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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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Yeah, me too...... I read my writing sample last night for the first time in months and that made me feel a little more confident, but I really need a positive and concrete response from just one of my programs. Sigh.

I did that too for an unrelated purpose about a week ago. It also made me feel confident, because I think it's well written, well researched, original and creative. But when I start down that path, I think about the fact that my research interests aren't "trendy" or popular right now. Ugh.

I can remember lots of posts saying "I wish it was Feb 15 already". Now that's passed, we're seeing "I wish it was March". Once it's March, it will be "I wish it was April" and then after April 15, it will be "I wish it was August". No judgments - I'm right there with you. But for a bunch of historians, we're certainly fixated on the future.

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Oh my god.... That's amazing!!!!! Is there any coffee left within a 50 mile radius of you? :) If you adjust for weekdays/weekends, it looks like we are right in the thick of it.

I just remembered how abominable/non-existent my Excel skills are.

Edited by crazedandinfused
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If you have any questions about Philadelphia, PM me. I lived there for over a decade.

Thanks so much, but I actually declined UPenn's offer last week! I think I'd like Philly a lot though :)

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Some activity on the results page... Vanderbilt started notifying people!

Oh, great. Now we get to wait on Rutgers and Vandy for the next couple of days. These are my last two programs to hear from, so it is pretty incredible that I could be completely done hearing back from my programs by tomorrow. I've thrown in the towel with Vandy already, but I'm still interested in seeing the outcome. I'm seriously considering calling Rutgers to see if all their decisions are out, but I won't. No movement on this board today like I thought there might be.

Looks like we're in the same boat, cooperstreet. Good luck!

AND now there's a wait list. Congrats to those Vandy applicants who have gotten news already!

Edited by wikichic
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Oh wow...

Welcome to the forums Aedes, though something tells me you've been lurking. What an entrance.

Interesting graphs. It seems that in both years, acceptances held steady or outpaced rejections early on. But that changed in the 2011 graph around this time. Yikes. Also confirms what we already knew - that we've got a whole lot of decisions to hear in the next month and a half.

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Yes, I have finally come to accept that there is no avoiding this board. I tried just to glance at it every once and a while, but after waking up at 2am last night and checking GC on my phone, I figured I might as well join y'all.

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Haha, thank you! You can right-click on the image, select "open image in new tab", and bookmark it from there (in Chrome at least).

And of course, this was procrastination at its best - I am suppose to have an article written and in my adviser's hands tomorrow!

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Hi ! I have to share my astonishment at my results so far- has ANYONE heard of this!?! I have now been waitlisted at 3 programs- IU, Illinois, and Northwestern, but still no firm acceptances. Tell me honestly, what are my chances of getting in come April- to ANY of these schools! I have been informed by IU at least, that I am in the upper 25% . Not sure what that means... but I am confuddled by this whole thing! What are the odds!?

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Thanks, STF. I do Nineteenth Century U.S. history with quantitative/HGIS/interdisciplinary methods (big surprise with the graphs and all, right?!).

Last year there were approximately 1010 History results posted. This year there have been about 379 results posted. I say "approximately/about" for these because, while I tried to weed out posts that were messages ("to the poster below"), I have not been through the data with a fine-toothed comb.

Hang in there, though; I have only heard back from one program out of seven, so we're all in the same boat (besides the chosen few... tmp, saff).

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Aedes, are are SO on the same page about treating history more like a social science field... I am quite excited to integrate GIS into my work! FWIW, I'm in middle of setting up a database for my project so I can get the hard numbers.

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