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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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To be fair, the quantitative section is reputed to be much easier for math/science people than the verbal section is for history/english/humanities people. Math and science people often totally bomb the verbal section.

This. And a lot of humanities/social sciences types do very well in the math section, which tends to be pretty elementary. Now, I don't know how much has changed in the verbal section, since the "computer : apricot cake" section is what tended to throw people off. At least the impression I got.

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One of my ever so wise professors was right. Third time truly is a charm. I just.. heard some good vibes from one of my top 3 choices... Not official for another week. Just got to be super quiet in my office... then I will scream when I go home.

Congrats to all the good news!!

Keikei- PM me if you want more details on Miami.

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Congrats on the good vibes, tmp. For all the reasonable, measured advice you've offered this forum since I've been visiting it, I'm rooting for you almost as much as I am for myself.

I would trade a rejection at one school for something encouraging from another school at this point. This radio silence is getting tough to navigate in.

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I'm at work not doing enough work because I'm staring at this site.


I've been telling fellow applicants all week: "What ever you do, DO NOT VISIT THE GRADCAFE!!!!!!"

Congrats TMP and owl and all other with good news...

Best of luck to those still waiting...

...near as I can tell, everyone who has reported rejections still has at least 3-5 schools left right?


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Hey guys, I'm sorry for my emotional explosion about UVA...... I totally erupted in a wave of self-pity after ONE acceptance - it was thoroughly irrational. I just really love that program. But I promise, no more melodramatic freakouts. Sorry!

Totally understandable. I finished class early and am now sitting on my kitchen floor, updating the results survey in between painting my toenails and watching Crazy Stupid Love. Things have rapidly degenerated around here.

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I can vouch for kelkel, its true...between the two of us, we've been rather OCD on the board :)

I really don't like my place of work, so I try to do things other than work quite often. This is less obvious than sitting at other people's desk. :P

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As much as I think you guys are just nuts/crazy, this board is becoming dangerous for me to read in my super-quiet office. These conversations are making me giggle! *covers mouth* Whoever accepts you, the program will certainly be lucky to have people with a sense of humor!

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I definitely wouldn't call. i don't even know their phone numbers. And I don't want to know. Can you imagine how awful it would be if they angrily dismissed/rejected/brushed you aside by phone? Or worse, if they were on the fence about you and your irritating phone call pushed you from the fence to the thorn filled ditch?

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Hey all, just pulling my hair out like all of you! I am getting more nervous by the hour because an Illinois acceptance has been posted already!

Does anybody know anything about when we should be hearing from Minnesota, Ohio State? And did anybody else apply to Kansas State here? I am most anxious about that one since they fit my interests perfectly, however I had to apply for the MA program there. When are MAs generally decided upon?

I know that all of the answers may be speculation, but I have no way of finding out from any "insiders." Thanks!

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