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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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In general? I'm not sure. In USC's case I know they have the Provost Fellowship, which you are nominated for by your department and compete for with admitted students from all the university. It's a pretty sweet deal though.

I wonder how many other schools have such a set up

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I'm officially losing it. From the moment I wake up until the hours I spend tossing and turning in bed, my mind is thoroughly preoccupied with applications.

My wacky application dream consisted of one of my recommenders calling me into his office and telling me that my usage of which/that was so consistently wrong that I would need to pay him $10 per letter in order for him to recommend me.

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Awww, C&C. That's actually pretty funny. Deep breaths. Vodka. Chocolate. Repeat.

In an effort to keep my mind of off applications, I decided that now would be a great time to start brushing up on one of my other languages. I thought I'd solicit thoughts on Rosetta Stone. Anyone? It's for a romance language that I have very little training in, but would like to be able to read someday, and to speak a little of. Have any of you used it? Do you recommend it? I'd rather spend $500 on the complete set than $5500 to take the summer courses.

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In an effort to keep my mind of off applications, I decided that now would be a great time to start brushing up on one of my other languages. I thought I'd solicit thoughts on Rosetta Stone. Anyone? It's for a romance language that I have very little training in, but would like to be able to read someday, and to speak a little of. Have any of you used it? Do you recommend it? I'd rather spend $500 on the complete set than $5500 to take the summer courses.

I have used it for a little bit and it does a good job of giving you a basic understanding of a language, if you're willing to invest the time. I, unfortunately, did not have the time to fully invest in it but the few days that I spent using it came in really handy when I was on vaccation. That's my small & somewhat horrible input.

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Congratulations, CPetersen! If you end up a Trojan, I suspect you'll find scholars in the history department as committed to the development of their students as one would like.

USC has been very aggressive in their recruitment.

FWIW, this was my experience as well.

Edited by Sigaba
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Someone googled me for the first time tonight and I have a pretty unique name so I doubt he/she was looking for someone else. I guess I've generated at least some interest out there.

Yes, I've had several over the past couple of days. One can only hope this is a good sign, right?

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how do you find out if someone googles you?

You need to make a profile on academia.edu and the site will send you an email if someone googles you and clicks on a link to your profile there. You can view what the person's google search term was and what country he/she was in.

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Someone googled me for the first time tonight and I have a pretty unique name so I doubt he/she was looking for someone else. I guess I've generated at least some interest out there.

Are you sure you don't have a stalker?

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time for my annual "turn off the internet" post:

most of you won't hear anything, positive or negative, until mid-february. right now, it's mid-january. with a few exceptions (which seem to be genuine surprises, so there's no way to predict them) you won't get any news for the next 3-4 weeks. so do yourself a favour and don't visit this website in that time. if you get an email from a school, it will arrive regardless of whether or not you check this website. if you get a letter in the mail, that will also arrive regardless of the power of the internet. if february 15 comes and goes with no word, log back on and see if others have heard from the same school yet. but do yourself a favour and wait until february 15 to start haunting this place in the hope that you'll get some inside info. otherwise, the next month will crawl.

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Tay, do you ever find that Academia.edu lists several searches/page views, but didn't catch the search keywords?

Not yet, but I haven't been on academia.edu for very long. I'll look out for that in the future.

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Interesting thing I just noticed as well. Just checked my app status on the Columbia page and I saw that my thesis adviser submitted two recs. I wonder if she wanted to do that or if it was a strange fluke in the system.

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Someone posted interviews for History from UPenn and Yale on the results page...

I've read the history forum recently, but refrained from commenting (per StrangeLight's views on the matter) since things will arrive when they arrive, the Penn one seems a bit odd considering that it says the person got an interview offer on Dec 15. Not saying it's made up, but just that applications to Penn were due on that day, so seems a bit unlikely...

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Interesting thing I just noticed as well. Just checked my app status on the Columbia page and I saw that my thesis adviser submitted two recs. I wonder if she wanted to do that or if it was a strange fluke in the system.

Yeah yeah, I have a duplicate submission from a recommender too. Not sure what's up with that.

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