. The other said that it's very unlikely that there would be any more rejections.

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15 years from now, people's CVs will say "2009 NSF GRFP Recipient - 1st Round"

On a similar note: Do any of you guys feel that if you did end up getting the actual award after the limbo phase, that you'd sort of feel inadequate on the inside? :( I'm banking on an HM on this point I guess, but if I did get the award I don't think I'd be as happy about it as I would a "first round" pick.

Granted, I'm not doing it for the money--more for the self-validation aspect of it all. I guess that would explain how I feel.

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i called the 866 number, got a chill person (male) asked for my name (after i told him about others getting email notification about their status). he then told me (like others report) that my "status was still under review."

at first, i didn't think many new awards would be awarded (not this cycle at least) but considering how long they are taking now (if they do announce next friday, which is more than 2 weeks after "end of march"), the time frame seems reasonable to ask some members of panels to re-review files and go through a smaller version of the process they went through in feb.

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i called the 866 number, got a chill person (male) asked for my name (after i told him about others getting email notification about their status). he then told me (like others report) that my "status was still under review."

at first, i didn't think many new awards would be awarded (not this cycle at least) but considering how long they are taking now (if they do announce next friday, which is more than 2 weeks after "end of march"), the time frame seems reasonable to ask some members of panels to re-review files and go through a smaller version of the process they went through in feb.

it doesn't work that way. all the files were reviewed mid-feb. The top 7 percent get the awards automatically. The next 13 percent may get awards up to the discretion of the NSF (for geographical concerns, or whatnot). People will not be re-reviewing anything. It's simply a numbers game. Just hope you are lucky.

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reading about all these second round awards, etc. just makes me feel even crappier about my straight-out rejections.

me too. but if it's any consolation, 99 per cent of these people will end up with HM. Same as you and I...no money. Does that make you feel less crappy?

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Hi everyone, I've been lurking for a while but now I've joined you!

I finally broke down an decided to call, as I am also in limbo. I asked the woman I spoke to if there are anymore rejections going out or if the remaining pool is all HM or awards. She said that they are still deciding, and it could be "any of those." I tried to clarify, but then she told me to just wait for the email. Vague. So it sounds like maybe there are more rejections in the second pool, but I hope the rest of you are correct instead! She wasn't as nice as the other people you guys talked to.

Also, not that this happens a lot, but if someone decides not to accept their award does it go to an HM or do they just keep the money for next year?

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