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Generally, when you ask someone something "off the record," you don't immediately report it to others.

But thanks!


to me it means that it's just a guess and if they're not right, I'm not going to call up and complain that I was promised there would be 500 more fellowships.

I guess there's some wiggle room in the definition of "Off the record" then huh?

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Generally, when you ask someone something "off the record," you don't immediately report it to others.

But thanks!

While thou art, under circumstances of the variety typical, a fool of the greatest magnitude, it these words, thou dost show glimmers of hope. Thy words hath a veracity to which the light of day sayeth, "Joy."

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Does this mean that's when they're going to send out emails? I sent them an email finally to ask about my status about 3 hours ago and they haven't gotten back to me... how long have other people waited?

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Welcome to the FastLane Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

GRFP will be unavailable from 12:00 AM ET - 8:00 AM ET Sunday, April 19th for scheduled maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience.

as those of us who've been here for a long time already know, scheduled maintenance doesn't usually correlate with any changes on the website or announcements. plus, i doubt they'd send emails out on a sunday morning...

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It's interesting that they have dropped the statement on the complexity of the budget situation from the Fastlane website....

:::sigh::: We are latching on to every little change as something positive. This of course is not an indictment from me to you ... on the contrary, you are giving me hope. :) What a let-down this will be when I end up an HM.

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Yesterday I was congratulated in passing by my mentor for being awarded a nsf grf. I have not received any official notices and said professor has remained silent since then. :shock: Don't know what this means exactly, but potentially it could be the light at the end of the tunnel.

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Yesterday I was congratulated in passing by my mentor for being awarded a nsf grf. I have not received any official notices and said professor has remained silent since then. :shock: Don't know what this means exactly, but potentially it could be the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thy professor, if such a position of wisdom and authority is truly held by so great a fool, dost be the greatest deceiver since the wycked Alfred of Lancaster. The words of this fool do bring anger to my face, and, shouldst he ever again open his mouth with intent so wycked, mine quarterstaff shalt split his head in like manner that the sunrise doth split night and day. Justice shall be done, and this pompous moron shalt be on the receiving end.

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I don't remember, when was the "two weeks" note put up?

The first note we got was one week, and that was the weekend after the initial list went up. I saw the "two weeks" thing at the beginning of last week, therefore, I am hoping that we will find out by the end of this week. If not I'll just pretend it never happened, and go back to life as it was :|

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