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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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C&C: We have a few apps in common. Maybe we'll get good news together next month!

Yes! Can I ask which concentration you chose at UIC? I found it impossible to choose but went with the WRGUW (Work, Race, and Gender in the Urban World). And my hierarchy of preference is essentially the order in which the appear in my signature, with a little bit of latitude at the end of the pack.

CPetersen: you are spared the app season insomnia from which I am currently suffering. Lucky......

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I'm doing the intellectual and cultural history of the American West, late nineteenth and early twentieth century, focusing on people like Josiah Royce, Frank Norris, Mary Austin, Timothy O'Sullivan, writers, artists, intellectuals, problems of regionalism and the experience of place. It's a pretty untouched field. I'm excited. Thanks for all the congrats! I was pretty shocked to get that email — didn't expect anything nearly this early.

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Yes! Can I ask which concentration you chose at UIC? I found it impossible to choose but went with the WRGUW (Work, Race, and Gender in the Urban World). And my hierarchy of preference is essentially the order in which the appear in my signature, with a little bit of latitude at the end of the pack.

Well, I'm a Europeanist, so I went with the Encounters track. I met with my POI there, back in October, and she emphasized the importance of proposing my research to fit that track, given my geographical/temporal areas. So I really tried to highlight that in my application. The building that houses the History Department there looks like a weird mid-century, dreary monster of a building though.

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I'm so sick of deary, monster buildings...... UVA, please help me out here.

I met with the DGS at one of my upper mid-level schools and he was super enthusiastic about my application. I hope that my transcripts don't scare them away.

This thread is going to be a thousand pages long.

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I think I'm dealing with the fact that two of my applications were due two hours ago and that one of my recommenders hasn't submitted those two yet rather calmly.

Have you ever read Vic Gatrell's "City of Laughter"? I figured on account of your avatar.....

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I think I'm dealing with the fact that two of my applications were due two hours ago and that one of my recommenders hasn't submitted those two yet rather calmly.

Have you ever read Vic Gatrell's "City of Laughter"? I figured on account of your avatar.....

YES. And also, you know this, but don't sweat the mildly late LORs. As long as they submit them within the next few days, you'll be fine.

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Talk about neurotic: Now I'm tossing and turning due to concern that my use of the word "feminist" on the first page of my WS is anachronistic because it refers to a very early, pre Elizabeth Cady Stanton, women's rights advocate. Anyone care to opine on what gender equality may have meant in Boston, 1833?

Christ, it's 250 in the morning.

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Talk about neurotic: Now I'm tossing and turning due to concern that my use of the word "feminist" on the first page of my WS is anachronistic because it refers to a very early, pre Elizabeth Cady Stanton, women's rights advocate. Anyone care to opine on what gender equality may have meant in Boston, 1833?

Christ, it's 250 in the morning.

Well if it makes you feel better, a lot of major works use the term 'feminist' to refer to early women's rights activists. It's my pet peeve though lol

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Ahh this is all very exciting. Congrats CPetersen!

Don't worry goldielocks, you aren't the only turtle looking out the rainy window. The past few months have been going by rather quickly for me, but I think molasses is going by quicker than January. I started to mark off the days on my work calendar (something I never do), just to see how far I've come and how much waiting is left.

In other news, I got word over the weekend that my senior thesis was accepted to be published again! The journal is a student run historical journal out of a university in Louisiana, but nevertheless, exciting news!

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I have a hard time allowing myself to think I'm going to get an offer from anyone. I suppose it's how I minimize risk of disappointment. Has everyone else made a list like this? I feel like I'm going to jinx myself if I even think about it. Irrational, I know. But I do.

I think like this all the time...its creating an internal Poe-like dialouge which reverberates diabolically throughout my psyche:

"No way these schools will accept me..."

"But, my application is sound..."

"But, its me! there is no way..."

"But I worked hard and did what "they" said I had to..."

"Hello! you applied to Yale!? Have you ever met you?! Your a joke compared to a real student!..."

"Good GPA, good GRE, good letters, nice thesis, a couple of papers presented- this is what gets people in! relax, I'm fine..."

"LMAO!!!! You tool...and don't go groveling for sympathy when you get NO offers- even your 'safety net' school is a top 25 program!"

"So far no one has said no! Plus, I can always teach high school with my MA if I don't get in anywhere..."

"Middle school..."

Fortunately, this only happens every 60 minutes or so...

Congrats CPete...must feel wonderful knowing right off the bat that you have a top-notch quality awaiting you no matter what happens from here....

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Come on now ADMITedlyLucky ... if you spell "you're" as "your" then there's NO way Yale will admit you ... I keed I keed ... but in all honesty congrats to CPetersen the most envied person on this forum right now ... how did you get so lucky? I guess now the angst is going to be ratcheted up to a new level ... a lot of the schools I've contacted have said their ADCOMs weren't meeting yet b/c school is barely starting so for some the wait will be even worse (looking at you Ivy kids) ... the game's afoot!

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Come on now ADMITedlyLucky ... if you spell "you're" as "your" then there's NO way Yale will admit you ... I keed I keed ... but in all honesty congrats to CPetersen the most envied person on this forum right now ... how did you get so lucky? I guess now the angst is going to be ratcheted up to a new level ... a lot of the schools I've contacted have said their ADCOMs weren't meeting yet b/c school is barely starting so for some the wait will be even worse (looking at you Ivy kids) ... the game's afoot!

My guess is that he's been nominated to some internal fellowship. USC has been very aggressive in their recruitment.

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Sooo I had a dream last night that the school considering me for a fellowship called and said there was one more step in the process. I had to go to a campus visit, and participate in this history game show thing. Against the other finalists. It was like The Price is Right/Jeopardy/Who Wants to be a Millionaire.


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How rare these internal fellowships?

In general? I'm not sure. In USC's case I know they have the Provost Fellowship, which you are nominated for by your department and compete for with admitted students from all the university. It's a pretty sweet deal though.

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That sounds fun.

It was not fun. I kept getting all of these questions about Byzantium and other things outside of my specialization. And then one of the rounds was in like Arabic or something. I was so upset in my dream.

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In other news, I got word over the weekend that my senior thesis was accepted to be published again! The journal is a student run historical journal out of a university in Louisiana, but nevertheless, exciting news!

That's wonderful. Congratulations!

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That's wonderful. Congratulations!

Thank you!

That dream does sound crazy. I haven't had any grad school related dreams, which is awesome, because they would probably drive me nuts. However, I did have one where my boyfriend was in league with a serial killer. I'd take your game show dream over that any day.

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